The supervisor does not die from owing his mouth

The supervisor is not dying from the Yinger Chapter 543

So after turning a circle, there was a probably spectral score in the bottom of the supervisor. This hunting ground and memory are similar. In addition to some random refresh areas look slightly illegal, they are generally beneficial to themselves.

In particular, the two discarded buses were attached together, and they actually brushed the wooden boards that can be put down ... Waiting, the problem is, this time 'Butcher' is a meal?

After the head of the head, he went to the moment. It was free to walk in the hunting ground, and then he squatted in the grass, and he looked at the 'butcher' halfway from the side.

If you don't miss the wrong, the way is heavy, but the speed is still fast, it is a 'Butcher who will place the beast to hunt the escape from the unresolved way.

It's a bit difficult, this is the supervisor to pay attention to your feet. It is not a good experience to step on the clip, and it will be directly loaded, and there is no chance to even resist.

In short, when it walked away, the supervisor thought for a while, and got up and ran to the direction he didn't have to go, and the road continued to pay attention to the unlighted skull totems, and remember their position in the heart.

After you haven't looked at the fifth totem, I found that the supervisor is about a bit, knowing this 'Butcher' is a situation.

When I passed a generator placed in the center of the globlock, the supervisor saw that Bill is all god, and after he is light, he is too unfair, and the truth is true, the game belongs to the game. Looking at the employee to watch the employee, the supervisor is still quite curious, how is this thing to do, can you adjust while running?

Now he finally understands, this equipment is all black smoke, they drive the engine, when the supervisor reached out, take the initiative to plug some bearings and need to adjust the East and West, the supervisor only needs to put it correctly enough.

Very convenient, it is also very strange, but this is not related to the supervisor, what he has to do is very simple, use his own physical strength to tell the 'evil spirits', it will never want to eat anyone from the company.

Author message:

Ps: ... The automatic subscription is blown again ... I feel that the data is unusually powerful - Of course, there is a big half of the book suddenly abandoned the way. (

PS4: ...... Ok, ask for a blade to ask for everything, although it is Saturday-

703. Clear thinking, clear goals, probably this?

The distant screamed, it seems that there is a cut, the supervisor immediately got up, and the result of half the work in his hand was put down. This generator was ignited by the electric spark, and the 'bang' exploded, let the next Bill hand shake.

Then let it have an explosion, but Bill did not say anything, but reached his finger, it refers to the direction of someone injured, the head of the head, stand up and start running.

The female who had seen before, turned out from the nearby high walls from nearby high walls, and behind her, the 'butcher' who had two or three heads than the supervisor, it looks slowly. The actual quite quickly follows her.

The distance is getting closer, and just in the 'Butcher' raises a long knife, I am ready to enjoy my first victory fruit. Suddenly pull out a black shadow, the supervisor is not afraid of the handsome hands, hard Life is a companion to pick up this knife.

The painful pain made him scream, but this kind of pain is nothing wrong with training. - No, it should be said that it is far less than the training, even if the wound has no healing, it has been dripping, supervisor or Maintain an extremely healthy running posture.

The 'Butcher' seems to have received any instructions, and quickly gave up other people in the moment, and pursued the blood on the ground, and the back of the supervisor, although the supervisor did not know that it was accepted. What indication - but it is clear, he can make hatred more firm.

"I have received two thousand simulated training people! How can you chase me with this soft foot shrimp!"

Then quickly, a trip window rushed to the farther area, 'Butcher' had to bypass the high wall, and the head is a little farther away. As a result, he found that he was under the wooden board between two stones ... with disinfecting water?

Because there is no self-treatment, the supervisor uses the props he carries. When the butcher is about to approach him, it is deliberate to the wooden board, and 'Butcher' is cautiously paused, and I am afraid that I have been.

Then, the post-supervisor is directly opened, and the opportunity to respond to the other party is completely, and it is necessary to go into the wind, the efficiency is high to the limit ... and 'Butcher' is also in the first time, and begins to pursue the past.

The supervisor is completely ineffected, what is the fear? The long-lasting exercise makes his tightness have greatly improved, or it is not suppressed by the 'evil spirits' game rules, the supervisor is even without doubt, and now stop, turn, a punch can explode the guy. Head.

Unfortunately, the supervisor can not do this now, and even continue to lead this guy around the circle, especially when it is necessary, the way to use the card is directly letting the other party to follow himself, so I causby the evil spirits to apply it on the 'Butcher' One state.

As for how to pull back attention? Very simple, just jump out, call the butcher: "In this silly X, there is a matter of this hacker!"

It is enough - but it is a little bit a little bit of trouble, and the supervisor will be cured first, then come out to continue to attract each other's attention.

During the period, only a piece of obstacle was shorter, and it was easily chased by the wooden board group, and even the opportunity to borrow the other party kick the plate.

The supervisor did not have a proud, and the heart was completely unhappy. At the same time of the stagnation, it was quite arrogant ... He is not only to do it to the 'Butcher', but also directly provocative the so-called 'evil spirit'.



Just just a moment of transfer, the supervisor successfully utilizes high walls and obstructive obstacles to hindering the line of sight, and the quiet slow walks will be changed, and the 'Butcher' is farther away.

Then, kneel down, use the medical bag in your hands and disinfecting water, bring the long wound behind the long, which seems to be a method of treating your own, and a little different from the employee described.

Because the supervisor did not see the occurrence of 'black mist to the wound gather'.

All in all, after the supervisor successfully treats yourself, he heard a place far away, and a companion's scream spread throughout the area.

I didn't see the air field in the field in the field of view, which means that the companion has not been knocked down, so there is nothing to be afraid, and the chance is even more than a circle, or help others repair the generator. This will advance the process of flee.

As a result, I just got a few steps. He immediately squatted, seriously looked at the ground on the ground, a beast tooth, the beast, the 'Butcher' sure, still looking for a chance to put a clip?

Didn't think of too much, the supervisor is careful, then press the motivation, let it make a crisp with '', the other party will hear, but this is one of the purposes of the supervisor.

After the mouth is completed, the supervisor is close to a generator. It is preparing to start research. There is not far from the nearby generators. The industrial-grade lighting is released. The light is awkward. The dark atmosphere suddenly subsided.

Then, the supervisor saw that the man took the toolbox and looked at the man who came to the programmer. After discovered the medicine package in the hands of the supervisor, he seems to be aware of treatment. .

The supervisor immediately stopped the repair of the repair, opened the medical bag, and waved him to close itself. This time, those black mist condensed, constantly drilling into the other's wound, it slowly healed that there was no way to closing the line, it looked very incredible.

No ... honestly, since this kind of thing, the so-called common sense is almost all throw away.

After rapid giving him, the other party looks quite happy to make the lower gesture, but can't say anything ... 'Evil', can also hinder the use of language communication? But the supervisor shouted very happy?

"You are here ... can't communicate? Or do you say that you can't make your voice go out?"

Obviously, the other party was quite surprised. When he kneelhed and started to repair the generator, he refered his own throat, and then hook his hands. It means that in addition to the sound of screaming, he is blocked?

It seems to be the same, otherwise, I can't catch one side of the report, I can't get a person, I can't catch a person ... I thought about it. Under the point of the other party, I started to quickly repair this tattice.

By the way, it is still understood that Niri Pedy is always in repairing the machine, this thing is complicated, even if there is basic theory, it has been complex adjustment, it is really uncomfortable.

Author message:

PS: Thanks to Huayao's reward ~ Thanks to the bustling 588 reward ~

PS4: ... well, today is a happy recommended time!

"I am welcome, I will not single"

Don't love, want to learn about it?

Do not!

Redi Star in adolescence, very much love!

He joined the biggest goal after high school, that is, find a cute girlfriend who can be in the premise of marriage.

Qingmeizhu Ma's vines, the introverted symbol, the city, the city, the cheerful and positive, the seven sea, the seven sea, the outside is full of private, but the trunk real winter, and ...

...... , the author is a soft girl who kills decisive, probably ...

704. If your opponent suddenly starts to choose cheating ...

Honestly, the boring ingredient is actually quite consuming in front of the generator, especially when Bill runs from the nearby, followed by tall, it seems that it is nothing to have a 'butcher', even .

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