The supervisor does not die from owing his mouth

The supervisor is not dying from the mouth of the 580th chapter

Delivering the moon to enter the accommodation room, the supervisor thinks, according to the process that has been done, the employee has entered the relatively low degree of hazards, and the energy collection is relatively good.

Then patrol the company in a circle and see who is priority to work, let the employees take a break in the hallway or hall, and continue to work.

Today, the first annihilated 'test' is a round of bloody sun. That is, the supervisor needs to respond, and it is a weird puppet for each department.

Just like yesterday, they will dig empty thoughts to make the counter, steal the number of studies, then reduce the counter, and the luck will almost put an exception, need to guard against the death.

Especially the central part, that only [Bi blue new star] must be seen, otherwise, once it makes the store to find the door ... The supervisor is likely to be renewed.

Author message:

Ps: ..., it's too fast a day, there is no reaction ... I have a good picture of the blade, the right thing is like this ...

753. Although it is an acquaintance, but it is only familiar with the past, be careful?

Skilled employees are not just the quality improvement, and the understanding of work, and the understanding of abnormalities will make their work efficiency further improve.

It was estimated that the work of the A-level abnormality, [White Trise] will spend a period of time, and how to wait for the supervisor to finish the 'bloody dawn' to end. Results The settlement is quite efficient, and it has completed the work before the melting indicator is filled to the remaining two or three classes.

And with excellent results, from the housing room, the fax machine of the supervisor also quickly spurred a document with hot air. After the transmission is completed, the supervisor immediately suspended work, and then put the silver lamp face down to the legs I took the file quickly.

Miss Nairi didn't hide anything. She detailedly describes the long phase, dress, favorite hairstyle and three surroundings of his predecessor. Then there is a usual combat method, and even describe it in a very detailed product. .

It's just in the last, I asked the employee. I didn't encounter my predecessors ... but it was obvious that the end of the moon would not say anything, because she didn't know.

Pull the picture to the discipline, the new unusual housing room, a shape of the strange 'Amber' is placed there. The whole piece is surrounded by the transparent 'Amber' as the stone under the mountain rock, but the eyes can see it immediately - this is not a mountain rock.

Because there is no stone, it will look at the bottom of the gold, the overall follow the amount of gold, and the gem of the colorful color is decorated, and it is more likely to be roughly tearned. Gloss with metal.

Gorgeous, this is the first impression that you see this 'Amber'.

The most important thing is the people wrapped in 'transparent amber'.

Although the supervisor has a cognitive filter, it is embedded in the inner body, with a beautiful body, wearing a gorgeous golden small dress, and even a broken silver fire in the hand is embedded in someone, he can still recognize it.

"This is not a famous victim, even if it is still taken out after a few years, it will be brainless (physics), not afraid to be headed, and even the film sisters, Bami, the film, Pakistan?"

After the consciousness, the supervisor scratched his head, picked up the mercury lamp on the privileged arm, and then let the work continue, then repeat the spit again.

So that the mercury lamp thought that he suddenly made a disease, he watched him a few eyes. In the way, he still felt that his nose feels some subtle, she asked: "The person actually has a long name, no, or I am from those words, Feel some malicious. Why? "

The supervisor hurriedly swayed, let the topic in the past: "Don't care too much detail, in turn, this exception is an old analor, or I am unilaterally familiar with her ... Of course, this does not mean that the work will become simple But it will make it a bit ... how to say it, tricky. "

"You actually say tricky, hey ... It seems to be not so good."

The mercury lamp holds his arm, sitting on the arm of the supervisor, and the legs are gently shaking, it looks completely than what she said.

However, for the supervisor, perhaps you can use Orega ... I always feel that it is better to make a few more times, he will violate the decision to do before.

After a long time, the supervisor sighed and picked up a spiritual drink and filling a bite. After sighed, the assignment had been eating a dry rice in the company for a long time, and now I am holding the [behavioral calibrator] Touching the fish. Roman.

Let him enter the housing room of the [different world portrait], the supervisor takes a deep breath, put the mercy lamp on the table: "I will go back, I will wait for the mercury hall ..."

The voice is just that the supervisor is like a moment of loss, the whole person is directly squatting on the table, and even the head '' is on the table, there is no excess role.

If it is not the surrounding, it is quite quiet, and the mercury lamp is even skeptical. This guy is not dying.



Of course, it will not die suddenly. He is just armed for [different world portrait], and then acts at the armed unusual, it will temporarily obtain a portrait of Luo Mum, while the whisper is asked by Miss Zhenbai, if you draw What happens on the employee and sudden violent.

'will die. '

Apply the color to the huge picture frame, the supervisor blinks: "People are killed will die, I understand. But now, if employees die because of the abnormal mechanisms, then the employees who are shared hurt What will it? "

It seems that the supervisor has been forgot to ask this question, and it is also because he will not go to the employee to try the mechanism.

'Will not be, it will live. '

The supervisor will draw the last painted. This painting seems to be suddenly 'live, is full of angry, just like the employee I am standing on the picture, people can't help but want to see a few eyes.

Waiting to Roman left the accommodation room, the supervisor scratched his head, and didn't care about this space. It is too late to give yourself clothes.

Anyway, no one can see it, it doesn't matter.

'Everyone is alive, very good. Director, very hard, to have awards. '

Can have a award, then say that even if there is an idea of ​​the supervisor, it is not now, it is time to implement, so he shakes his head and put it down the brush and sits on the cushion: "Too much trouble, even if it works. The task is still very heavy, maybe I have to have trouble, Miss, no problem? "

'no problem. '

After receiving the response, the supervisor immediately closed his eyes and let himself fall down, then becomes heavy in the body, but when it is quite powerful, open his eyes.

I saw that the mercury lamp stretched out and intended to poke his eyes with his finger.

"I will not be unclear, but you may be really true under the Mad Hall, now what is the situation, I didn't hear the alarm?"

Climbing up and sit straight, the supervisor quickly watched the status quo of employees in the company, and then found that the finish slot was taken once a time.

The mercury light stands on the table: "Just confirm that your guy is not dead, the people you are very good at suddenly do inexplicable behavior, then let others grow up?"

Inexplicable behavior ...

Suddenly confirmed the situation of the staff again, the supervisor did really find that in the intelligence department hallway, Sophie is shaking, and the training department walked over to the training department - I didn't want to think, it was controlled by [Red Dance Shoes] .

Author message:

PS: Thank you Huaxi's reward ~

PS4: ... Sunday, I want to touch the fish ... Forget it, ask for a blade, only these is true (

754. Some things have to be handled every day, this is no way

The efficiency will wake up Sophie, the supervisor, respectfully reach the left hand: "Thank you, atmospheric Hall, at least you help me see the abnormal situation of the employee, let her die immediately ..."

"Hey, just boring and complaining, it's time to come. However, after the guy went to the destination, it was difficult to suddenly explode, and the things were very bad."

The mercury lamp is actually a certain degree of interest, just like now, she will be used to ask about the consequences of employees and abnormal interactions.

Of course, the supervisor is not a person hiding, and he arranges the position of the employees, letting them guard each other as long as they are being messy, and they answer her question.

"There is an employee in the training department, called the future dark, have you seen it? Is she not holding a little dout? If the employee enters the" red shoes], then the employee Will get the ax. "

"Just this, isn't it a very good thing, why prevent it."

Shot shrugged, the supervisor helpless answer: "Because the employee will crazy, it will become an abnormal derivative, and finally suppressed and die ... Ah, theoretically, theoretical."

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