The supervisor does not die from owing his mouth

The supervisor is not died in the mouth of the 11th chapter

Usually, you can use it when you spare equipment. It can be hidden in an emergency. It sounds very good - Aloft's drill bits while adjusting your hand, thinking so much after a bunch of temporary roadmaking.

And in his side, Philippine is half his obstacle. From her '', she will send a singular scream, she doesn't care, and even can continue to use [Holy Xuan] with the hand. Those damn bugs are ejected.

Occasionally, the ammunition is playing on her, but only just bitting the clothes, it is like being dead, just like being dead, it is impossible to cause more harm.

Aloft sighed and continued to adjust the drill bit in his hand, this thing is quite easy to use, just give him enough time, no matter what is abnormal, it is impossible to ignore the damage from this armed damage - unless they feel, I will not be Drill.

But unfortunately, so far, there is nothing that is not a drill bit, if there is, it can only explain that he is not enough, it needs to be more effort.

So thinking, Aloft is turning over, in the air, sang a knife in the air, and rushed into the defensive line, the drill bit in the hand, drilled in its chest shell, burstless Mars .

The bug wilywered his horses, and left a deep trace in the Souli-head submersible, and even cut through the body of the protective direct injury, but Aloft was on the ground, no Take it all the sweats.

This situation has occurred in other places, and the employees who hold remote armed employees can choose how to fell according to their own training, and the abnormal armed ability, and the employees who have the mesice weapons are all ... then go up. Hard hard, not to win.

Moreover, the company has spread the damaged facilities from the hall to the promenade, as long as the time is dragging enough, the supervisor is also watching himself, defeating these things, but only a minute of minutes.

... and, hold more advanced abnormalities, no cracks, have not added it, you must know whether it is [Magic Bomb] or those A-level abnormalities, for this level of abnormal derivatives, basically meet them There is no resistance to resistance.

For example, in the Ministry of Welfare.

Griffness is aiming at a device, and the R & D department gives her an additional laser aiming equipment. In this way, there is no one in front of the ballistic, can I shoot, It's really a glimpse ... The premise is that she don't shoot.

Fortunately, until today, she didn't really kill her own. The price is this [Magic Bomb] The same level / higher abnormality in the suppression of the suppression is also pitiful, and it is completely wasting its extremely high output.

The supervisor does not seem to care about this problem, just many times, as well as the armed anomaly, will tell her, wasted to waste output, it is important to reverse Q ... Wrong, don't reverse or aim at them.

Griffi remembers the supervisor because she seriously, she has been waiting for the opportunity - then at the moment of the first fireworm's appearance, deduct the trigger.

It can penetrate everything, Ignore the distance, hit the bug, penetrate its skull and hit the door after the tail bone, causing a loud noise, leaving an unusual wreck.

Then, Griffi waited for the next shooting.

Compared to this, as a newly open discipree, subjective preparation and focus are naturally inclined - holding [al.fine] Just Ding, standing at the door of the hall, a small monster.

It's really a knife, crosses the level of levels of three levels from the A level to the KAPH level, and the big sword waving the holder can hear the beautiful music, and then bring a white harm.

Unreal damage has boiled the burner of the burner, it is twitched a few times, after falling on the ground, the weapon hanging on the arm also creep all his own.

Then I was completely lost.



The supervisor is sitting in the chair, it looks not panic, even if there is a joy and drink, eat a biscuit (sweet death).

"Stupid humans, have you just worried about it. How do you suddenly be calm down now ... Do you become crazy?"

The mercury lamp is sitting on the monitor, although the arms of the supervisors are very comfortable, but they are still very bored, and they want to talk, they have to turn their heads. I am annoying.

Shot shrugged, the supervisor and drink a drink: "How can it, unless I suddenly take the clothes in the office, I will not be crazy. I can only say that since I have already set up tactics, don't Doubt then go to actually apply it. "

"I am not only not panic, but I still plan to let employees go to [Smiling corpse mountain], let it go out and beat it ... um, that's it."

Of course, the supervisor has not expanded, he suddenly picked up the gun and handed a mercury lamp: "Can you hold it? Then put it up, can you do it?"

Then, the mercury light is a gun with a gun. It is very ordinary with a gun. Then stare at the supervisor with the same look like a fool, so that he can't help but touch your nose, look next.

"You seem to intend to let one person to help you deduct the trigger, to make up for your problem in the 'armed anomalies', you can't apply the competent power. Although you will work, you will only need from you here. If you issue an instruction, the company will follow, but I don't think that the doll can be competent. "

Chris's voice, as always, she objectively pointed out this, but the supervisor has taken the weapon from the silver lamp: "It is not necessarily, the mercbrusions are also a famous celebrity ...... Torthic, in turn ... ? "

The picture is pulled to the security department. The Kenzai is assigning the hand-lowering clerk with the employee, and the 'amber noon' is hit on the ground. At that moment, she immediately turned into the station.

"I am, do you have anything to tell?"

"The supervisor is the right to use it to the supervisor. You have said that the company has had a lot of supervisors, not everyone can use this gun right? Is there any suitable ... this guy?"

Surprised, is the security department not shooting?

Ps: ... Some things, you will find that you can refresh, the problem is the 'one day, one bottle you written on the bottle, let me feel very unassured (right is that force health)

PS4: ...... Good to ask for a blade to reward! I can't open the pot, I am so bad.

Author message:

Ps: ... Some things, you will find that you can refresh, the problem is the 'one day, one bottle you written on the bottle, let me feel very unassured (right is that force health)

PS4: ...... Good to ask for a blade to reward! I can't open the pot, I am so bad.

758. The old brother puts the gun, A1 Gala

To be honest, Kenai has always gives the director, a radiant, and is reliable, and the image of the relatives - of course, is also very soft.

So when I said in her mouth, when I didn't return my management ', the supervisor was in the middle, pulling the picture to the middle, seeing Niriya is ... Hey, it is hammer.

, although the hall is full, those bugs have also been volts, no longer forming threats, so her pressure is equal to not, can take the equipment, um ... it is normal.

"? Supervisor? Do you have anything? This is safe, everyone is working hard, minimizing losses, and even the number of slightly injured people - so, can also be early today Get off work, let everyone rest well! "

Looking at her depths full of appearance, the competent consciously avoided her eyes ... How to say it, the supervisor is pondering overtime.

"Then, this is the case. Rai Xian tells me, I want to pick a supervisor for this (referring to the silver lamp), I need to come to you, although it is working time, but I need it now Do this, because this can make the next action be relatively easy. "

After the supervisor, Nirphami puts down the hammer: "Of course you can, it doesn't matter! Um ... Apply for an extra supervisor with a gun, the size is me to see ... Please wait a moment? But some things still want to give you To make it clear, because this doesn't mean that the ammunition is double! The amount of fire is general, should be used with caution. "

Understand understanding, normal normal.

Not allowed, when all the 'amber noon' in the company is compressed, and some people have begun to cut, one robot has been put on the box, and then put it behind the table.

When you open the box, you will see a lot of proportion, but you will lying in the black sponge at a small piece of gun used in the right water and silver lamp.

"Stupid humans, even if you give me, I may not use very well, you have to know the so-called 'suspended work', but what is the privilege of your guy, if you have aimed it, or to make the wrong ammunition, what should I do? ? "

The mercy lamp is so consciously, and then it seems like a reaction, and the hands are hug: "And, I just have to see the work of stealth units, why do you want to do so?. There is no good benefits. "

This is the truth. For the mercury lamp, she has no pursuit, there is a dessert and tea drink. The supervisor also shows at least the respect of the surface, so the worker is of course nothing to do, now the supervisor, I hope she can truly, assist Suppression?

It doesn't want to take responsibility. On the contrary, it is because of the responsibility, the mercury lamp will refuse the proposal of the supervisor. She has always remembers her identity - as a souvenir, the people who give the supervisor.

However, the supervisor shrugged: "Don't be nervous, it is because no one has tried it before, and I am a little fear that Chrisa guy is not a gun, so I will choose you, the mercury hall ~"

That sound is extremely nausea, put in the environment in which the supervisor has passed, this performance should be called ... What is it?

It seems to be ?

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