The supervisor does not die from owing his mouth

The supervisor is not died in the mouth of the yaw, Chapter 594

PS: ...... The feeling of sudden gas is really weak after the air is arrears.

PS4: ...... Seeking a ticket to ask for reward! that's it! good night!

773. Repeat again, it is very dangerous!

For the cerebral cave of the supervisor, it is the case where it is to tell him if the bell is really useful, and then she has to create any new invention.

For example, the uniform is the uniform, the bell is customized - of course is a dedicated equipment, not to weave, or she has to die first.

"The invention can be ok, but this is fine ... well, the table cleaner, what else do you want? For example, what is the work?"

The supervisor is sitting on the chair, pulling the screen wall to the lower layer, and finding Niriya not behind the store, turning to the location of the Lower Dream.

As always, she was sitting in the intersection, she was a coffee table, and she piled up a little snack, and a cup of hot tea, how to see is a retired employee treatment.

After processing, after the clothes, I was happy to get the supervisor, then drilled into the arms from his arm, and finally used the head of the head. The head is under the head of the head: "Well ... Nothing, the supervisor, as long as it is good If you take a break, it is good to hand over things outside the work ... "

Subsequently, I have some efforts to take yourself in the bottle of yourself on the table, and the companion parts, after you get together, slightly close your eyes, and start recalling which step you should do.

And the supervisor is talking to the spirit, the main topic is still inseparable - she is more satisfied with the efficiency of the supervisor, although she is still not intended to feel, but there is much more obvious.

"In fact, I personally be curious, you see that treatment bombs is to give employees an additional nanotherapy agreement, mental recovery is the drug that is entered into spiritual treatment."

Ling Dream keeps drinking tea, he is half-eyed, waiting for the supervisor.

"The four-protected ammunition principle is to enable special force farms to protect employees. Some local farms cannot take effect, I also know ... As for the punishment, it is more no mention."

"So, the principle of the sluggish is , never align the abnormality, according to the agreement continues to illuminate the abnormal pressing force field of that area, improve the suppression level?"

Ling Meng has a piece of tea: "Not the case, the slow-winning is what I did, just some tiny means, nothing. Simply, it is used to suppress an abnormality."

"Only abnormally brought things, it can cause harm to an abnormality, just use company system weapons, and even if you have added those special ammunition, it is just letting work, and you can't fully recover the above world. Do you understand? "

Behind it should be followed by listen to the old man '?

The supervisor endured the desire to die, nodded, indicating that the dream continued to say, she put her tea and sat there: "The trouble in the company is enough, I am too lazy to think about how, there is no outside It is a group of things that have no brain to kill, every day is fighting, and then it is died in a stronger thing. "

"Talking, don't deal with the node, maybe in the past, some people have thought about this, but now you have seen it, the company only has this level, barely self-motivated, live it, you want to counterattack ... Wait."

The spirit suddenly stopped. At this time, Christina quietly appeared on the computer monitor, closed his eyes, as always, in the silent, telling two people, the topic discussed in addition to the crimp no meaning.

So the spirit of the dream shrugged: "It's better to focus on your hand, it's better to focus on your hand, and then add a workload ... Nothing, change a topic."



The competent is not to discuss these problems, see more time, he leaves the keyboard with his hands, directly with the neck of the Zhi Nai: "Outside is a sample, I don't have seen it, the top of the sky is equivalent to all kinds The test of midnight is chaotic, what is it can't say? "

Zhizhen is puzzled, then continue to bow, put the chin in the hands of the supervisor, and complete the bump in the bottle, erect the ear, listen to the supervisor.

Although Christina did not answer, the bell jumped out of the benefits: "Good! I got to the whole song to answer the time. Is there a touched, supervisor?"

Not complete, but the supervisor is still very formulated, it means that he is looking forward to it.

"Well! This involves a very serious problem - before that, you also know that if you are in the supervisor, observer and instructions, and the core of the company's operation, in contact with the entity formed in a concept and get it Before the information, if you cognition it in advance, what results will cause? "

Of course, it is known that the mildeware is difficult, and the highest weight is likely to make an abnormally change, so that even don't know how to work.

"The same is true, not just like this, even more horrible? [Tianqi bird] just came here, this level of abnormal, it is enough to let you have a mess, if you have similar or stronger outside, Several such anomaly, what is it? "

"So, if you are chatting with us, I strive to get information that I can't open now, it is likely to cause things that have been twisted, distorted the whole world, can't change, must be careful , Be careful. "

Use the head to eat the barbecue tonight ~ "This kind of tone will answer serious problems, and let the bell sit and sit straight, then the finger is a v gesture.

"Well! The answer is here, have you already understood it? Or, say, need to study deep learning? If you want to do this, please come to my office -"

Christina appeared in front of the ring window and thoroughly blocked the small window: "Answer here, supervisor, next is the rest time, you need full rest. Not as if it is shaking the lever, I hope to come from the exit port Like the monkeys of mangoes, they will hopue on the controlled 'luck'. "

The supervisor said that she did not take a breath after she disappeared: "I am also a four-yellow egg, and the Ten Six SSR's horses, the tone is respectful?"

In his arms, Zhizhen laughed, and even the tweezers were unstable, perhaps, this is why and supervisor, she will very happy.

Always say something that is difficult to understand, but it can always be very happy, even if it doesn't understand ... Then she puts a lot of shipping boards into the designated area and let the completion will advance.

Author message:

PS: Thanks to the reward of broken bridge Sang X6 ~

PS4: ...... Today, oh 26, I think ... can you squeeze out a day this month ...

774. Even how to relax again, can you lose the bottom line?

This kind of peaceful atmosphere has continued until the mercury lamp woke up from the drunken state, and even has some painful sitting.

She opened her eyes, and I saw the head of the supervisor to get together. When I plan to make a punch, the supervisor immediately retracted.

"You are drunk, I didn't touch you, I was to wash it, I also sent you to the professionals, and now the clothes are also , I have no overlooking, I believe you."

After a breath, the supervisor is sitting on the office chair. I plan to watch the mercury lamp. If she said with her feathers, I will throw it up immediately, lest she is suffering.

As a result, the mercury lamp was only slightly slightly talented, and sat back to the chair: "Hey ... The fool man is really trouble, I am a bit thirsty, now ..."

Have not finished, , I will give you a suit for you. Can you? "

"..." took a cup, the mercury lamp bowed down, then silently silently a few seconds: "It doesn't matter, I still don't want to be angry with myself, you are not a fool human, do good, if there is any need I am helping the place, despite the opening. "

Zhi is a happy point, then push a small metal pot, naturally the taste of the sweet and sweet chocolate milk - the mercury lamp likes it, and no matter how much can drink.

It's so good to solve this small problem, the supervisor continues to pull the staff in the staff seating area, and the unexpected discovery, compared to the employees in the rest area, or to find the place where you can decompression than the first day. Said that today's atmosphere has become slightly ... Easy?

"Well ... this is all, the supervisor's work ... Because you work is very good, the number of deaths every day is far below the past ... Then, when I talk, can you ..."

Zhi Nai is soft to the cotton candied cheeks to pinch it, so that the very serious expression has become a little funny, so that it is not good.

I have no sincerity apology, the supervisor still did not stop: "Oh ... Zhizhen is a knead, no need for a year. Cough, there is nothing, just understand, as long as the next work still maintains such a low death If the atmosphere of the seating area and the effect of the employees are restored, will it be better? "

Holding eyes, it is helpless to give up the resistance, and the act management is applied, and the active lives of this ghost animal even let the mercury lamp silently retract a small distance.

This guy, gives some interests, and can be able to request the maximum right in justice, what environment is it growing?

Mercury lights may never know, a lot of speed players who have to feel keen to understand the rules of the game, and have made how much effort is made in order to drill an empty space.



Therefore, when Shuangrod finally completed his hand, when he entered the supervisor office, he saw that the two arms who were sitting on the supervisor, and the two hands grabbed the supervisor, let him get up on the ground.

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