The supervisor does not die from owing his mouth

The supervisor is not dying from the yaw of Chapter 596

After five minutes, the supervisor finally understood why coffee could not sell it.

Author message:

Ps: ... people need to rest, but when is there anything to see ...? In short, ask for a blade, um!

776. All in all, first occupying the benefits

After the sprayed coffee plus Cola, I can only take a break, so the supervisor is not a waste of time, and the mercury light has greeted, and she leaves the chair and throws themselves.

I have said before, the temperature of the office usually adjusts to a slightly lower normal temperature, this person's feelings are not hot, just good, relatively refreshing extent.

Of course, this is just relative to the supervisor. For the unless there is a bell, it will be very easy to close to the departmental supervisors, the kind of soul to the body, acting on the spirit of the spirit, will also be infected by the supervisor ... In short, it is a humanoid heating.

Ok, as long as it is close, then you can smoothly care about it, you don't need to do some hunting things, such as what to drink, in general, it is such a working mechanism.

Therefore, the supervisor even proudly claims that it is said that the city's legendary 'warm man', as long as sitting there, there will be a little girl who is unwilling to be close to - carefully think about it, is it a personal trait, this is Impossible.

After all, I will be the mouth, I usually play the game is okay. If I chat with people, I will not be hit by people.

But the status is like this, every time I take a break, even if I can't do anything, whether it is a bellixian or a wisdom, I have to stick to the supervisor, as if I will be more safe and safe, can relax my spirit, don't worry about the characteristics Lost, etc.

In fact, it is not necessary to stick, the supervisor will not escape, in addition to sleeping too early, and really boring about the work related topics of the work related to Beijiu, there is no problem.

Even the Zhi is a well-behaved, in the argument, when I joined the voice from time to time, Christina had to appear, reminding them that they have exceeded the rest time for a long time.

If you work every day, you can easily, but you are thinking about it. It is impossible to achieve, the ghost knows that tomorrow will suddenly take an ultimate hiking unobstructed, and then directly annoying the supervisor dead.

So thinking about nothing, the supervisor quickly caught in sleep ... Before the awareness of blurring, he felt that he would also be in the dream today, and it will definitely be clear.

As a result, the supervisor did not even have time and confirmed that he was really asleep. He suddenly changed from the peaceful darkness from the peace of the deep feet, and the weeds appeared in an old floor, and the weeds seemed to be on the ground. In this loop, it is difficult to understand that the building of its value and significance is constantly being generated.

In the end, the supervisor is a one-piece twist, but also the road to the candle, and a row of a row of tombstones. Hunting people's place.

The picture in front of the eyes is still transforming at high speed. It seems that someone visit, and some people leave, how much time it is experienced here, and finally the candle is bleak, and the workshop has been coming, and the picture suddenly stopped ... No, yes It turns a normal speed.

A silence, the 'hunter' silent of the outside people's costumes went to the perspective of the supervisor, half squatted down, reach out his left hand.

The line of sight changes, a pair of obvious hands holding the joint structure, with a leather glove, which is covered with unidentified liquid, with this skill, technology, and understanding of the symbolic understanding, sudden appear.

However, the supervisor did not remember. As a bystander, he just looked at the development of the situation. After the foreign people left, they also returned many times. Every time they returned, it was like experiencing a battle, and the clothes were more old. And even more than ten times, it is the oil lamp that directly appears at the end of the road.

Just like a thing from the illusory thing, this person has no feelings, but every time, I always feel that he seems to be more silent - the illusion, before this, this person has never said something.

This atmosphere has continued to the supervisor, I should wake up? At the time, the main angle of the main perspective of the report was slowly transferred. After returning to the stone platform, he only felt a fatigue in his heart.



Open your eyes, it is a strange ceiling ... No, it is a familiar ceiling, the number of lattice is the same, there is no unknown situation.

Let the breathing sustacardize, the supervisor is discovered, and the intelligence is actually on himself today, but the well-being sleeps on the right hand, he is used to moving the arms, then find some less right.

First, look at the left, the ring of the bell fairy, the eyes closed, and it seems that she has not woken up. She is softly holding her arms, buried it in a fertile and soft, it feels good.

Under the right hand, the smoothing belly is very comfortable, just like it is like a cat, the barren body is also normal, but ... who can tell him, since the wisdom is around, then he feels his belly What is the upper pressure?

Will the ghost bed? Still there is something being put on your belly ...

The supervisor is careful as possible, but it is still letting the bell cents come over. She opened her eyes quietly: "The supervisor, good morning, what is your rest? Now I have a while, I have to take a break again?"

"Hey ... No, what can I help me see that my belly is ..."

"It's Xiao Zhi, you seem to never mind, she may cause your sleep quality to be deteriorated."

The supervisor has played a haha: "Nothing is fine, it is very light, so there is no feeling ... No, who is the left of my left?"

This is a brown eyebrows for the rings: "Miss Qingye, don't you remember? She gave night when she was in the middle of the night, then it was fascinated, this is normal, after all, you have an abnormal deflection The feeling, Miss Bell is more comfortable, and it will make people rely on it. "

Because of this, I didn't wake you, the more you close, the more clearly, and the young lady, Miss Qingye, is clearly needed to be with you to breathe. "

Even if you say this ... The supervisor left the lower abdomen. After discovery, all the clothes of the blindfold were destroyed, and she seems to be because she didn't sleep, even the night did not care at all. at this point.

So, in short, what should I say ... At least before getting up, the supervisor reads a "thank you to" silently in your heart.

Although the barren heel is not like.

Author message:

Ps: ... well, first ask for a blade, then I will see ... Don't say, liver activities go (

777. Add another 7, which is the anniversary will be rewarded, yes

Not allowed, the supervisor has been lightly washed, when holding a towel, the supervisor is noted, the supervisor is noted that the Rai Xianzheng is standing at the desk.

After reading the past, the content on the board didn't understand, so he immediately looked at the bellixian: "What happened? I think you are very serious."

"Well ... The problem is not big, just some drug stocks are less, need to be entrusted. These issues related to logistics, you don't need to care."

Kai Xian said a few work boards, then suddenly asked: "Miss Blue Leaf, what do you think?"

"I haven't seen it, she is a very hard person, and I don't have to say anything else. In addition, I can drink it together ... What happened?"

"Nothing, in fact, Miss Qingye has begun to think that you are worthy of people, so she has established a very strong connection with you, no matter how much demand you have in work, she will try their best. Satisfied, do you know? "

I don't know, but when I drink, I am very happy. The blindle looks quite relaxed, and I have never mentioned the bad thing in my work - who knows, people who have a psychological problem can always meet bad things. .

"The same, whether I am still a little, I have such a mentality, outside the work, if you have any ideas, or need us to help you, please don't feel hesitant or shy, because this will only let you hold There is a regret. "

Rai Xian put the smooth ear on the head, slightly bent white rabbit ear shaken a few times, so that the supervisor finally couldn't help, reach out and pinched.

"Don't you feel? This ear ... No, headphones."

At this moment, the supervisor only wants to open the topic, not open, if you continue, you can really expose your own all kinds of habitats.

Although it is still too bad ...

The bell fairy shakes his head and confirmed the next time. "Of course, it is not unusual, but it is not clear, today's work is going to start, have you prepared, welcome the new anomaly?"

Not ready, if you can rest for two days, I may not be able to sigh my head, saying that I have no problem, I have no problem, I'm a bomb, Si Si, suddenly waved, indicating that the supervisor is bent over.

The knee bending is low, the supervisor makes himself opposite the bells, and then she reached out to the neck of the supervisor, quietly put her lips.

The eye is staring at the supervisor, and there is no meaning of the whole, so that the supervisor feels some of his fluster - the red, it feels that it will feel some mentality.

It's just a few seconds. The Kensue is released after the supervisor. "According to the analysis, you have never used this approach except for the decompression activities, it can improve the friendship with her, in fact, this can be very effective Quickly appease each other, don't you consider trying? "

The voice just fell, the supervisor reached out and grabbed her waist. After picked up, I took the head directly.

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