The supervisor does not die from owing his mouth

The supervisor is not died in the head of the 603th chapter

In fact, it is really an accident. The supervisor blinks. After the answer, the Lingmei point in the foot tip, as if the interest is turning around: "What is it, I understand, then please hurry back, here Can be left to you so much time. "

I always feel that her tone is not very right, I really don't have any problems ... No, since this way has already been selected to complete the so-called 'work requirements', then the supervisor is also prepared to bear the consequences.

Dao Dao is a jealousy, can you have a big thing, if you don't work, you will return the task, I will do it again.

The supervisor waves the rope again, leaving the hall under the gaze of the dream - before that, he seems to hear what the dream said, just run too fast, did not hear it.



Returning to the office and only used a moment, listening to Miss Nai Ye wants to land the land - saying to see, can you communicate with himself, the supervisor doesn't have to go back to her.

How to find the company's arrangements, so the supervisor is a ruthless 'um good' answer the machine, naturally it is promised, but it will not be confirmed to give her.

And ... are all abnormal things, or is it possible to have a malicious thing? Is there a possibility of dialogue? I am afraid that when the supervisor is next to emergency calls, Nai Ye has been attached to the villain, and it needs to be demon.

When you open your eyes, the supervisor saw that the mercury lamp was stretched out, intended to poke his eyes, the supervisor quickly used his back, and he felt that he hit the back of the chair and rushed forward, and a brain hit a mercury lamp. On the head, she screamed from the half-air - but also the head of the eye of the eye, and grabbed her directly.

From the appearance, it will be awake, if this is comics, it is estimated that the mercy lamp should now become a mosquito coil, and the head is also a rotating star.

But unfortunate now, she is only whispering. It is only whispering ... so the supervisor thinks, put her on the legs, then close the chair, put the eyes on the screen wall .

The current mulled level is just before the 'Dawn test', and the most important thing is that the supervisor's suppression of the coincidence is given to the suppression work requirements, the above is writing 3/3 such words, and then hook it, indicating The supervisor has completed the work.

Is this not very good? Next, just get the job, click the work to end the button, wait for tomorrow's work to come ... until the image of Christina turns on the monitor, he thinks so before.

"Have to say, you do let me look around, once there is any rule process that may be used, you will make it to maximize it, it is worthy of praise."

The supervisor will put the hair with mercury lamp: "I know you don't want to praise me, let's talk, what is the consequences of doing this, because I laito slide, causing the company to decide whether to pay for me today? Or not the result is not counting, Do you do it? "

"Your understanding is incorrect. This is a normal process, so the company will not deny your achievements. However, as ai, I have to remind you that the principal of the discipline is submitted to you, it is not for you. Make your work more difficult. "

When you say this, the supervisor looks to the screen wall, in the discipline department, the spiritual dream is holding his arm, as always treat his employees. But I don't know why, the supervisor always feels that she is very happy, as if there is a result of nothing.

"Disciplinary Ministry, as the name suggests, the abnormal punishment, the employees who do not defend the rules, etc., this is the case, the company is the case, this is especially the case for the competent ability, the 'suffering' is not overrun. Alpine, but confirmed, do you have the strength of it. "

The supervisor always feels that she will tell himself that because the dream recognizes her strength, she will come over today with myself.

Author message:

Ps: ... well, now add (1/1), easy and easy ...

PS4: ...... So ask for a blade to ask for reward! that's it! good night!

786. What is the feeling of initially exposure? Is it afraid?

It is not so tragic in reality, and the supervisor does not need to drag itself. Now it can only suppress the bodies in the wind, go with a department that does not seem to provoke.

"In this case, then she is now there why ... Oh, she moved, um? What is it?"

When you ask for an export, you can still think about it. Now you are working, you can't pay attention to a serious thing. He has to handle the dawn test immediately. Wait, today's dawn is?

At first glance, it was found to be 'bloody dawn', the supervisor was a little unpleasant to grind the molars, and the mercury lamp decompression that had not been wokeneled. - Say, the feel is really good.

Arranging employees in a relatively easy breakthrough, more susceptible to the counter, and relatively dangerous housing room door, the supervisor quickly triggered this round of melting, when the alarm sounded, looked at those text condensed dissipation, then formed Those weird dolls run around the company.

With the expansion of the company, these things are gradually changing, as long as they are not careful, it will cause difficulty to make it difficult for the company. If the luck is wrong, it will be put out.

Looking at the employee to use the U disk black down the constrictive end of the 'carnival! 'Give the dead on the ground, the supervisor wiped sweat, then transferred to the next place, confirming that the danger of each contamination can be treated, this is slightly relaxed.

From the fax machine, I printed a piece of file. When the supervisor was free, some unexpected discovery, in a single size file, sandwiched with a distinctive thing.

Strictly speaking, it is a rectangular note. The supervisor turned it over and found that the above text was written with a very tiled text.

'The next time the assessment begins tomorrow. '

I looked at it for a while, and the supervisor was a little nervously pinching the waist of mercury lamp, holding the mouse click Cristina's forehead: "This note is sent ..."

"Just this, but this may just tell you that tomorrow will pull out some expectations, no need to care, now you need to do, is the work of the company, and understand and understand the company. Abnormal project. "

"A new exception is waiting for your job. Of course, you can ignore it, this is your right. Please don't waste unfaithful time, because work has been so heavy, if no one is managed, The company will fall into an unfavorable situation. "

The supervisor released the mouse, indicating that he understood, the old man sitting in the position, started according to the previous plan, allowing employees to batch, replaced into the accommodating room, performing normal energy collection processes.

Only the other hand has been pinching the dress of the mercury lamp, just like in pinching the props - until she woke up, then bite the finger of the supervisor.

Hurry and hit it, the supervisor said that he really didn't do anything, and then continued to observe the screen wall, confirming that the employee's work is quite smooth and is not affected by the abnormality.

Even if there is, it is also below the click of the competent efficiency, and the most beginning of the problem occurred directly.



When the next round of murder is lit, the supervisor has found that the housing room of [O-06-20] lights up, which means that the supervisor is facing this exception.

Flexing the head, the supervisor, some irritated drinks, slightly, slightly, gain the addition of [the world portrait], now able to share the injured Ramman walking into [O-06- 20] In the housing room, execute ... 'instinct' work.

This thing has so much mouth, so big strange eyes, the body structure looks like a human structure is like irregular meat aggregation, although it doesn't seem to eat it.

But I don't know why, the supervisor feels that it feels like a dog. Moreover, it is more mentioned before receiving this contamination room, and the supervisor has been counted with its smart, and it has also fallen into the wind.

However, that's all the past, now the supervisor is straightforward, and there will be no discomfort.

Sitting on the chair, the supervisor is seriously staring at Roman holding [behavioral correction ", wearing the buff [different world portrait], first put down the workpiece in the housing room, then take out the food to feed the gesture.

[O-06-20] After standing in the yellow line, the huge tongue is swing from time to time, some translucent liquids flow from the inner mulldone, fortunately, the floor is not corroded, it seems that there is not much corrosive in the metal.

It is close to each other with a smaller mouth, if it is a average person, it is close to the body from the gas field to the shape, it will be scared to break the gallbladder - but Roman did not As the first employee who arrived at level 5 courage / five rating in the company, he was not afraid of an abnormality.

From the supervisor, you can only hear a heavy breathing sound, just like a lung activity of a kind of beast, and then [O-06-20] is so low, it will be a bit of square head to bury the food, a few Zhang Dadao started to swallow chew, and the food given by the company, the whole swallowed.

In this interval, Romance went back to a few steps and started a detailed survey and the formation, and the received intelligence was written into the workpiece.

The next process includes applying a special touch method, a method such as damage, etc., to understand this abnormal entity, Roman has not exposed any timid and fascinating in the whole process, as if This work is the goal of his life.

Under this kind of consciousness and momentum, even if [O-06-20] left a deep trace on the abnormality of his wear, it has not yet been caused for serious damage to Romer, which is inherently ... these damage, It has been transferred directly, dispersed on several other employees.

So, until Roman completes the entire workflow, and collects more than half of the energy, completes work in 'general results', from the housing room, there is no more than an expected accident.

However, according to the values ​​of the abnormal level damage, as well as the damage to the damage of Romance, if there is no other employee to divide, he is estimated that it is now unable to stand outside, and the data is uploaded to the intelligence department, and then pass to the control department. Finally, submit it to the supervisor.

There is still a document that still has a tone, the supervisor sighs, and will have a psychotropic beverage tank that has been drunk and throws into the recycling.

Author message:

Ps: ... July, I just felt that I was very difficult, how did this day ... I have a good spirit, ask for a blade!

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