The supervisor does not die from owing his mouth

The supervisor is not died in the 622 chapter

"So just like I said, I have passed here, I have passed here. Here, just hook it first, let the trap started immediately, prevent being read, can be passed."

In the picture, the small people having fun are constantly jumping, and all the crises and difficulties will be brought behind, they have come to the new picture, and then there is a long history of the future.

The blizzard holds cola, sitting on the chair and shaking the head, the slender ponytail swaying: "Why do you have a future lady? Is it not afraid of generic pollution, cause problems? "

"I don't know, the program is double-do, other architectures are combined with others ... I will only play games ... Trouble is a durable relationship, it doesn't matter."

The supervisor quickly tapped with the keyboard, so that the villains in the picture continued to jump, it should be the things of the apples, and the future of the future is her ... Hey, waving green onions.

This time, even if I couldn't help but laugh, she whispered a fine snoring, and the body kept squatting, even in the bottle could not be gratefully assembled.

"True, really ... Although the future, I really like the onion dinner, but ... I will not let go of this, use it to play people ..."

"Hey, I feel that Miss, Miss, will do this. In the impression of the supervisor, there is more active behavior" Shuangye pushes the glasses, turned off the program, stretched with the waist.

With a crisp, the future of Miss is bursting in a bloody, and the BGM of the game clearance sounds, the supervisor also patted her hand, watching the eyes.

More than dozens of seconds than before, the improvement of physical fitness is all in all, is there no dead end?

Put these ideas, the supervisor looks at the time, and it is almost the time to rest ... but it feels a bit of a bit without eating, just take the mat and take a pad.

When you think about it, the cover on the office ceiling opens, then put a plate on the table.

The supervisor was confused, and the result was found to be a big one and stew that he was smashed with bubble. It has been adjusted to taste the white radish, the beef beef is also a fish tofu, all are all Bamboo sign is stringing inside.

The sweet fragrance was smashed in the office, so that the double leaf that had been planned to leave, she was ignorant, suddenly putting the notebook: "Well, this is the compensation of Miss Niriya One? It seems that it is very good. After you will go back, you will find a good ... "

The supervisor wiped his hand, and took a few beef tendons from the boiling stew in the boiling stew: "Will go back? Eat a nightnight again, anyway, I have not intended to complete myself. go to sleep."

Invitation, the double-leaved blew a little bit of a chair, and then passed the food that should be called Guandong, and opened his heart and blow it into your mouth.

The taste with fried or charcoal food is very different, and the flavor is gentle to soft, but it is chewed, so that she can't help but take a bunch of gangs, chew it seriously.

It was then seen in the head, and the head of the head was sitting on the chair, and a ceramic tea cup was placed in front of him and the blindfelt, and the clear water was poured.

"Hey, you said this, this is ... um, Miss Wednes, Miss Miss, private mineral water, pair, very famous, don't worry."

The supervisor is explained so.



Zhi Nai did not have a good breath, but the fish tofu is tender, but the taste is very fulfilling, the same, the thick white radish is full of soup, sweet and delicious, but this does not allow her to alcoholism Behavior, expressed recognition.

Especially after the supervisor is more than a lot, I am more likely to have a lot of good things. For example, if you praise the beef meatballs, more than the exaggerated manifestation is to describe the string of fish cake.

Or or, it is to say some things she don't know clearly, set the trap - I don't know why, Miss, Miss, to the supervisor, can design the map at will, so that the game of the water pipe is very interested. .

Both people have more drunk, it is estimated that this will be forgotten tomorrow ..., when you sleep, you will have some uncomfortable taste of alcohol, do you want to force him to clean your body? Sleep again?

Unsecured bite bamboo sign, Zhi Nai ' ' spit out of the bite bamboo filings, then sigh, will move the blues that have been drunk, then send her to the bed according to the practice ...... By the way in cascading.

As for the double leaf, he said with some fascinating supervisors, and then collected a notebook, and quickly leaving the office.

Because the wine on his body is quite rich, so the double leaf will give up thinking about it, so you can enjoy the feeling of warming things.

The supervisor is after the initial excitement, hout lying on the chair, slowly waiting for alcohol to dissipate the influence of his own, and then looked at a few times, and suddenly found that the mercury lamp completely did not move.

He hit him: "The mercbrose hall is now almost rest, you should consider ... Well, rest? Tomorrow is relatively cumbersome work to handle, so ..."

"Hey, trouble is dead, idiot humans don't have to worry, as long as you don't leave this place, don't affect you, then what I want to do, it doesn't matter."

This is, so the supervisor is gradually dissipated. After the beginning is normal, the steps are steadily went to the washstock, and they will be slightly washed with themselves, then take off the shirt full of wine.

"Ah ... forget it, too much trouble, talk tomorrow, rest, I hope tomorrow's work can be easily, it is best not to send any disgusting unusual ..."

Well, the younger is awkward, the bed, the bed, the bed, the bed, the bed, the bed, soft, soft, soft: "Don't be too worried ... supervisor, take a break, let yourself Excessive troubles ... maybe, will make sleep quality ... "

But tell the truth, in fact, the supervisor does not want to go to sleep now, because the time is a bit more, you can be slightly ... check it, your own training is effective.

Author message:

Ps: ... It's tired to die every day ... I have to manage him, ask for a blade!

812. Will people in my dreams that will not let people go through time and space!

Honestly, the supervisor thinks, if you can take your fitness teaching to make money, don't say that the price is over 100 million, there is definitely no problem.

From the physical scrap metal to the sound of the After all, I will be very soft and will understand.

However, the supervisor is still observed the rest time. After the turn, holding a soft, warm intellectual entry sleep state, consciousness, he still thinks about the chaotic thinking, what will you dream today?

But didn't wait for him to get the answer, the consciousness has been scattered, as if moves in some kind of viscous material, then when you open your eyes again, see the cold conference room, the head is on the top of the cold, is positive Constantly refresh the information desk.

The supervisor did not think too much. For him, now is a break, as long as' look down, it is enough.

From the reflection of the desktop, the supervisor saw himself ... or seeing a slightly tender Nairi, she is not staring at the hard words, but there is no words.

This is inconsistent, and she should be self-speaking.

From the line of sight, the door of the meeting room was silent, and the latter one left blue short hair, the girl with a military knife came in, she fell in the cloak, letting it cover the beautiful nice clothes, Go to Naiye.

"Today, I solved about twenty, how is your side?"

"Well ... not well said, some tricky, how much is it solved ... Probably, six?"

Blue-haired girl has a little bunch of scratching: "To work hard, these things are always ghost, if they are raided, even us, maybe they will die."

"I understand, Miss Sha Yiziang ... That, don't you go to the hospital today?"

"I will go again later, patrolling this circle and say, say, when the school sister said in patrol, I found a very good coffee shop, do you want to sit?"

Naiye nodded, it looks very happy: "Okay! After the end of my round value, I will meet at the door of the station! I'm looking forward to it, I am always very busy recently ..."

"Enhancers more labor, but also giving that person ... um, nothing, I will go first ~"

After the blue-haired girl leaving, Miss Nairi also picked up the coup next to it. After carefully checking its state, the hands were holding it, and then went to the window, pulling the opaque two-storey glass window opened, and looked. A spell.

Time, the body becomes light, even floats, flying outside the window, the scenery in front of you suddenly change from the ordinary room, but it is quite serious.

The towering building can be seen everywhere, human and transportation facilities are like ants usually in the next Sichuan, but the supervisor has not seen the general sci-fi, the car can fly.

At this time, Nai Ye suddenly said to the voice: "Air traffic control is ... Well, it seems that the problem is still very serious, can't waste time ..."

Directly between the building, feel the wind blowing through the body, free flight that is constrained by things, the supervisor I found that I am quite happy -

However, this happiness only continued until a sharp explosion in a nearby building, and a few walls of the building were almost fried. Miss Nairy turned quickly and rushed toward the explosion.

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