The supervisor does not die from owing his mouth

The supervisor is not died in the mouth of the 646 chapter

After the elevator slowly stopped, after the arrival of '', the supervisor quickly jumped out of the elevator, and then looked at the rest - the result only one bare bed shelf, nothing.

"Stupid humans, are you looking for that human beings, she was taken away before, what is it?"

The sound of the mercury lamp came from the top of the head. When the supervisor looked up, she was sitting on a robot, looking at the supervisor with a very leisurely gesture.

I have been taken ... is also right, bell that state, how to see it is a type that can stay in the executive office, plus she also said that she must stay in her own office to maintain the status quo. Excessive changes occurred.

Some regrets sigh, the supervisor put the weapon on the wall, then then a mechanical arm reached over and took it away, and the serious manager prepared back to the chair, the other mechanical arm was blocked in him. Before the body.

At the same time, Christina's voice came: "Testing your body contaminated a lot of abnormal residues, it is recommended that you have completed a complete cleaning, complete the follow-up work."

Looked at the screen wall, I looked at it and hiding a far away mercury lamp, the supervisor shrugged, did not struggle, go directly to the bathroom to scroll ... only this time is slightly different, several mechanical arms help him will be on the body After the armed removal, replace the other more came over, holding brush, sponge, and bathing tools that are not seen any other supervisor.

Subsequently, the bathroom continued to come to the supervisor that was a somewhat strange scream, and the hot fog came up from above. At the same time, it seems that the harsh flavor of the entire office is also dispersed.

Until at this time, the mercury lamp came down from the ceiling. She stood at the desk, slightly, and started to drag and drop the big stacker as high as the hill.

Anyway, there is nothing to do, give the idiot human to organize what he wants to see. - Yes, anyway, just idle, just sitting next to watching, too boring, just like this.

Strive to persuade yourself, the mercury lamp will raise the new file and throw it on the stack.

Author message:

Ps: ... forgot to say, in fact, the reward is there for a long time, but I still keep the update leisurely ...

PS4: ...... Ok, ask for a ticket to ask for a reward!

846. Any behavior has its corresponding price, please keep in mind!

When the director's face is red, it is replaced with a new set of new clothes, that is, when she is worked out, his first reaction is very reality.

"Chris, I just put it on the door of the door, I was very comfortable, and the event was also very convenient. I still have to go to the clothes of the clothes five five clothes?"

"The overall armed forces have been recycled for data comparison testing. At the same time, you have not understood that our behavior is the burden on the company, please complete the paperwork."

Recycled ... It's a pity, tell the truth, the supervisor really feels that the armed is very in line with your aesthetics. If you can, he even wants to put the work to be replaced into that.

Obviously it is impossible, so he helplessly returns to the chair, then send out an inner outward sigh: "Ah ... it is back, it is really good, you don't have to run, awesome."

The mercury light stands on the table: "Hey, idiot humans, this exercise is sigh, rare, I still think that your active performance is good, I plan to praise you two sentences."

There is no need to praise, there is no actual reward, such as let the supervisor give her a hair.

Move it with a lot of money, and the supervisor suddenly paused: "Right, how is it now? What is she saying to synchronize with me, then activate armed, then? I am now I feel some tired, what is her? "

Christina was already on the screen, and he repressed: "The condition is very poor, so I have to confirm that this armed requires a permanent storage ... However, the central part of the Department believes that after you come back, you need to connect her video device."

After that, the display screen switches, which is displayed, the first picture of the ring, the first eye of the supervisor, lying on a spacious bed, overlapping hands, pale, pale, as well as paper.

"... When I was active, she kept this ... um, situation?"

"The vital signs is near the theoretical 'hibernation' situation. But there is a matter to pay attention to all departmental supervisors. According to the agreement, I will not conceal the occurrence of this situation."

The Christina one-glance turned the lens, the supervisor saw the center of the picture, is placed in a tangerine tree in the corner of the corner - compared to the previous fruit, it looks not good.

If the supervisor did not remember the wrong, at least when he even said this morning, it looks a spirit, it is full of fruitful oranges, and can be picked up at any time, then forced to give the ring. ...... Hey, this is not mentioned.

Now, the top of the tangerine tree that is almost high, the top leaf is dry and stems, I don't know why it has become yellow and wilting, it looks like it is not to poured water, I will die.

"This is ... what is the situation? When this orange tree worped, did you hang?"

In the face of Christina, I can't see any expression. After all, she is a face with a face, which looks like who owes her money.

Subsequently, she said peace: "When you are unscrupulous application, the armed forces are suppressed, it seems that never thought about it. The damage will not disappear, just it will be transferred. And obviously, when you apply At that armed, some status of the central part of the Department will change. "

In the picture, 'sister' holds a delicate scissors, cut off the top part of the orange tree, so that it looks short.

The supervisor touched the chin Sissora for a long time, and she always felt that the guy of Christina, did not say it, he suddenly got some table: "Then you said the actual, this tree is witherted is a good thing or a bad thing?"

"From a variety of aspects, it is a good thing."

The result was a answer.



In fact, things are very simple, the by-products brought by the talents of the bell are the orange tree. Once she may go to an abnormal direction, the tree will grow, and the abnormal characteristics are taken away ... so usually She is not allowed to contact any other person.

After all, the nutrients are okay, give more, but the anti-customer is the main body of the main body, maybe the company will become a huge orange tree.

And this sudden behavior, the company, most of the company is also happy, afraid that the tree suddenly a long one or more meters or higher - the result is not, it is backwards.

This means that although the bell and supervisor will take a breath, but also openly ignore discipline, the result is good, then it can only be handled.

"I still don't agree with multiple times, or the plural will make this special work behavior, which means that the unstable condition will gradually climb. And it is obvious that some people do not agree to this."

When Christina made a summary, the three-dimensional projection of the Dream suddenly walked down from the wall wall, she wrinkled and looked around, and then said: "No, I agree."

"You didn't agree."

"I have changed my mind, so it's good, things are getting better, not a constant, and this supervisor is very happy, so I agree."

"... has been submitted to the program, I will continue to pay attention to the consequences of this behavior. The central part president needs a certain rest time. Before that, the work she needs will be assessed to each of the same, or higher privileges. Human hands. "

Christina is cold and continuing to report, and she is waiting for a variety of running strings that do not understand, it looks quite novelty ... However, there is no new task to the supervisor.

"My? What about me? It's hard to say that I have not enough permissions, can you deal with work?"

The supervisor is rushing, let Christina have paused, and then said: "The administrative work dedicated to the central part of the department is not suitable for you. Of course, if you like, you can also distribute it to you, including four Hundreds of small areas are rebuilt, as well as issuance ... "

"No, I change my mind, cough. How is the situation on the Welfare?"

In fact, asking this is also more, when you come back, it seems that it is only barely enabled the backup equipment of the pressing force, think about it, and the situation is definitely very bad.

Christina did not answer, the screen wall handed over the screen, and then pulled the ruined quite serious, even some areas of the welfare department of the flower screen.

There, Niri League is a huge, huge, full of interfaces and cables, and switches.

Author message:

PS: Thank snow wind? X5, the reward of the independence of the country of the world ~ and thanks to the rain of the rain!

PS4; ...... Good, code word code, don't worry, there will be - then ask for a blade to reward!

847. Some words, no matter how euphemism will be punished!

The picture of the hall looks very bad, and various devices flashed with electric flow, some can be active, just like a dying organism, which is completely destroyed, can only be scattered on the ground, or where is it? , The status of the department is powerless.

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