The supervisor does not die from owing his mouth

The supervisor is not dying from the Yinger Chapter 701

The supervisor feels some chest tightness, which is normal, after all, the mercury lamp has always hanged himself in front of the supervisor, or it is in the kind of clothes.

He got some of the forehead of Cristina, then knocked the golden small sign of the lower bell, let her don't die.

"Yes, the supervisor is unknown, it is already able to guide the characteristics very skilled, but the red dragonfly, you have to know that men are dead, people have a second psychology, especially now this time. To collapse the situation ~ "

Don't let yourself think about it, the supervisor feels that he and the department supervisor, always be crazy.

Quiet close the eyes, Christina Keep the situation, the mechanical arm sent a heavy gun to the supervisor, he was a few times, then he did not hesitate to hold the muzzle .

"At this time, should I call a sodium aluminate? If you really shout, you can also say that I can open a branch."

The world is already quiet, and the supervisor sighs to pumping the mercury lamp from the arms. Let her first go at the table, then go to the bathroom to handle personal problems, then turn back again, suddenly have a feeling, pick up floating Aerial gun.

There is no bullet in it, no wonder is much more than last time.

The supervisor is re-sitting on the chair, picking up the mercury lamp, keeps thinking in my heart, what to do when I work, even a bold idea - I am not personally, I will send someone else. .

Yes, I still have this trick, why don't you try it?

Author message:

Ps: ... brushs the palace to brush yourself, I think that there is a Tiangong, I am more painful ...

PS4: ...... and ask for a blade!

920. You will talk more about it.

"You mean, this idea is not? Why do you have to determine the number of employees before you start, rather than send it again?"

"Because the abnormality is not explained. The accommodation room is the activity of the forcibly depression and other, in fact, they are not unattractive."

The bell sighted, and some drowsy took the amount of the head. The influence caused by the head of the supervisor is first for her, followed by a mercury lamp - the latter is holding a head, and the small mouth drinks chocolate milk to lift the headache.

It is then the departmental supervisor and Christina, especially this AI, so far from now, it seems to have forgotten his work.

"So, now, is this this, then today, today's work is not distributed, change it to you, after all, I know that the employee's work is very good."

Victori gently knocked the ceramic pipe of the knocking out of water and steam, and made a summary start to leave the picture, and then half of it suddenly stopped.

"Take the language, you can use the language you can understand. Don't have to pay too much, they just change back to records ... From my perspective, they have no difference."

"Okay, I know, but my idea will not change, don't you have?"

"Hey, nothing."

After the Victoria left, the supervisor quickly took the person on the staff, and then she was ready to be prepared, and found that the bell was striving.

"what's up?"

Loud said: "The supervisor, I told you, in fact, Vantra is particularly carefully accused of employees, because the record is constant, and the living employee is a real person. So, she really agree with your concept. Oh?"

That is why it doesn't point to admits that the supervisor shrugged, probably the so-called disappointment, there is nothing big.

"You don't know very well, ok, what do you do? You really plan to rely on your own 'traits' to face it directly with [White Night]? Do you need me to send your set? "

The supervisor shakes his head, stands in the hands of the hands: "No, I don't even plan to wear an abnormally armed in. This thing is very exclusive, except for itself outside the so-called 'bless', don't get anything."

"And it is clear, in addition to people, I will plan to see, can it be able to attribute a firm pagan."

At this time, Christina suddenly opened.

"I think this trial is best not to do. If you are also forced to return, become an unusual unsteadic 'believers', the company cannot bear this risk, I hope you give up this work plan."

I was shocked, and she turned his head and didn't speak on the screen. The supervisor is to hold his arm. "Is this your thoughts, or the current situation of the company, think the best solution it is?"

"All are there."

This AI is dead, not intended to admit it, but it is sometimes exposed, however, how to say, at least the way to change.

The supervisor smiled, pick up the notebook with his hand, then compared his back.

"Well, don't advise it, I don't give me a lot of insurance. If I find that I have signs of brainwashing, I remember to fight this, and you should be familiar."

Even the mercury lamp feels that if it is not a free control map, the person on the screen is estimated that the face must be blackened.



Honestly, in the work state, enter the departmental area, this feeling is quite new, although the competent person does not feel, but if there is anything, it seems that there is an abnormal breath that the feeling is turned in the hall, do not have to leave .

Employees have been disseminated to other departments, including cleansing, so when the supervisor, meets him only Victoria, which looks quite displays.

How to say it, the cartoon of the cognitive filter is really good, but when you see it, the supervisor is still quite a bit of heart - who doesn't like the blonde, looks beautiful and soft, like Western people, lovely children What about it.

Although Victoria does not call 'children', it is happier, and a unique temperament is not allowed.

When I knocked on the smoking stroll in the palm of the palm, I didn't have a white smoke, and Vorroli had unique, quite the voice of the old hoarse, said: "Being a good behavior, there is no behavior. This trial is best Don't do too many times, but you can't understand the brain of ordinary people. "

It is not very good to understand, after all, you don't explain what you said, so the supervisor has not rebuted, but it has taken out a fruit hard candy from the pocket, passing from the Pigga's head, handed Sitting on a chair, a brunette girl who doesn't care about the outside world.

"Since Dido doesn't like it, it will give you a good, you don't have to be polite, and if you want to go back, you will be tiered."

"NO, I will remember after memory, she will remember, everyone will remember. Don't be self-purple, memory is the most important part of mankind, can't give up."

Suddenly, I sat there after Danteli took the candy, and didn't have a further action ... Well, it is also, now I don't have so much Jung Fu chat.

Therefore, the supervisor is very easy, swaying towards the receiving promenade, and then appreciates the entrance of the accommodation chamber of the [White Night] after the recording department is completely different.

Slightly finished thinking, when the other party, the mouth may only be regarded as an incompetent mourning, so it is best to form a meaningful conversation, see the other's language limits, then do planning.

The worst preparation is that a word is not committed to suicide it immediately, then remember the countermeasures, see if you can get from other angles.

Then, the supervisor opened the door of the housing room, leaking the warmth of the inner, so that he seems to be in the sunshun of the early spring, although hot, but warm and warm.

Lace your legs into the housing room, the thorny light makes him unable to see the appearance of [White Night], but the light is just right to express its 'status'.

'The lost lamb, you are seeking, I have known, some micro-injuries, but it is a little misopery to the Eternal Paradise. '

The supervisor is quietly listening to the words that seem to be introduced in their own brain. The sweet voice seems to be mixed with honey, attracting closer, and in it says 'I will show you, what is the real power', Suddenly open.

"Can you tell me how is it to drive out this world by a pagan?"

Author message:

PS: Thank you Gantte's 588 rewards ~

PS4: ...... Why is Sunday busy ...

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