The supervisor does not die from owing his mouth

The supervisor is not dying from the Yinger Chapter 711

Instead of adding, it is better to say 'retrieving yourself, I don't know how to have', in Yousi's memory, she put the same equipment in the same way, it is installed for approximately dozens of times.

So what is now dismantling the weapon now, it is thinking about the equipment and its supporting other facilities, and the brain can't stop.

As for the supervisor ... Yesi is slightly migraped, the supervisor is suffering from the miserable beatings, even if it has just completed the entire company, no one can reach, he also has to accept a fairly professional warfare, to deal with this Any possible, near and mid-range attacks.

Remote attacks don't think about it, because at that time, it is definitely the special armed forces ... This is also Niriya told himself.

When I came back, because Nepupa had already smashed unstable disturbance, she had embroistered the same logo as the supervisor's clothes, and the position was in the left side of the jacket. In this case, Do you want to engrave one?

After all, as the assistant of the departmental supervisor, it is also the supervisor of the department, um ... What icon is better?

Serious thinking, Yinsi once again split into a part, seriously thinking about how to customize the transformation, and suddenly sounded the sound of the elevator.

Subsequently, a double horsetail tied to the elongated, it looked like an early, not, the departmental supervisor of high school students went into the office. If you don't make a mistake, she should be the training department ...

"Call me, you will be good, Miss Yichi, you look very well, if there is any psychological problem, you can come directly to my clinic? The department is free of charge."

"Ah, Well, thank you ..."

Then the blindle is so exciting to join the supervisor and the bell fairy's regional peripheral protection bar, and the hands are in front of the mouth: "The supervisor! Come on! Defeat the Bell Xian, you are the company's strongest person. La!"

The foggy of the naked eye began to be filled, some of which were immersed in the supervisual body, which was originally ill, and the supervisor of the passive beaten sometimes seems to help, the whole person is excited.

Oh, wow ... this kind of air, the sequelae is definitely very serious.

It may be a long time, Yins feels that he is slightly detachment with the company's departmental supervisors, and just wake up, it is pulled down to carry out equipment maintenance - nor a complaint, in that state, you can wake up, It is already a miracle.

When training over half, the supervisor has peeledly peeling the outer peeling of the bell fairy armed, but it is a pity that is just some additional protective devices.

The inner layer not only has a multi-layered buffer structure, but also a close-range electric shock, a power force, and even a hit needle on the arm of the arm.

And the supervisor is only one shirt.

As a supervisor that adapts to these layers out of the equipment, he is very profitable to the second stage, the second stage, he must fully rely on his flexible actions, all of the iron shells of Kenai Xian ... all ... ...

After the waist of the bell fairy, four strengthening of short-packed rocket launcher ignited.

"I hit you []?"

Author message:

Ps: ...... Go out and come back late, update late ...

PS4: ...... Seeking tickets!

933. Contacts with people will become more close

After training, the supervisor only felt that the suffering will leave, and the rest is very relaxed, and leisurely ... a ghost, he only feels that he is stiff, as if it has been applied to a fixed curse.

This is the sequelae after a strenuous exercise. Generally, the supervisor should not be miserable to this level, but that is usually, it is not the same today, and the blind goes in advance and encourages the supervisor.

"Hey ... life is not easy. Why do I have to suffer this sin ... Don't pinch it, you have to die, let it feel soothless."

Lying on a chair, just like a wastewormy massage service. To be honest, the truth is not easy, because the strength of the blindness is too small, even if it is strong, the supervisor is only a little soothing.

"I have confirmed your state, some micro-reservoirs after strenuous exercise, it is recommended to lie down and rest for a while. In case of preventing case, I will be able to restore the body consumes drinking drugs on the table."

After the document is recorded in the hand, turn to the supervisor: "Where are you uncomfortable? If there is any questions, no matter what problem, I will help it."

At this time, he didn't dare to joke. He moved his neck and blinked her eyes after feeling the ultimate sting.

"I am painful, in addition to this place, there is no more painful place, no bleeding or demise, doctor, I am not finished?"


"... You have no problem, please take a rest first, I still have a lot of things to handle, I will come back later."

After that, put a few metal to the table and left the accommodation room.

Blue blinking wrist-painful wrist: "I think, I may need some auxiliary equipment! Nothing to say that your body is too stiff, how to say it ... oh, just that, very toughness! "

It's hard to say, the supervisor has appreciated what she wants to express, so tough lifting her hand, refers to a group of pharmacy placed on the table.

"That's trouble, help me get the goth, I am fine, I am fine."

So after a few minutes, the supervisor was successfully released from a bunch of debuff, and even the idle manager wiped his hand and face, it was not so embarrassing, and this has the spirit to put the attention to the employee seating area.

"Hey, idiot humans, don't you think it is very uncomfortable? There is still so much blood, you have brought it."

The mercury lamp is sitting on the monitor, and it seems that I really want to join the supervisor, and I feel that I have lost your identity ... Well, she emphasizes.

However, the supervisor said that he didn't care, he seriously wondered half a day, suddenly pulled the picture to the first floor of the coffee shop, but did not go in, but directly knocked the small window left.

"I suddenly had an idea, wrong, it should be said. The company has an unusual abnormality, such as three birds, it will transform, then the [white night] is also the same. So the company does nothing, after the generation One plus one greater than the two stuff? "

After a while, the bell drilled out of the window, and when I saw the mottled blood on the supervisual clothes, I was screaming, followed by the fingers.

"Before that, do you want to consider, clean yourself? Of course I don't care, but really I will answer this question now?"



It took five minutes to rinse it over again, then put it on the shirt ... Taking into account the blindfel and Yini is still in the room, the supervisor is still put on the uniform's pants.

Sit back in the chair, the supervisor hugged his arm and let the merider asked after sitting on his shoulders: "Can you say it now?"

"Hey ... You always like this to chase the bottom, but there is nothing."

The bell changed a sitting position, the whole person could be huddled on the chair, looked at a small, then swaying the body, pretending to be a orange.

"Where to talk ... Hey, there are many unusual concepts, is a fragmentary, or represents a certain meaning, and then there is other way to hold another part, so, in multiple exceptions At the same time, I triggered a special association.

Anyway, it is not an explosion, it is a non-affected mode. From which point of view, it is quite unfavorable to the supervisor.

So he did not hesitate to ask: "Is there any activation in the company now, is it similar to the abnormal cluster that maybe?"

"Yes! But I can't say what it is, I can only tell you, there is this thing. The remaining is your own thinking about it?"

After that, the bell put a basket of oranges from the table: "Next is the time to rest, please enjoy this by your creation, come to peaceful time? Want to eat oranges, manage enough! "

This is, it is not good for your body.

Therefore, the supervisor directly refused to eat oranges, then scaled the screen wall of the screen, directly entered the coffee shop, recently cognitive filters upgrade, at least he can see the standing + 2.5 head small people, Rely to guess interesting.

So when I love to hold the tray '' 'rushing, he carefully observed the expression of the other party, it seems that it is still sitting in the chair after being asked by Xingshi.

"Welcome ~ Ah, is the supervisor, Xiao Zhi is said, you come over, just go there ~"

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