The supervisor does not die from owing his mouth

The supervisor is not dying from the Yinger Chapter 739

In front of him, it is a stone carousel above the veneer, the cylinder, the stone carving of the "God of Magic Girl], and there is no change, let it be, let the squad where there is no change. People look up.

Let the supervisor feel that it is, when you see the stone statue, Nairong's performance is very peaceful, it feels like a stranger to be shoulder on the road.

"Well ... haven't I feel?"

'Nothing is. '

In order to confirm that the supervisor has walked in the past, reached out and touched the stone platform, and found that after they didn't feel it, directly picked up, poke the knees of the "God of Magic Girl].

In an instant, the supervisor only felt that he was surrounded by the streamer of the cherry. If there is no sound in the ear, he can't hear what it is saying, but there is a certain apology that is in it, the perceive is not Very true.

After only number of breathing, this feeling instantly disappeared, and then the supervisor found that he had already standing in the yellow line, it was like a two fool.

'Um ... I have already understood, if I don't mind, can I send me back? Mr. Director. '

It is not bother to send it back, and the supervisor is actually quite curious. What did she feel?



Good in Nai Ye is not a person who likes to hide, as long as I ask, I will definitely answer. All the way, she gave the supervisor, about a long time for a long time, such as the sound and apologies just heard, all originally originally told the director.

'That is a very good existence ... What do you say? Said that I feel very sorry, I haven't helped me, but I am actually very good now. Just occasionally suppress that guy ... '

It is really good, but also provides energy, although the supervisor does not understand how these energy is collected.

'Then, she said, I can realize my wishes, but I will pay the price. This price may take effect later, but I will come ... Mr. Director, you guess me? '

To be honest, the supervisor feels, it is sweating behind his own, even if this is not his own body, nervous or mood changes, it will also drive the body to change.

"Big, probably wants to free or make the abnormal ability disappear, become a generous elementary school students?"

' ... I always feel that I have seen it, but Mr. Director, you listen to me, I have no wish? Because there is not that necessary, and you have also said, it is best not to have change now, otherwise the crisis will be here. '

Ah, although the name of the [White Trise], but the character is unexpected, he is hovering, telling the truth, or now you are lying in a bunch of books, you can't pull it out, the supervisor will even can't help her face.

But think about watching the consequences, still count.

In short, after the Miss Nai Ye is recycling, the supervisor will also calm down, choose to return and pass the long darkness, then open his eyes, see the 'sister' is sitting on the ground, and the legs are covered with a cover. Some strange book.

"You woke up, you still need to work, or end today's observation project, return to the office. The work I am here is over, let's go back to the second area, what ordlined?"

As if the stack of orders, the 'sister' is not ill, and after watching the supervisor, he also closes to the book, put it in the same place, followed by it.

"Well ... Nothing requires you to help, go back first. After I have to go to the housing room of [Magic Girl], check out the results."

"Learn, then I will return first."

After the micro-row, 'sister' slowly leaving, the supervisor is slammed, and it is found that there is no one behind him, and the Diguijia is still unknown, some regrets let go of the oily pen.

Next time I saw her, I must write a positive word on her body.

All in all, in the end of the idea, the director is a heavy pace into the housing yogle, passing the [Little Red Hat] Take a little meal.

Now I am bothering her, I will be asked [in short is a wolf], so I will avoid it ... and do you want to see [Alice] situation?

If she suddenly looked at the dress, it was finished.

Author message:

PS: Thanks to Lichzeta's 15 588 times!

PS4: Good! Today is (10/26)! I, I have to have half a month ...

971. Although I want to try it, I don't know how to physically do?

To be honest, the supervisor is actually pondered. [The God of Magic Girl] Since it is necessary to converge himself, it is estimated that she must keep this posture in the future, until the supervisor has completed its research, no matter what ... I don't say this.

In other words, even if I have stepped into the housing room, she will also be the appearance of the stone statue until the old man is old - but it is obvious that the truth is not the case.

Just entering the housing room, the stone platform did not change, but the stone statue of the stone was surprised, then the crack of '', then the flow of cherry is soaked to the entire stone, when the light is screaming, still Keeping a firm bundle in the top, almost no activity space [God of Magic Girl] Just sitting on the end of the end.

"You come here, just this time, the breath is much more clear, and you can even say that there is no self-preparation ... It is easy to be deflected by an abnormal disturbance, thus become unlike people, be careful "

Some sorry, I am sorry to touch the nose, I am infected into an abnormally, it seems that I have to turn it back to yourself recently ...

"Thank you for reminding, and, in fact, I am very curious, why you will become a sculpture when you communicate with others, or I will come back, and you change it?"

Although I can't move, [God of Magic Girl] is quite talking, she didn't reserve the director: "Because I am waiting, when will you sign a contract with me?"

"At least recently, because I haven't grasp what you said, what solves the problem of an abnormal problem ... Yes, this is the case."

"So, I will wait for the moment you are determined here, or observe if you can do it, don't have to complete the great cause of me now, I haven't finished it."

[The God of Magic Girl] Smile, I want to bow, but I have to keep my own posture because my hair is awkward, then said: "I found out that you have a special force, it seems to borrow those distortions. The concept is covered, it is no longer a person, or simply is the power of distorting concept, I am curious, I want to know. "

"When you are ready, you can try to use the kind of power to me, maybe I can analyze more things? Try to have its value."

The director is nodded and shakes his head, and some regrets said that he can't do it.

His booth was shining: "How to say it, I don't know how to achieve what kind of condition is reached, in general, I have to connect with the other party and then I can achieve this requirement. "

Summarized for a long time, the supervisor pondered such that it may not be quite detailed. He thought about it for a long time. He looked up.

"In short, it's thinking, thinking, thinking about why, I don't know, maybe contact, perhaps, ideal, or something else."

The other person smiled and replied: "I understand, it seems to be more realistic, I have to do ... Well, time is still very long, I will always look at you here, please don't worry."

Then the supervisor is awkward: "What are you laughing?"

"Your face ... ah, sorry ..."

How to say, accept named [God of Magic Girl] and does it should be an apology that turns an unusually god, feels some subtle, and I am afraid that I have been killed by it.



All in all, in summary, the supervisor has achieved some information that may not be used now, there is at least that it is not a bad thing - but also, it is understood that [the god of magic girls] is quite expected to himself. .

What's more, I don't have the final observation, or if there is no condition, I can't start the ability of 'armed this anomalies' ... Anyway, at least the supervisor has time.

After leaving from the housing room, the supervisor grew up, and then turned to see it yet. The wall was separated from the middle, and an elevator box was in it, waiting for himself.

In case, or ask: "Chris, is this you prepared?"

"Yes, you have ended in the workshop in the accommodation interval, and the working hours have arrived in the extreme, I hope you don't stay, go back to the office."

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