The supervisor does not die from owing his mouth

The supervisor is not dying from the Yinger Chapter 741

PS4: ... When I think I have to make it tomorrow, I am very painful.

973. Evast is just a moment, then (add more)

The employees are looking forward to the follow-up of the story before, and the supervisor is behind the coffee, she seriously thinks about a few seconds, and begins to give employees. One hundred years later, the gentleman inheritors, with silver gray ripples to carry forward family tradition And the story of the friend of a lifetime.

"Wait a minute, idiot humans, one you haven't finished yet!"

"People don't pursue too many things, since I have not told, then explain the rest of it doesn't matter, I don't want to continue listening."

"Hey, there is no so-called."

Then the supervisor began to hold the warm coffee cup, resting on the table, put the relaxed gesture, start to give employees from ancient enemies, put human and famous species of human and named "Vampire" as a bread to eat, not old Do not die, the race that is afrained in the sun.

Although the sound has been mechanically and no feelings that have been filtered after multiple times, the employees are very en suited, even some people have more to have a more tobits, used to be a story when listening to the story.

The content of the story is not complicated, even some king, dealing with perseverance, relying on efforts to become strong, then facing the enemy, winning the wisdom ...

"Then do you exercise, how will the speed of running?" The mercury lamp suddenly joined the topic and did not give the director face.

"Yeah, this is the escape route of Qiao family. It is far away, and then I will follow me ... Well, I think."

The supervisor thinks for a moment, then continue to say: "The next step is to be inserted into a heavy part, and then there is a true purpose of Kazi, then do the Qiao family's blood can inherit, and how the friend is life and death ... "

The cough, the supervisor grabbed the mercury lamp that flew it in front of him, and then clipped under the arm.

"We will continue tomorrow, then you will come here today, I hope you can spend a wonderful night, will."

Put the drunk coffee cup onto the robot arm, followed by pulling the screen wall, let it zoom between the floor, and then pull down without hesitation.

There are not many people in the blindle psychological clinic, but they are all in line, it seems that she will not work in a time, and continue to go down, the spirit is in the street, living like a uncle.

Even if I copened that the supervisor came, she just greeted it, she continued to sit there, with her side, even now wearing a high-tech, but carrying a pile of zero, so Cumbersome 'Chark Star' is talking.

Well ... Even in the seating area, have you been with a helmet, in order to prepare to suppress the suppression of anytime, anywhere?

"Good evening, supervisor. I haven't told my guys who haven't told my guys to work, they all can't hold it, I want to do business."

"However, since I didn't call them, did you mean that the company is now in a stable state?"

The head of the head, replied: "It is true, at least until it is very stable before get off work ... Well, or when I start working next, I want to send you someone to run a circle?"

I didn't expect the 'Langxing' to sway: "No. Only when I really need to join. If I run too long, I will affect others' work, this is not a good thing."

There is no way ... so the supervisor is just before I am in listening to something they can do, and continue to go down.



As a result, I just arrived at the lower layer, I saw that Yousi and Nirija were holding two wooden boxes, which were filled with some parts that did not use, and there was a little smile. The store went.

I don't want to bother someone to live. When I am ready to change, Niri is first discovered the supervisor.

"Director! Today, today's work is over, do you have a good rest? Dinner ... ah, dinner, this, I am preparing, now I just have a free, come over, come back ..."

The supervisor did not care about the swing: "There are not many things, late is late. But see your look, this is allowed to walk in the seating area?"

"Well ~ Although it is only necessary to be with me, this is already a sign of recovery. Of course, every day still want to report it, after all, treatment is not a good."

It is not enough to have a big impact on the supervisor. The supervisor shrugged: "I am going to find Vantra, in short, this is not too urgent, if I feel too early, I have a rest, and my family is too short together. It is nothing more than one later. "

I thought I would not be pulled into the conversation. You did something unexpected from the equipment. I nodded after I blinked: "Oh ... Well, I understand, thank you for your understanding ..."

After two people left, the supervisor continued to pull down the screen, but did not find Victoria - she did not wait for the place where I should stay, but I didn't know where it was.

Asked, I have been sitting on the chair, like Dantan, like a bookworm, she just shook his head: "Everyone needs her own rest time, and Victoria is also the same. Don't worry, she just needs a small meeting. Take a break, plus the problem that escaping your prank needs. "

There will always have the opportunity, and the supervisor comforts yourself and will always have the opportunity.

So after some peeled oranges to Victorga, the supervisor did not stop more, and zoom the screen to the biggest, then extended a lazy waist - he did not see, after he left, Vantoli From a stacked, not too high books will be revealed.

Be alert to the left, confirm that the supervisor really left, Vantuo quickly patted the clothes and touched his smoking strip from the boutique.

"Call ... I am really trouble, I should not be so afraid of this supervisor, why is it aware of the consciousness ... I am really strange."

Next to her, Dantelian lost a tangerine petal into his mouth, and looked at the taste of the sweet and microic acid. He casually replied: "Yes, the breath is quite strange, it is easy to be nervous. But there is no malicious "

"You just have a good feeling of feeding to your behavior ... and this orange is not the orange control, hey, taste is not bad."

As for the supervisor, he was attracted attention to the sound of the elevator, and he wondered after reading the eye, I think it should be a double leaf or hand it over to my family.

Then the elevator door opens, from the inside out of the supervisor, the department supervisor.

Author message:

PS: add more, today is (10/26)!

974. Don't underestimate the truth of some people!

In the door of the elevator, it is usually not going to run everywhere. Occasionally, it is like a lottery, and then gives them a tip of the whole day, is known as the central part of the department. 'Sister'.

Some strangely, she didn't take a box this time, even didn't wear uniforms of the departmental supervisor, but we put on a set of inexplicably a bit of touch, it seems to be a bell has changed, like It is the same dress as the bishop.

The supervisor stunned, quickly put his feet from the table: "It is a 'sister' personally come over, but also wear so good ... Is there anything that is not convenient to say in the video, want you to come over? "

Cross the elevator, the sister is quiet to the director, the one is exactly the same as the bell, but the scribes have to look with Christina, there is no emotion.

"Not this, you invite me to have dinner, so I will report this matter to the head of the department, and the reply gets this, let me come here."

The supervisor thinks, just in the following, he casually played a stalk ... The sister will be very unique, the bell is actually true? She is not too big?

Sitting from the side of the chair, sit down to the sister, then command the mercury lamp to bring the warm water bottle - the latter is very dissatisfied, then take the warm kettle to the supervisor.

After giving her a cup of tea, the supervisor hurriedly got some golden little logo on the display, and the bell quickly slammed out: "Good! Director, you have seen your sister? I am carefully giving her clothes, It is also a slight painting with makeup, guarantees you to see the most perfect sister! "

"No, I mean, how are you so enthusiastic? It is a matter of reason to know that it is just a guest?"

The bell shakes the body, wearing a loose pajamas makes her look extra soft, but this is not a focus, she is free to put her hands: "How can I say this ~ I know that my sister lacks a variety of responsibility as a common sense, So I will remember anything, then go to the fulfillment. "

"Moreover, after all, I have no way to go, so you will try it out, first use the sister to practice the hand! I have to know that all the sister's data is exactly the same, completely uniform!"

You said this is easy to misunderstand, and you don't understand anything, just know that children who follow the command will be willing to know.

"Hey ... I haven't said anything, just let you try to get along with your sister, supervisor, is your thinking comparison ... understanding, after all, the boy, natural every day, I don't think about it, I don't Meditate ~ "

But the supervisor is very mindful, especially the mercury lamp next to it, and the eyes have become a feeling of reading the perpetrators - even if there is no police force in the company, there is also a discipline!

At this time, my sister suddenly falsely, "I am not just complying with the order, there is also a certain degree of curiosity for the supervisor. The director said that I will experience more things, with this more complete recovery, I think this is recovering Direction development. "

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