The supervisor does not die from owing his mouth

The supervisor is not died in the mouth of Chapter 744

"The next thing to say is very simple. Well ... Ten quality points, the company has now, plus it has been eliminated, it has been three. That is, as long as solving the seven quality points, Will make good things happen! "

The good thing is not very clear, but is it really easy? The so-called solution, although it does not include it exists, it is definitely to change the form of these things, the company as a quality point, how to change ... Outbreak four?

The head of the double leaffoot: "Really, my brother is too too, it is detrimental? The so-called change, the company has long prepared, upgrade the ground, also change, change the structure, also changed ! "

This is too good, not reliable.

However, the bell is deeply recognized, she shakes his fingers, so that the supervisor can't wait to take her, let her not only sway there: "What do you think is? I offer everyone to offer all people. Then get a future that you have to redeem? It is impossible ~ "

"Even now to sign a contract with the" God of Magic Girl], then become a magical girl, is it changed? After you arrive at the company, it is already integrated with us. "

It is quite horrible, and the bell is suddenly stopped. She is full of dust before she takes out the table. It is even almost the decadent, but it seems to be revised.

"In short, dreams and hopes will have, miracles and magic are all existing, why not believe? Both this step, choose conservative and give up is not the company's consistent policy, you are right?"

So, so there are seven quality points ... Well, it is estimated that there will be some free time, or wait for the company to have some micro exploration, to see the supervisor caused the changes in the outside, Where there is an impact.

This may be a relatively long process, but as long as the supervisor is still sitting in the position, then it will not stop.

"You must have a Lich king ... Well, is this feeling?"

The person who can pick it up by the person who can pick up the sentence. Only the ring is turned in the pen, and I will answer: "This is the army of the army to drive, everyone is a living person."

makes sense.

In short, dinner is also over. It's almost the same thing. Shuangye has a handle to try the handle. She is scheduled today, it is rare to squeeze out some time to find a supervisor, as a brother (self It is of course not refused to recognize it).

However, before that, 'sister' suddenly stood up: "The invitation has ended, and then the time to deal with follow-up."

The supervisor thought: "It should be said at this time, dinner is very good, thank you for the hospitality, even if you just have a guest's words, you have to say this. Of course, this is just more important, I don't have to use it here. Cut. "

"Say, I am enough, I am, Of course, if it is my personal hobby, I also hope that the cute girl has no expression of the skirt - that too changed, so I'm going to be."



A few minutes later, the supervisor was unable to screw the red cheeks by the double cross, and then very unable to leave a full set of consecutive moves, let the characters in the screen of the screen hit the double-blade to the slave, until she was completely emptied Blood tank.

"I said double-leaved, I just said that I didn't expect my sister to be 100% photo. It is really only an accident. I don't need to use my face to tear the strength."

"Hey, my brother is idiot. If you relax, you will think about twenty bad contents every minute, you must, this is punished."

Put the 'sister' in his arms, just like holding a doll, the double leaf is a martyth, even if his role is caught by Ou, it doesn't say anything, but the number of whispers. The bad behavior of the supervisor.

The latter has not been angry, she is just quiet, honestly said that the supervisor did not expect that she would not hesitate to trust himself, it seems that I would like to say that I still need to pay attention to it.

In this regard, I also published an important notice outside the laughter of the whole process: "Sister, don't have to be so eager to come back, want to stay in the supervisor to see your own choices? Don't worry about work, because Work, I can handle it here! "

This is why 'sister' is still waiting for the reasons in the executive office. If she doesn't give her a job, she seems to be so standing, standing to work.

"Oh ... these don't mention it, telling that it is better to come today, is it so good? Is there a good thing in the coffee shop? Or is it a troublesome problem?"

The double-blade did not have a frustration, and then the supervisor continued to select random, anyway, I didn't especially good at the supervisor, and no one didn't care.

"No, according to the information, Xiao Zhi, the will come over, build the department, suddenly finding her little things need to be handled, um, small things."

It is always not to pinch the steel block into a high-density material, and it is also too large to use hahaha ...

When you think of this, the supervisor suddenly silently, but quiet is waiting for the double leaf attack, then see the recruitment - Tongli, the sister has always been quiet, and it is not sent.

It is said that the elevator will come again, and then wear a suit uniform wear when wearing a job, and the tiredness is from inside.

"Hah ... so tired, supervisor, work hard today! That, I was called to help it, so I was a little late ..."

I really go to pinch the steel block? !

It seems that the shocked expression on the face is somewhat exaggerated. It is unhappy, but soon will soon get angry, then go to the supervisor, reach out and knead his hair and long hair, confirm that the supervisor in front of you is true. After that, he is happy to narrow his eyes.

"It's not so troublesome, just help them repair the mitallurized crucible ..."

How did these two words come together? !

Author message:

PS: Thank you Mars Meng new X2 reward ~

PS4: ... this is the first ... (12/26) ... well, this month is over! Remember to vote next month!

978. This ability is! (happy National Day)

There was no explanation to the messy supervisor, and Zhi is lightly running to the double leaf. After curiosity, after the 'sister', reached out poked her cheek.

"The supervisor of the control department, what do you need to help?"

"Wow ... is true, I thought it was a three-dimensional projection of Miss Shuangye ... But why is 'sister' here?"

"Because the invitation of the supervisor, go to the supervisor office for dinner ... Dinner is very delicious, thank you."

The supervisor scratched his head: "There is no need to repeat it here. Directly say that it is good to eat, it will be good, you can't give me a cup of coffee anymore, by the way, I have already hidden to the corner of the wall. Yogurt."

"Okay! That, please wait a little ..."

Zhi is the corner of the room, will avoid the cigarette and now avoid it because it is eaten because of the Budding of the supervisor, I feel that I will be returned by the evil silver light, and then go to the other side of the desk, take There are various vessels to start modulating coffee.

"Stupid, idiot human, if I have to fight, I will not lose, and you forget something you eat, I will help you handle it, isn't it very reasonable?"

"I don't care ... I am actually quite a regret, but I don't have the relationship. I will let Nepham make a good one, so what do you hide so far? I am not evil, right."

However, the silver lamp is not so stupid. She didn't feel it at all, so until the double leaf put down the handle, she did not move before changing the game, pretending to be a doll that she was cared by himself.

In theory, at night, the time will be like this, slow but make people comfortable, but it is obvious that the supervisor discovered novel things - sister's learning ability, very strong.

Even gave her a handle, she could start mount the supervisor, even started to adapt to her personal fine-tuning, and finally presented the technical level, and even achieved the same level as the supervisor.

To this end, the supervisor also deliberately opened a plate of blue mountain, demonstrated her handle to 'sister' after the efficiency passenger, she took the handle, just after the three pictures, she started The supervisor is completely consistent, and even the timing has no difference in pool.

Well ... Can you do this?

Seriously staring at the screen, the hand is completely non-stop, 'sister' maintains a consistent high efficiency, and the eyes are not blinking to give her a demo before the supervisor.

How to say it, now I feel like I am watching my recording, the anchor can you don't let the video, give me a live broadcast .jpg

Did of a wisdom is a modulated coffee, feel the taste of the slight bitterness and microalic acid, and the supervisor is once again, this BGM is really good, the operation is really smooth.

"Hey, that's of course ~ This is my dearest sister. I naturally have extraordinary. I have to know that the work is like this. The part is absolutely precise and cannot have a good demand for the facility. The sister is able to do it. To this extent. "

"Don't ask why you don't have a mechanical, because machine is not reliable - do you think I will say this! Too true! Because my sister is really reliable, even more reliable than occasional machinery?"

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