The supervisor does not die from owing his mouth

The supervisor is not dying from the Yinger Chapter 762

I couldn't help but got out of the past, I found that the supervisor is also good, the double leaves are good, and the two immediately put into entertainment, and there is little feedback on the external substitute.

Zhang Zhang Zhang, the mercury lamp did not say anything, just stuffed a bite to his mouth, then narrow his eyes, feel the feeling of sweet taste diffuse in the tip of the tongue.

Not allowed, the sound of the elevator came again, and Zhi is uniform wearing a coffee shop, with a good toaster into the office. When you see, you can see, you will be lying in bed. Blue leaves.

Subsequently, some unhappy fan nose, because the taste of the waves of alcohol, let her have some uncomfortable ... but very fast, Zhi is to join the director.

The taste of alcohol volatile is thicker, but the wisdom is as if it is not obvious, put the weaving basket in the hand on the table, then whisper: "That, supervisor ... The store has done a lot of bread, it is said to have a new Formula ... "

The supervisor quickly stopped the action, and then scratched after being killed by the fried spider mine: "Hard work, but I have a bit rising now, can help me call a cup um ... Is it relatively light drink?"

"Ah ... ok, you can ... please wait a moment!"

When I went to the other side of the table, when the coffee was modulated, I saw that the supervisor was unmoving a huge robot to remove the battery and detonated it.

The roar made her a little uncomfortable to shake the body, and then carefully ground coffee to be binked to the supervisor.

"I said, I went to see the bell today, she discussed with me, the development problem after the company."

The supervisor suddenly said that the hand and the eyes did not stop, maintaining efficiency to kill the role of employees to death on the ground, and the mouth took the orange petals on the double cross.

The wisdom is from the ground coffee beans, quiet waiting supervisors continue. He is not so people who like to sell Guanzi, there is definitely to say it directly.

"She said with me, the company has a plan, but she didn't use 'ih ** ea *** n' this kind of tone, but said, the company can consider Campala Space Development ... After we don't change your name. For example, how about the wandering company? "

I have some unhappy drums, then the supervisor put down the handle and put the twinkling hair messy: "I don't have fun, in fact, the content discussed is that after the departments are full, do you want to fight. "

"Going to the ground to firmly, get more energy income methods, all those who can't take themselves, can not be handled, it is likely to have the abnormality directly faced by the pressure, and defeat it."

The supervisor relieves the handle and says that the mouth of the outside person is said: "The plan has been made very complete, but I don't know what you think ... Although the bell is said, this plan is actually the company knows?"

His voice just fell, and the double blenet suddenly exclaimed, then her picture, suddenly black and white.



The game quickly ended, and the supervisor also drunk a special coffee, the taste is very light, the actual careful taste, will find a distinct layer, but will not make people feel unacceptable.

She carefully pinching the neighborhood: "The supervisor ... that, I also said that I am not good for my own ideas ... just think, I can always look at everyone's healthy land, it is enough ..."

"Well, I understand. Don't be nervous, just ask ... Waiting, this is said, in fact, your wisdom is not against this, dramatic change?"

I heard the question of the supervisor, and the Zhi is a bit of a nervous mind. Some doubtful looks, looking at the supervisor from the bottom up: "That ... why, to oppose ... this is a good thing?"

Next to it, the double leaf shakes the finger, open the notebook, then carefully support the headphones: "Well, it is true!"

"To know, in this era, the company needs a change! On the basis of stability, there is some radical change, it is good for the situation! So your brother doesn't have to ask us how to think, but how to pass the last A department ! "

When it comes to this, the supervisor is not thinking about it. In fact, the most important issue has been there - that is, the R & D department has three exceptions to send it, now start to entangled Is it a bit early?

"Hey, you can't say it early, just let your brother have a mental preparation. Otherwise, suddenly in a certain day, wake up and find that the top is sky, is it very awkward, can't accept it!"

Honestly, whether from the feelings, from individual ideas, the supervisor does not want himself to see the sky, but if it is unacceptable, it is impossible.

"Oh, wow, I didn't scare, disappointed!"

It seems that this pair is owed.

On the side of the breeze on the leg, I took her cheeks, and the supervisor listened to the explanation of the omen's whisper. About the company's plan, some part she wants to manage ... Honestly, as the control department supervisor It is a quite a lot of strength.

This is the case from describing, and from physical,

"Company ... I have accumulated some energy, especially after the supervisor arrived, the speed of accumulation is getting faster and faster ... so everyone is very happy, just like, that, ..."

Vocabulary Some poor points are trying to think about what, but just put themselves.

The supervisor did not release his hand, and the side of the pair of double leaves was continued: "It is like a project that has not been moved for decades. One day, he suddenly improved, and there is a kind of ecstatic feeling inside?"

Although the supervisor is very strange, it is true.

Author message:

PS: Monday Monday today,

PS4: ...... New week! When you ask for a ticket, you are coming! !

1003. Championship, some things really specify who is who is

Zhi is telling the supervisor, the time will come, the company will break the soil ... cough, not, is from this deep underground, to rise directly to the surface, and then launch a series of completed, test is quite The smooth project.

"Too detailed things, ... The long door has a young lady, maybe more familiar than me, I only know, when is it going to do, such ..."

Finally, after a sentence, it was a poke with the heart of the wings. I was aroused by the head, she still can't find the north, my head is fainting, and I can't come.

The director is holding a table, and then shakes his head after a while: "Forget it, just mention it. The R & D department I have not opened completely. For this department, even the previous record department is actually known, I don't know much. "

"No matter where those are, let's relax, play some interesting games?"

I have a little bit, and then I have a little worried about the supervisor lying on her chair - then, the supervisor is struck about the mercury lamp, hidden, I can't come, she is not happy. ' Delivery.

After half a minute, Zhizhen is happy, just like holding a large doll, picking up the handle from the supervisor, and the latter is a well-behaved hands on the arm of the wisdom, moving.

Subsequently, it took the initiative to choose the Aza Mountain ... She really likes this to move forward, through the exquisite operation, listen to music while running jumping games.

Even if the picture is simply just use pixel, it is true.

The supervisor is to operate the display. From the beginning, Christina has always been on top, and it is completely unable to make any concealed, so that the supervisor has time to ask her.

"Tarning to interest?"

"This is my job."

Donned, the supervisor continued to ask: "So then how is it? I said that in the central part of the office, I ..."

"[Miracle Orchestra] is a quite special exception, and its predecessor is the first supervisor of the company, and its component is not as simple as you think."

Head of the head.

"So, after she said, after the abnormal disturbance is filtered, as long as the company is beneficial, you can choose experiments, or execute."

The supervisor continues to nod.

"Even with my personal communication, then it belongs to its own will."

The supervisor hurriedly swayed: "That is clearly me ..."

"I personally speech me, it is the will of itself."

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