The supervisor does not die from owing his mouth

The supervisor is not died in the chapter 773

This [Shrem] is the case, it has become worthless, sticky, and it is impossible to use it again, and ultimately it is only a group that needs to be cleaned up.

The supervisor is quietly floating in half, and then suddenly sighs. In this regard, Miss Kozi is very disgraced because she did not receive more meaningful information.

'You feel very bad, is it affected by the thoughts? '

'But unfortunately, I don't have a lovely beast, or the furry tail, there is no way to solve problems for you, so I can only say to you, please don't worry. '

The supervisor thinks, he is still in the process of suppressing the end, he scratched his head, and pulled the uncomfortable nameplate to the neck.

"It's not affected, but ... Nothing, there is still something that flee in the company, can you help me, Miss Kato.

'Tell me, you can do it, don't be so sparse. '

This is a courteous, not polite, saying that the truth is actually quite self-reliant, but left thinking right, no matter what now, it is essentially unfavorable to yourself (body), nothing means.

Although Miss Kato Hui is quite good, it is not bad.



The invisible 'Hand' is like a sharp blade, a hard stick, the non-porous spear, and the [Big Bird] has no strength, and its effect makes the whole person hang in the half-air [white tyrant] is amazing.

The supervisor floating in half of the air, seriously after the [Big Bird] suppressed the recovery room, wirate the sweat on the head, suddenly felt that there was a pair of hands behind him.

Hurry back, Nai Ye is just a force forward, and his hands are very accurately grabbed. For Miss Kozi, it can be said that it is a prominent point, and it can be said to be a weak point.

Very soft, the supervisor is holding her palm: "Miss Nairi, now the stage of suppression, although I personally don't mind you to imitate your own post, but Miss Kato may not like it."

"Hey, I, I can explain, that, actually ..."

"Don't worry, at least before the accommodation room, the situation is in my control, okay, now [Big Bird] has been removed, do you decide to break through the accommodation, or return to the accommodation room?"

The 'Hand' of the pensions firmly stood Nair, not let her leave, the supervisor is not in the heart - I know that each other is in order to eliminate the abnormality of the outside, now it is so close, she will Will you hit your face on a stick?

As a result, Miss Nairi just hesitate to shake his head. "The threat has been released, as long as you return to the housing room, I will go back ... that, that, hand ..."

I know that some things can't be very tight, the supervisor immediately Song Nai Ye, let her take it behind the ground to turn into the department where Nepsiyan is located, and I saw Niri Virga. Sitancy. The employee spoke, and the heart is turned, and suddenly stopped.

Then I extended the 'hand' to shoot her shoulder, waiting for her to turn her face immediately, he went to Nirijavia to be angry in an invisible quail egg, only tapping.

'Mr. Director, it is actually very much like to play, I have always thought that you are a very serious person. '

"That is of course, after all, my main business can be a game for a game ... If necessary, if you are not in good mood, you don't want to find someone."

On the other hand, the supervisor returned to the housing room of [3D refraction variant], then thanked Kato Hui's assistance, then calmed down, when she was ready to leave, he suddenly heard the voice of her.

'However, why did the competent given a vicious drama? Don't you say that because I am more important? '

The supervisor helplessly opened his eyes, then bounced the nameplate on the neck: "I personally think that you may care more about some yourself, I am gone."

Terring to retroured his control, Kato Hui is a little doubtful, then she consciously wants to take it from the skirt ... there should be a skirt, but it is empty, and she will understand the so-called director. 'What do you care about you'?

A small storm was blown up in the housing room, but it was quickly in the presserive farm.

[Three-dimensional refractive variant] How to think, the supervisor is naturally not concerned, after all, for any observation method, she is transparent, not observed, unsatisfactory, so no matter what I have, I don't know anyone. Get it, except her.

Well, justice attributes have been exercised, but unfortunately do not improve the value.

Author message:

PS: Thanks to the reward of the broken bridge ~

PS4: ...... seeking a ticket! Very necessary!

1017. The event is not so simple to solve it ...

Olyaña, which was frozed in [F-01-37] did not become Slim, but the supervisor still did not let her release her, and even when the next 'amber noon appeared, he Do you have any work.

It seems that the iron has to come out before, or then, then let her go out, let the company pass the partition, and finally thaw it, confirm that [Shrem] does not trigger the effect, causing her to change Chenglim.

"Your work is quite cautious, but the suppression is quite luxuried. The employee will not die, or the almost meaningless gambling, let you so, what is the essence?"

When Christina asked, the supervisor has begun to direct the staff to chase the 'amber noon' sires, pay attention to the circumstances, and kill them one by one.

"Ah? Gambling? No, I don't care, I only care about the employee's passbook. To be honest, I am still very worried. If there is really a dead, I have to reopen, if you are dead if you die I have to reope with it, it is too much trouble. "

Then before Christina said, he continued to add: "Although it is trouble, I don't care, as long as the result is good ... Well, let me see, what else is there?"

In this regard, Christina's answer is just: "There is no reporting content, I hope that your work will continue so smooth until the end."

After getting this, the supervisor first cleared the difficulty insects in the company, waiting until the last one also fell, and the alarm was lifted, after the company got a lot of energy revenue, he relieved, and then organized a good person, starting Continue to advance work.

To be honest, this process is actually a quite boring, and boring, but the supervisor belongs to the kind of nothing, and the light is very happy to run the data forward, so there is no objection to this.

Even if you are idle, find a silver lamp.

"The mercbrose hall, you said that I want to wear an iron mask to the freezed person, is it observed for this abnormality?"

"Ah? Stupid man is not eating miscarriage, what is the relationship with this? You are not as good as finding a glass can, put the one, then cover the lid, let it run away. "

Then the mercury lamp saw that the supervisor slammed down, waiting for a few seconds after a few seconds, serious cough, lifted, and continued to assign work.

"Stupid humans, are you just laughing at me?"

"Nothing, of course, I have been trained, no matter how funny thing, I will not laugh."

The supervisor has a mouthful, and a subtle sound is issued in the throat, and then this round of melting will be advanced. With the sound of the alarm, he quickly got to migrate the housing room - and then helplessly saw that [Shrem] hurts.

"Well ... Let me think about it, don't panic, as long as you get ready time, open the drawer must be ..."

Silver lamps are sitting on the monitor, holding arms: "Stupid humans, do you want to accept it? Or do you think that you are going to restart, come again from the beginning?"

I didn't expect the supervisor to open the drawer. After he has lost a frame (suspended work and start), the employees in the screen began to flow.

"No. I just cooperated with the atmosphere, but unfortunately there is no one to stew, and the bell guys will not see, so I can only ... negatively work, for this exception."



The so-called negative work is actually the executive before, but only this time is comparative ... how to say, some unexpected. In particular, in the case of energy has collected this point, the dealer will result in loss of large amounts of energy, just like the milk into the river.

"I think your metaphor is a bit problem, and where did you see the book whose temple is you watching?" The supervisor looked at a small cut energy to disappear, and then assigned employees to [Miracle Orchestra] and [White Work in the housing room.

Then quickly put the picture to the R & D department, slightly calculated the problem that the next 'dusk test' encountered and collected energy.

After confirming that his advance calculation did not have any problems, the supervisor was slightly relieved, and after drinking the plenty of drink, comfortably on the chair.

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