The supervisor does not die from owing his mouth

The supervisor is not died in chapter 788

Daddy is not available from this to it. But it is clear, so far, most abnormalities can communicate, and willing to communicate with people, establish contact.

Then, it is the biggest problem, what should I do in the R & D department?

Although the door has a little pitiful in the hall, in order not to let more people suddenly violent, this is also a behavior ... If, when you work today, you can get what breakthroughs, maybe you can Let her relax.

After confirming the state of the start today, the supervisor immediately promoted the first level of melting, and then seeing the "F-01-37] of the [F-01-37] did not justice, not only this, the next recording department [Alice] It also lit up red light.

It's good to say it. It is relaxed than the imagination. In fact, the supervisor has made this round of unusual melting, and it is actually so quiet, some incredible.

What is pondering, the more you have any problems, and the supervisor once again looked at it, and the employees who were in the housing room and the work of [Alice].

Then I saw the mushrooms sent by the other party, some uncomfortable eating in the belly, then became a reduced version of the employee ... Well, this round is passed.

In the housing room of the next door, it is almost completed for the abnormal work of the ice and snow. The ice rib decoration wearing in the employee means that next time he will go in, it will be frozen, and then send people to save.

Generally, as long as the courage is high enough, it will never fail, but the supervisor is in the hands ... There is no, the courage is high enough, that is, it is no shortage.



After the first round of work, the supervisor continued to assign employees to go to the upper and middle, and did not murder an abnormality. Subsequently pulled the screen to the record department, after zooming in the hall, discovering that Vantrai is as always Always can't get a record.

At her, there is no job assigned to communicate together, and the clerks are busy, and they walk in the architectural project that looks some distorted.

"Cough, Miss Victoria, is you free now?"

"No time."

Normal replied, so the supervisor continued: "The construction department mentioned before, on this side, it seems to be in a critical state before opening, now the situation is falling, I want to ask, will there be an extra ... ... hidden dangers? "

Victoriki knocked on the thaw to let it stop, there is a bit impatient after the fog, can't hear an eager or perfunctory in the hoarse voice.

"The critical state, there is really this, but there is no problem, the facilities of the pressing force have made this state have passed with my own regulation, and usually only take a while."

"Plus the supervisor with the central part of the Department, and the supervisor has established bridge contacts, at least stabilizes no problem ... How do you worry that I will follow the middle, or the upper layer, let the work suddenly out of control, causing some irreparable Is it trouble? "

The supervisor hurriedly swayed, indicating that he didn't mean, but to tell the truth, he was still quite worried. Usually, people here are to give yourself a flag, and when you break out, you are not surprising.

"I know what you are thinking, this idea is meaningless, don't say that the critical state is easy, my job is just a record of the employee's past record, and I will see a few hours of books. Add the construction department The department has installed a lot of new devices, which can make unusual disturbances to alleviate. "

Victorga stopped for a while, confirming that the supervisor wanted to continue listening, letting it knock the smoking struggle, let it floatize out of the white smoke: "Of course, if you want to experience the feeling of the record department, it is nothing to do, but just Allows you to control the time mechanism, and the speed will get more and more quickly, want to try it? "

No, this is a thank you.

At this time, Dantelian suddenly put down the huge books in his hand, gently said: "Yes, confirm that the supervisor gives up, this choice is correct, because the meaningful attempt is best to put it, constantly acceleration only Leading to the reaction, the last chain crashes. "

To be honest, you will have no relationship with the current thinking and response speed, you are not related to five times, but you can avoid nature is best.

"That's great, I have two people, I will visit later after work, I will visit ... Well, in this way, I will continue to work."

The supervisor scaled the screen, and then transferred to the R & D department. After it didn't have any problems, confirmed that the employee came out of the housing room, and this round of melting was almost almost, and suddenly, but now I will advance the melting. Destroy, see what moths have to be better this time.

After thinking, the supervisor quickly adjusted the staff of the employee, so that the unrelated person left the accommodation, and then assigned Carllov to enter the housing room of the [White tyrant] and started the last job of this round of melting.

Author message:

PS: ... Saturday! Ok, continue the code word ...

1038. May gambling to lose, otherwise I have to make trouble!

The second round of melting, is [Shrem] and [God of Magic Girl], and there is still a [small Red Hat] Melt, it is good to handle, so the supervisor immediately dispatched several people to enter the three receiving rooms. Start extra work.

Among them, Orehana continued to work with 'oppression', the supervisor dispatched several employees holding white harm in the hall, just waiting for her to rush out, then directly on the ground.

The result does not have a supervisor, and the energy has not yet been collected. Olygaa rushed out of the accommodation room, although this behavior made [Shreim] a little, but it didn't let her get it. That mucus ball - well, the cracking team is dispatched.

Looking at the employee to fight on the ground, I wokene it, and I woke up, and the director was relieved, and then inspected the record department - [small red hat] door, the research and development department's nine The employee is holding the red cloak on his body, and it seems to like it very much.

And the door of [God of Magic Girl], Drake, who just came out, was smashed on the head of a metal from the sky, directly dropped about 20% of the damage value.

Not only that, where he is standing, the floor is abrupt, and he directly lets him step on the floor, causing some tricky trouble.

Fortunately, this small problem is solved. Several clerks pass, the holes on the ground disappeared, and the metal is also taken away - as for Drake, it is back to their own department, waiting for the next step. .

The director relieves the tone, let the merider come down from the screen, then click on the forehead of Cristina: "If you come back, you are not forgotten?"

"Forgotten does not exist in the database, usually only shielded, because the data will not disappear, it must be recorded."

"That is, you shield it? Chris"

July, Christina replied: "I don't understand what you are talking about. When you work, you will have a featibility of employees."

The supervisor looked at the silver lamp, and then looked at it again, waiting for the departments of the next job assigned, picked up the arm.

"I said yesterday, if there is no employee to die, you have to do your way, my requirements are not high, you posted a standing of your own o works on the monitor. Only what I see. "

Cristina is silent.

The silver lamp blinked, and I didn't hear it, I didn't even hear it, and the words that Christina were suddenly silent, but also made her very concerned, but considering that this is the head of the supervisor, she decided to do the wall.

After half-embarrassment, it is probably that the supervisor begins to assign people's work again, then collect energy, did not wait for him to urge it again, Chris said: "Your proposal is not reasonable, I can have the right to refuse this requirement, and proposal Shelve. "

"The shelving period is from 1 second, to infinite far, depending on how unlimited spectrals your proposal, and through the review time after the project is submitted."

The supervisor took the arm and wondered after a few seconds. "Then I am starting to suspend the work, how is the company you can't help? May the gambling service is a real man?"

"My setting is not male, please let you know this."

It seems to be noticed that the executive is really said that it will let the work suspended to detect the upper limit of the facility, Chris pauses for a while, the entire image quickly disappears, and then once again in front of the supervisor.

"According to the central part supervisor, the material has been replaced, this is a compromise, and if you are not willing to accept, then please submit an application to the central part of the central part."

In front of the supervisor, wearing a part of a school uniform jacket, as if the transformed school uniform, as well as the swimsuit of Christina.

How to say it, although I have some differences from expectations, but I'm too tight, I can't set up, one step, I will take it, so the supervisor is nodded, indicating that recognition.



After returning to the work, the supervisor occasionally glanced into Chris, then sitting in the dangerous sitting, refers to the employee, and the work is working in an in-order work.

Today, the first arrival company is 'bloody dawn', there is no mistake, it is every department, it is uncertain, but the upper limit is 2 puppets, they will mess with the counter of the accommodation room, let it be Stealing the research point, and there is also an exception.

In short, all departments have strengthened the preparation, the most important thing is the R & D department - but it is best to manage the R & D department, because it will stand on a promenade, three housing room doors, and then wait for the whole.

After confirming that your own preparation is correct, the supervisor launched the murder, the dark-shaped mask layer turned off, some of the fine breaks, not too easy to detect, small abnormal derivatives, is quietly coming.

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