The supervisor does not die from owing his mouth

The supervisor is not dying from the Yinger Chapter 790

After she finished, the supervisor also released the mouse and shrugged, did not continue to follow her, but directly arranged the work, while collecting energy, pay attention to arrange employees to go to [O-04-72] to implement insight Work, all the way insight.

Then pause work, throw away the beverage tank on the hand, after putting a water, then pour the mercury lamp, then let the work continue to do.

The whole process is row, it is the way to leave the frame, let the merider stunned, then pick up the teapot, I naturally poured a cup of tea: "Stupid humans, I am like this today, stare at this red plant. Things, have you been to work? "

From the process, it is true. So the supervisor found a lollipop to put her hand, and then continued to assign work, ready to deal with the next round of melting.

In fact, the next problem has become much simpler. The supervisor can keep the project, then refer to the employee, let everyone actively, and start triggering the next round.

This time, there is much more lively, not only [Magic Girl], [Alice] is bright, including [Slim], [O-04-72] also combined together, It looks a little spectacular.

It's good to play with the supervisor, I have been cracked. As long as I do it, I will have a little talented, and I will send Oregaa to enter the accommodation room, and I will send people. When I waited in the hall, I suddenly screamed.

If [Shrem] is better than [O-04-72], then it is possible to make the latter being infected, and the premise is to work well, but the supervisor has a bit psychological shadow of this thing, and the ghost knows it will Will n't suddenly come at some time, is it a good result?

In my heart, the supervisor is not worried, and the infected staff will stuff into the storage room of [F-01-37], so that he is frozen and so on.

After again confirming your own preparation, the head of the head, let the employee let go, then open the tank spirit drink, continue to observe the current direction of the company, by the way, in the control department, chase 'little girl 'Running love, let her pay attention, don't interfere with her people to collect energy.

However, in love, even if it is chasing it, it will not do anything. In most cases, it is deliberate expression, and the other party is scared to run the recovery room.



After the head of this round, the supervisor did not make anything meaningless, but only after watching a few eye Christina, it was in the work.

Lost now the mercury lamp must be stared at the picture, otherwise she will definitely ridicule the supervisor, seeing someone else wearing a little less.

"Say, in fact, I am strictly not embarrassed, how is it comfortable to wear it."

The supervisor suddenly said, so that the mercury lamp microphones, the picture of the small window, [O-04-72] is quite quiet ... Of course, it may be because there is no employee inside, it can only quiet.

"But, if I can wear quite nice, I will not refuse, if I have a bit more, the bell is in the window, and the huge skirt has a complicated dress, it is very suitable. "

In this regard, the reaction of the mercury lamp is quite indifferent: "Is it, but when you do this? Is there a point? I mean a job."

The supervisor is very simply recognized that a little bit is not, but it is because it is too idle. He is ready to deal with the 'No Bon Test', you will drink a plenty drink.

"Take one mention, the mercbrusted Hall, your body is also very good, I am very interested. Although this is nothing to do with the work."

In this regard, the mercury lamp is just '', it will not respond, but from her slightly shake the foot tip, there is a lightweight to wipe the movement of the gun, it seems very happy.

The supervisor is to continue to address the 'No Bon Test'.

The noon will appear today, if you don't miss the wrong, it is' indigo noon. From the perspective of performance, there are several clusters in the work area, and the attack targets are selected, and there is a clear organization of the abnormal population of [recovery rat].

With the current strength of the company, the top is to pull the first-level collection breakthrough alert, but the problem is that this thing is too big for the clearance of the clerks. If you accidentally be rushed into the crowd, it is about to wait on the board. Meat, was cut.

Well ... is limited to the record department, because the clerk of the record department has not improved the department technology, and has not been treated.

Thinking of this, the supervisor suddenly looked at the record department. To be honest, the three abnormalities in this department were extremely small, and various side effects said that they were very small.

If you work, it is too high, and if you don't work, you will collect incompections, and it is a very troublesome situation. It can only be sent to the long gates to enhance the research points obtained after each work.

After throwing these ideas, the supervisor assigned that employees and clerks began to get together to the department hall, and let the employees who have gathered together, let her wake up, the employees who wake up quickly withdraw, confirm that no one is contaminated into the mucus, and there is a loose tone .

Then I looked at the energy collected, the supervisor suddenly smiled and watched the Christina that was installing himself is a background board.

"Speaking, energy is over half, why didn't you see you, what will be said every day?"

Author message:

PS: I have a break in these two days, but also ...

PS4: ...... Ticket, you will be forgotten every time, it is too strange ...

1041. It's used to it, I will think about what to do ...

After a few seconds, Christina said: "Every day's work will have a final point, and many times, the progress of half of the time, how is it only to complete half of the progress? This is a need for you in your stay. Self-thinking, self-inquiry thinking, I hope you can keep in mind. "

The supervisor has gripped into a fist, then coughing in front of his mouth: "Well, I understand. Next is to suppress work, do you think I should focus on which department?"

"This abnormal derivative has a surprisingly avoidable logic, and it is speculated that there must be a certain intelligence. You can focus on the defense record department. On the contrary, the R & D department is enough to ensure that there is enough self-insurance capacity, which is likely to Will n't go straight to the least area. "

The head of Christina analysts is the way, and then the supervisor has made a referring: "I think they will head the Railway Development Department. If we don't believe, we will continue to play."

No one second, the other party answered: "This conclusion is the optimal solution to the abnormal behavior model, even if you strongly add extra conditions, the result will still change."

I am talking about it. The supervisor has prepared to trigger the last work of this round, he shrugged: "Since you are so confident, why not come to a gamble? You won you before Dressing, don't have to work with me to work every day. "

"If you lose, there is nothing to be afraid. After all, I am not a devil."


Christina was silent, and then he replied when he was generated in an abnormal derivative: "You think that you will not lose the reason, and this is just intuition, and meaningless, I believe that the result will be as calculated, those things will……"

Haven't finished, those in the picture wearing a gas mask, staring at the scarlet eyes, the hook claws in the hand panning the Yingying green abnormal derivative, after generating in different sectors, start clustering.

Then bypass all those employee's more dense areas, flour directly into the elevator from the middle elevator, directly rush into the R & D department, and the intermediate connection is not stopped.

For this situation, Christina has been very surprised, and even the eyes are not open, they are unexpected.

The supervisor shrugged: "I don't know why this is like this, but as long as I think about it, it is probably because of these things to see the departmental supervisor, plus several old weak sick employees, feel good to bully?"

"Although they will actively attack those people more areas, you are not forgotten, there is a special slaughter in the accommodation room of the record, and a" small red hat] and a convergence all the abnormal disturbance, but It is still a 'node' [magic girl's god]? "

Listening to his explanation, Christina said that it can't understand - no matter which point of view, the number of employees of the record unit overall defensive ability, and the number of clerks, the degree of protection, and far from the R & D department.

Although the abnormality is capable of suppressing, it is not to this extent, and the accommodation chamber and the receiving promenade are extremely sealed, the disturbance between abnormalities does not interfere with each other.

And the most important thing is that the R & D department has several employees who hold an A-level abnormality, why are these things not afraid?



Christina's doubts did not answer, the supervisor did not intend to tell her, in fact, these things are stupid, with a slotty is their personality, as long as people are small, they will feel that they have a big advantage, then a wave directly A.

After the employee hit the excitation bomb, and after the anti-erosion strikes were protected, the supervisor made the work accelerated and took a can of spiritual drink.

Then admire the staff to accelerate the ballast, during which these [scavengers] do have the act of escaping, but it is clear that employees don't plan to let go of this opportunity.

The supervisor is not, even directly to the anomaly, the occasion of the occasional use of the occasional use of the "slow-moving", then dispatched the colleagues of Callov ..., that is, the scream of the punishment, the same wearing a [justice Employees who are destroyed from the back of them.

The penetration damage is very effective, and after wearing the past, you can add damage to your own damage and spirit, and the attack and defense, completely unreasonable, the jump of these things.

Now, although it feels some messy, the long door has maintained the stone wall, carefully put the golden text inscribed above, and adjusted to the right place to fix, slightly, and looked at it. After the department, continue your work.

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