The supervisor does not die from owing his mouth

The supervisor is not dying from the Yinger Chapter 792

The disturbance is scratched: "It's not that I don't want to pass, but I want to cause the highest damage, it seems just that only the energy bomb or the long stick is not enough, I want to come directly to solve the problem, but I don't know why ... "

At the same time, the supervisor will hold the long-headed head, put a posture of a black uncle belief, but it doesn't have any additional representation, as if it is a normal long stick.

Miss Nai Ye is quite protest for this behavior of the supervisor, but it is just a protest, and efforts want to help the supervisor to urge the opportunity to hide, and have not yet shouted the abnormality of justice.

Unfortunately, the other iron is not at home, regardless of how the competent is threatened, so that the supervisor can only regret to send back to the room.

Then, the twist is about to end in the second stage. Before the third phase, I found a group of employees who hold white damage to rush into the hall. He is quickly playing a few motivation bombs, spiritual protection stands, etc. In the office, the damage value of the [Miracle Orchestra] is weakened in the end.

At the moment of the protective layer, the future of the future stopped. Subsequently she somewhat unfortunately put down the microphone, let the notes gathered in their own hands, and finally the whole person turned into a gorgeous note, and the suppression ended.

The supervisor touched the chin, and the mood is some subtle looks at the drumming notes, and the three-story round Taiwan ... Is it forgotten when Miss in the future? Is it going to take this stuff?

All in all, regardless of how to say, the supervisor is now indeed, with an abnormality that defines a Class A to suppress time, suppression and guarantee that the company is not damaged, this is already a unable to achieve.

It's just that it is still coming, because the energy collection schedule has not been full, this means that the supervisor has taken some time and re-adjusts the configuration of the employee.



Recovered from the housing room of [Miracle Orchestra], confirmed that she didn't have a depression because she was suppressed, and even now she passed the whispering song, the supervisor decided to try again before get off work.

Now prepared, you should be carefully dealt with at the 'dusk test', even with the company's current level, otherwise the derivative of the car will flee.

At this time, the mercury light suddenly puts down the gun: "Stupid humans, this housing room ... As long as you work, stare at it, you can't see it? Usually, no matter whether it is not looking, it doesn't respond."

For the conclusion of mercury lamp, the head of the head: "Good, thank you for your observation, I will treat it as a measure of standards ... Well, and the next 'test' can relax a little, don't pay too much attention to this Continuous room. "

The mercury lamp is bored to hold his arm, and the response to the supervisor is not discounted, and then she will see that the supervisor is not hesitant to trigger the stage of 'dusk test'.

The screen wall was quickly wrapped in amber mask layer. When it was scattered, the mercury lamp found that the supervisor fell a frame, and he was caught in his hand. At this time it is on the head.

The supervisor holds her waist, and the other hand is lifting the skirt to avoid you can't see something: "Under the mercury hall, play your role, let me see, the invisible 'thorns 'where is it?!"

This plan is the two feet of the director, but now it is obvious that the mercury lamp sweeps the whole contamination area, then reach the finger and refers to a few promenade - the red marking is quickly positioned, and it will be wandered, looking for The opportunity to slaughter the staff 'associous worm' all found.

There is no omission, the number is also on, so the supervisor quickly prepares the employees who can remotely suppress, and then assign them directly to the opponent.

The mercury lamp only felt that he went to his own chair. She couldn't help but hold his arms: "Stupid humans, I look like it is used, no matter what Do people even? "

In the next second, she only felt that she changed his position, and she was stunned on the head of the screen. She sat in the arms of the arms in front of the arms, and then turned her hands and seriously looked at the supervisor to hide those, but The 'Assilers' already locked by the locked is on the ground.

Don't give them any turning opportunities, don't give them a hidden, giving employees, and in all, in all, in all, in all, in all, in all, in all, in all, in all, in all, it was in the death.

Until the alert was released, the main talented end of the enemy and dripped a bite, and then took the mercy lamp to the tea cup, so that she can then drink tea.

It is very satisfied with the change attitude of the supervisor, so the mercury lamp did not continue to say anything, but quietly stayed in his arm and looked at some of the preparations before the end of the work.

"Actually, I don't plan to go to get off work so early. If you want to say, today's 'dusk test' comes early, I plan to work two rounds, and then announce it."

The supervisor is so saying, and it is also doing this - the next round of melting, [Slim] and [O-04-72] are murried together, he immediately turned to turn over, intended to handle these two.

Author message:

PS: This is (25/26), I am going to end!

PS4: ...... The day of sleeping is finally over, and ask for a blade?

1044. Quickly handle unexpected and immediately solve problems!

Obviously [Shrem] is not absolute, and there is no doubt that is not satisfied with work, so that the employee is crazy, escaping the accommodation room.

At least this time, Oreaña has a good job. She successfully collected all the energy, then left the accommodation room, the mucus ball on the face rolled a few times, directly let the same from the housing room, because The supervisor feels that the eyeball tree has no threat, and it is sent, the scream of the discipline, is infected.

The latter is not aware of being ready to go back to the hall, and then be quickly saved, directly in the housing room of [F-01-37], while performing the work, the supervisor looks at the progress of the eye energy, and finally finalized, Today, I still have to go ... However, I can use yesterday's approach.

After ordering the idea, the supervisor made two works in [F-01-37], so that she was frozen in the housing room, quickly confirmed that there was no abroad in the accommodation room. , Put the eyeliner to 'end today's option, and then do not hesitate to click, and make the work end.

The simple form of the workflow fell, several employees were promoted, and several employees were trained, the number of energy collected, as well as deaths ... In short, it is some trivial things. After all confirmation, the supervisor confirmed the end of today's work , Then call Cristina immediately.

"Hurry, turn it out of the management work interface, I am going to pull the company's only employee in the housing room."

"... confirmed your behavior, suspended the construction department's work preparation, I personally not suggest that you have long-term, many times in this way, but it is clear that you have made it as a thing should be, this is In the past, never occurred. "

The supervisor took off the jacket on the back of the chair, I thought about it, and put the hot kettle on the table: "I may spend some time can come back, during this period you can act, do something, but hope Don't draw on my face, can you? "

"Oh, when I am a three-year-old child, idiot humans, how could I have a boring behavior, how can you solve your problem, I am not the kind of people who can't watch it."

Get this answer, the supervisor can only shrug, then pull the picture to the bottom of the [loneliness], then the container room of [Miracle Orchestra], click Confirm.

In the next second, it seems to have some kind of attraction. The supervisor only felt that he was thrown into the dark darkness. He couldn't hear anything, and he couldn't see something. When the fall is coming again, he Already sat in the housing room, it is a closed door, and the hand is ... Hey, a plate of oranges.

Although it has begun to have a subtle, like a germination, but it seems that it can eat it.

'Mr. Director, running over, at least, wait for me to eat dinner again? Otherwise, this is very rude! '

What, idol ... isn't, the star is there? You can't see it when you eat, are you a cat?

The supervisor thought, put the remaining a few petal oranges directly, drums the gods, swallowed into the belly after chewing, then stood up - put on the metal flute on the leg directly on the toes, and then In addition, Miss Future has not wearing the pair of wonderful shoes today, so that the supervisor directly squatted directly.

"I finally understood now, why someone wants to curse someone to use a small finger to play the table."

'That is, even me, will you cry because of pain? '

After a few seconds, the supervisor hurriedly stood up, slightly conceived in the brain, and changed the first set of clothes that the future.



Every promenade of the company is regarded as a separate area, but it is clear that it is also divided into strong effects and weak effects ... It is clear that it will be transient on the future. Abnormally, it belongs to a weak effect.

At least the supervisor can clearly perceive the energy flow of the surroundment, and they are intertwined, constitute a layer of fine and exquisite network, as if to accumulate the entire company, but also to divide all the regions, become an irrelevant Individual.

This feeling is absolutely absent when the competent, or the relatively weak abnormality is abnormal.

'Hey ~ Although it turns an exception is not my original meaning, it is occasionally a little value ... Say, what is the competent? I have not listened to the bell, I plan to let you go there? '

In fact, the supervisor is temporarily not intended to have, and his whisper explains that he wants to save the individual, suddenly turned, escaped in the waist.

Then I took a love, picking up her cloak, but the buttocks who have already wearing clothes are a few slaps.

"Wow! My sister is bullying? Love is just greeted with my sister, it is treated by rude!"

The supervisor sighed, turned around, and then she quickly stated, tightly squinted his arms, some happy to squint: "My sister didn't fake in love, really come over, what to do today? ? "

There are a lot of things to do today, the first thing the first thing is to solve the problem in the housing room, so the supervisor is just to answer her to do a lot, but let her follow himself, love is very Happy to release the arms of the supervisor.

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