The supervisor does not die from owing his mouth

The supervisor is not died in the 812 chapter



The development of the program is ready, and the supervisor first refers to the employee as much as possible to stay away from the [Big Bird] of the spike, I don't want to barely, remember to bring the [trial bird], let it have at least an attack target, Then, when it raised the Libra, it was repeatedly removed.

Then I took a deep breath, put the mercury lamp on the table, and the eye is aiming to chase the buttocks of the [Big Bird].

The visual circles in front of the eyes quickly distorted, as if they were in deep darkness, when they opened their eyes again, the supervisor did not hesitate, and then started to guide the spell that I have just thought of, it is possible to carry.

'What, Mr. Division, have many things to run today? '

Not a lot, but a lot, but in this level, or the company can handle the extent to which you want to die, you have to watch the supervisor.

"Yes, there are many, so you will trouble you ... There is also the abnormal ability to help, so I will try some superior behavior, I hope you can understand."

'Eh? Eh? Overcome? What extent ... '

Without waiting for her to ask, the supervisor has directly jumped to the R & D department. From the first moment of gorgeous halo, you will use force forward.

A giant is passed from the coup. The supervisor continues to put the force. The stone hammer that the huge skeleton waving is directly swayed, and the danger is dangerous from the supervisor and the long door of the long door, driving huge The body fell to the ground, as if it caused a small earthquake.

Several energy playing out to the other party, the supervisor turned to ask the long door Anoming: "Now you should go far, avoid refuge is right? This is the assistance of employees, no problem ... This thing is aiming at you Wanted ?! "

The long door has a greece and shakes his head. Looks to the stone monument behind him - there is nothing wrong with it. The purpose of these monsters is to destroy facilities. If you have the ability to kill a few employees.

So after the supervisor, including that the biggest, the anomalies of the darkness, all turned, as if he suddenly opened.

Just use it for a second, you can understand why the long door is still standing here, the supervisor immediately holds the rope: "Don't worry, I will not let the things destroy your heart, at least ... um, My injury trough is thrown before. "

After that, I ran out of a windy rush, and I ran in another head of the hall, leaving the long door, I got the back of the towering stone table, looking at the back of him.

Subsequently, the record is written to the workpiece, but only if you haven't finished writing, you only feel that you are in front of you, from the opposite, you can swallow some, pure cherry.

Bathing in the light, the negative emotions in my heart will also be scored, the pain on the body can be cured, and people have a good direction, while let the abnormality seem to be grilled by the sun, and there is no condition.

Although I don't know how the supervisor is done, it is bought in the torrent of the light. The long door has a pushing eye mirror, and it will continue to write down on the work board.

Then turn around, to the stone monument, silent, continue to fix the abnormal concept, so that they have the value of the observation from intangible, disorder, and become observed.

Author message:

PS: In fact, don't buy things because of poor, and ... pick you up!

PS4: ...... Seeking a blade! do not forget!

1073. I want to say that the suppression intensity is almost higher than the crisis?

To be honest, the suppression is really not a relaxed work. After this magic cannon is finished, the squid only feels that he seems to be hollow, and the shares can't be caught, and it is constantly being tortured. His thinking.

It's good to go, except for that ALEPH level, other skeletons have been sloppy, and even the complete form is not left.

The employees also tacit in this magic ghost, and the head of the head, knocking his hand, and the individual pedicure is an output of the ankle.

The abnormal head is constantly jumping out of the various colors, it waives people who are fearful invisible edges, each time can cause the employee, covered black damage ... But this damage is completely covered by the employee, black The guard field is perfectly absorbed.

It seems that the abnormality of the 'dealer' is not the abnormality of the Easy, so the damage value is far below normal abnormal things ... [smiling corpse mountain] is not there, because the supervisor never let it eat Cadge.

In short, when the supervisor can stand up to breathe, this giant is already on the ground, and Yi is scattered into the mist of countless black, and finally did not leave, and the employees have cheered a few times. Continue to prevent an abnormal invasion.

The supervisor immediately moved the waist, then waving the rope, let himself transfer to Niriya - just landing, just feel that he seems to have a pair of elongate, as if the line segment is as thin, he does not hesitate Out, knock directly above.

The touch is a bit like some toughness nylon rope, and this only has a very high body, slender neck and the [trial bird] wrapped with bandages, and it immediately reacted, it raises the height of the Libra -

Niriya's full of people withdraw! After the command, Libra made a crisp sound. Then, the supervisor only felt an invisible impact, than the so-called 'erosion', it was difficult to let people resist the impact, and the exterior impact to his existence.

That feeling makes someone else, just like suddenly lost strength, or for a cognition of things, it seems that it is to be smooth, it is nothing liked - It is a pity that it is that the supervisor is only in this case less than a second, it will immediately react.

Blue damage is the damage of the soul, but it is still subject to the total amount of damage to the slog, as long as the supervisor does not violent, or from armed, it is not a problem.

Standing, the supervisor, the supervisor, I didn't have a slightly influence, just nervously pinch your own hand, looked at this side, and even Miss Nairi's perceived the past, there are Mood question.

'The Miss of the department's head looks, and what did you do with your feelings, what did you do? '

Everything is done, but you can't say it.

The supervisor has a mouth and puts the couh behind the body of [Trial Bird], suddenly jumps a few steps, then puts the gesture of the boom.

"Said to useless, the shell is prepared, so that the guy will move, otherwise it is not just that the grinder is so simple!"

With his discourse, the flow of cherry began to continuously appear, and then the full amount gathers to the top of the wand.

The next process is quite simple, as long as the spirit is concentrated, if you make this magic, the zone is abnormal, and it is almost disabled.



After the supervisor, he took the twelve and knocks after the [trial bird], after sending it back, his activity boundaries have almost arrived ... so after returning to the recycling room, he quickly exited the state of armed abnormalities.

Then slammed from the ground, sit and returned to the chair on the head of the almost autumn, and then paused before the mercy lamp.

After a little rest, the supervisor drunk the glass bottle, and the orange smell of a mouth will make the tongue paralysis feel completely unsained - but the effect is, at least the supervisor now feels your spirit hundred times.

Then patted the face, sit straight, let the work restart, personally refer to employees, with [Big Bird] to fight the Zhifang in the department.

As for [Disciplinary Bird] Even if the supervisor does not dare to touch, even the heart is still in the silent 'Bird Brocade, and it is going to pull the employee, let the beaten have taken a few things.

All in all, no matter how painful, actually when the round [Big Bird] closed all the eyes, after death, the warning is lifted, the supervisor feels that there is a shared self-heart, unparalleled.

"Hey ... It's too easy, and the next job I want to be relaxed, don't talk to me again."

In the mouth, I said that after a while, I handed the teapot to a mercury lamp: "So, please, please work hard, help me continue to watch the eye tree?"

The mercury lamp is a tea cup. For the request of the supervisor, it is just a slightly picking eyebrow: "Nothing, I have to warn you, today, this thing is still not a lot, it is a lot of words ..."

"I try to try to make it a chance to make a lot of time. Ok, what is the next job?"

The disturbance caused by the last round has ended, and the people who have hidden in the clerk in the clerk have been adjusted, and the supervisor will continue to assign employees to work.

From the inside of the files, the supervisor will see the file, and a practical person is filled with the staff, the female employee named 'rang'. Life resume, etc..

On the card, it is now she is wearing an abnormally armed appearance. The natural white hair makes the supervisor look at a few eyes ... and then recall it, set it with several other cards.

To be honest, these cards don't know what to use, maybe just simple simple employees to check the tool, of course, it is possible to wait for the time to mature, this exception will break through the constraints of the wooden cabinet, suddenly out, then let all Written the name of the employee violent, transformation.

Thinking about these considerable content, the supervisor feels that some headaches stare at the progress of the work, urge employees to collect energy, and prepare to enter the next round of melting, suddenly think of what, poke, Kristina.

"I remember that the energy collection is over half a time, the practice is it? Oh is right, this time I bet I won, is it ready?"

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