The supervisor does not die from owing his mouth

The supervisor is not dying from the Yinger Chapter 845

"Big sprouting, you chat with it, I will come out for a while, can I?"


After getting exact reply, the supervisor quickly closed the door, the cold air made him slightly, then it is quite subtle, as if the hair is to erect, some kind of violation and feelings.

What kind of violation is that it is probably the air, I don't know how to be sticky, as if I have reached the arrival of others, breathing is a bit difficult, even if it is a mouth, I will feel like it is in water.

The supervisor has worked hard for a while, and suddenly shouted: "Miss Kato, do you fall asleep!"

"Well - strict, it is in a daze, so I didn't pay attention to you. Mr. Director, right, do you know where I am? I have a reply, maybe there will be rewards?"

The supervisor squinted, after thinking a few seconds, directly reached out, touch the place to the nameplate, and touched the nameplate yet, I only felt that it was soft, the hand feel is a bit like being kneading the bell fairy ...

"Although I don't care about this kind of thing, especially the object is the supervisor, but, I don't send it, and now I don't think about thinking, still a little bit lost. "

The supervisor quickly retracted his hand, then surely a few times, thinking about it after a few seconds: "Thank you for the treatment."

"... I always feel angry and lose. So, Mr. Director, what are you going to do today? Do you want to say, to change my existence?"

"No, please rest assured. However, there is a proposal. You are inappropriate, I am going to have already calmed down, most of the cases don't melt, and it can be convenient to exchange the abnormality, and send it to the constructing department. Do you have this intention? "

In short, let's talk about it, as long as it is right, you don't have to worry about the things that the other side will continue to ask, but to tell the truth ... Hand feel good, if you can, I hope to try a few times.



As a result, it is still rejected, and Kato believes that there is still an opportunity to help supervisors in the department. So she is euphemistic to tell the supervisor, often have employees to talk to her, so that their abnormal ability is soothless, it does not need to be replaced.

The most important thing is that it will be sent after it will be replaced. The supervisor is not in the heart. Since Kato Hui is like this, then he immediately said that it is nothing, so it is very good.

"In short, it is roughly the case. Theoretically start today, I will not be scheduled to patrol the accommodation room, if you have any other ideas, you can inform employees in advance ... or simply in the housing room, put the nameplate I wake up, I will understand it. "

I think of this, the supervisor suddenly touched the pocket: "Yes, to eat sugar? I was going to bring a few children today, and the results did not expect that one did not encounter ..."

"Well? Then I will take a good, don't give up, will you encounter it after you?"

The supervisor is in front of the housing room, and he sees the long door to look at the 'sister 36' ', and the small aircraft is constantly rotating the propeller, floating in the half air, showing in the machine It can be seen that the 3D projection in front can be seen, it is a smile.

"What happened?"

"Nothing, more concerned, has confirmed."

The supervisor shrugged and put a sugar in his mouth: "Then there is no relationship, let's go, there are many departments to see, Workwork (the orc painting)."

Although I don't know what is the meaning of the executive, I still have to follow him, after confirming that [trial bird] and [empty dream] There is no special change, the supervisor returns to the hall.

"The supervisor ~ progress to 15%! It feels very fast! Right, how is the accommodation room?"

Just one after another, Niri Leas can't wait to go, 'Sister 36,' quickly flew over, hung by her: "Very very smooth! I told you, Niri, is sometimes Cool, scare people enough, if there is a Pudding, I am a good heart ~ Pudding! "

"Yes ... I know. Please don't worry ..."

After the supervisor waited for a while, the open hand was shaken: "There is nothing difference, but also a few days, then I have to go to the central part, what do you need to marry my content?"

It doesn't seem to, because Niri Vagas is looking for a chance to shut down the 'sister 36, put it back in the pocket, and then scared a hop in the nearby little burst, and quickly ran some sorry. Drop, where there is a problem.

"Forget it, big sputen, will you continue to patrol with me?"


It seems that there is not completely twisted ... but it doesn't matter.

Author message:

PS: Too warm and want to sleep, I want to don't move, my life is sad ...

PS4: ...... Continue to ask for a blade!

1119. Just a little detail, there will be changed!

The supervisor did not know that after he and the long door had to leave, Niri Lean immediately put the 'sister 36th' was abandoned.

When entering the second area of ​​this department, the supervisor saw a movie and wiped his eyes, and the person was ... Abby Gal.

She is a little curious to stop before the strange sculpture, and find that the supervisor is here, and the arms covered by the sleeves are striped by the sleeves: "The good uncle is good!"

Is it a uncle's age, I.

The supervisor is depressed for a second, then takes a soft sugar from the pocket: "I will give you another one, how?"

Abbiell is happy to take candy, slightly shake the body: "Well! My brother is good at night, Abby is walking, I met a lot of strange people on the road, I feel that people are not very comfortable, or my brother Sustain, there is a feeling of warm and calling. "

The supervisor passed the second piece of sugar to her, then laughed: "Call Ba ... slot, cough, cough, there is nothing, I will give you a piece of chocolate, remember not to go down, there is something that is not very good. ,do you understand?"

Some kinds of evervesters have wilted the supervisor from the head to the foot. To be honest, it is like being hurched by a cold and sticky sphere ... Saying is not enough?

Abby Gar is not a feeling, she holds chocolate, put it in the small bag in the portable bag: "So, is Abie to tell, good night?"

"Ah, good night."

After she left her, the supervisor was relieved, and the 'sister' who came over was said: "The progress seems to be promoted to 1%, is this progress so fast? Today, it is 16%, no hidden danger ? "

"This is completely alone, the first new job opened up, no one can confirm how the result is. Director, just ask me to get the correct answer, you can ask Ms. Chris, or the R & D department supervisor."

The sister puts down the workpiece, and the one-on-one said: "and the two districts this abnormal state is in a relatively excellent state. It is also not recommended to go to the discipline, because [one does nothing] is not good."

The supervisor is a bit less than really wanting ... and see the situation of the dream. If the supervisor is in the past, maybe she will rise, find a supervisor.

So he nodded: "Okay, I will go directly to a district. I will always feel that you will feel like you have a sister relationship with Da Meng Shen." I am a character. "

The long gate has a slowly blinking, as if the top is on top of a '? 'Is like. And my sister is still the previous look, standing there, there is no change in throky.

So no one is boring.

The supervisor puts his hand, let 'sister' go back after the end of the work, and then directly enter the contained promenade of a district from the second district, and then it is hard to fight between [Fire Antique] and [White Trise].

Do you want to take this opportunity to see the color of [ ]?



Finally, I still didn't see it, because the long-door Anomi has played again, she directly reached out the sleeves of the supervisor, then shook his head, prompting danger.

Therefore, the supervisor can only go to [White Trun Jun] asks the condition.

In the housing room, the supervisor stood there. For the pioneering on the ground, the Naiye, which appeared to be a headache, sighed - came, or said that [white tyrant] is doing things?

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