The supervisor does not die from owing his mouth

The supervisor is not dying from the Yinger Chapter 851

However, the mercury lamp does not want to be close to this side, unless there is orange pudding. The supervisor shrugged, looked at the long door, sitting on a simple steel pipe splicing chair, spreading the book that did not read.

"All in all, today's work tells a paragraph, then it is to deal with some things that are not so troublesome, and then look at the overall progress - big sprout, how much?"


The answer is very simple, but the supervisor is stunned. I always feel that this number is somewhat surprises. I don't have the same as I have heard ... Is it wrong?

"In most cases, the work will be prepared in an orderly, sometimes the wrong arrangement will come again, resulting in the rebound, no need to worry, each process has different people to cross the cross-check, reduce the error to the smallest."

So this progress bar is not reliable at all! Just write out to make the supervisor happy! Don't you understand some people use Xun X-head, at 99%, find that the resources have violent, can only crawling the pain? !

The supervisor opened his mouth. After half of it, he held his face and felt some heart, and then continued to make a strange call of ''. But because there is no big problem, the long door is just to continue to read the book.

It can't stand the mercury lamp. I ran to take a orange plug in the mouth: "Don't hit! Stupid humans! Noisy, compared to that, come and find ways to solve these oranges is the main problem. ! "

No, don't you solve the oranges than a solution, is it more important to solve the files that piled up the mountains on the table? And waiting for the simulation drill of the simulation drill to be active to be active to yourself!

The supervisor bits the orange in the mouth, and then sits straight into the belly, and takes a table with a door: "Can't go on this, I have to work hard ... Big sprout god, help me to visit the document!" "

"Well, can."

It is still a self-operated supervisor, not like someone, in addition to the eye of the real horizons, it can only be used as a cup.

When you think of subtle things in the brain, the long door has already picked up the signed pen and put a stack of files, and then started with a very fast flipping file, and properly handles it.

Unlike the supervisor, let alone, wait for others to deal with, or Christina will take back to do it. This is true until now.

After all, the director only knows how to refer to employees to work, then look at the information and records, and it is true that the company works. It is a confused to him ... or confused.

For example, apply for 'xx special steel to the XX area', who understands, is this not to give the bell guy? !

"Correct, the central part of the department is not state, I hope that you can understand it."

Understand understanding.



What didn't think of the competent, the first one is coming to the office, is Niri, not a bellix. She is happy to take a leather box, and see that the supervisor is scratching with a pen, and there is a little curious to join.

"Did the supervisor? Is there any problem with the document work? If you don't understand, you can ask me directly! It's right, I succeeded!"

Successful? What is successful, is it necessary to study anything that is not allowed, can you make the pressing striker more efficient secret equipment?

At the head of the head, Nirophami opens the suitcase, where there is a whole work, it looks like a mechanical dog, but the color is very good ... is wrong, see the logo, very Nova dew, especially It is a black double horsetail on both sides of your head!

After startup, its eyes lit up the light of Jingchi, and then made a crisp dripping sound. The whole looks almost the same as the human body. After booting, it will quietly look at the supervisor.

"In fact, I have fallen so many times, I finally understand, if I have consistently, a brain will be like a sister's element to enter the device, and may eventually lead to an abnormal situation that is not inhibitable."

"So this time, I have added some different elements, used to suppress the intelligence of my sister, do you see, is it very good?"

Nepsa is smile, and then pays attention to the supervisor: "Sister, you will see! This is the supervisor, supervisor, must do it, do you know?"

I saw that mechanical dog squatting on the ground, lifting the head and flexing my neck, slowly issued some dullness from the throat, should be the voice of Niri Yasha.

"Big brother……"

The supervisor stiffly, in his side, the long door has a greeted to stop, keeping silently looking at this side, from her face, can't see something.

I touched my neck, and the supervisor suddenly asked: "Although it looks unique but I want to ask you ... Where is Nova Du?"

"I hate it, you are really keen. Of course, it is made of materials - do you think I will say this! Novawa Liss just helped me to design its internal body, and contributed some personal information. I am not an evil alchemist, how can I do the same bad thing as human experiments! "

At the same time, a refined gilder who constructed a very stunned constructed, which slammed a sneezing during the stirring, causing a different variation in the substance in the quarter.

Subsequently, she was shrouded by the explosion-proof equipment together and did not escape before completing the reconciliation.

I don't know what trouble it I have attracted it. Nepsiyan continues to introduce: "I put some more convenient functions in the equipment, and the most important thing is that my sister is three ... Hey, sister MK-II, has been turned on a few times, quite convenient! "

How convenient, help the part of the part, or where there is an abnormally fled?

"Isn't that simple!"

Author message:

PS: Weekend, weekend ... said that it is back, why will there be an eating coffee? Isn't a quick-soluble and now?

1127. In short, take a break, don't think too much?

Nepsiya is very high, even ordered to run a few laps in the office, the movements are flexible and almost silent, and it looks very efficient.

Not only that, but even assist Niriya's management of energy convection, it can clearly recognize where the pressure farms may have problems, and early warning in advance.

The supervisor looks like a mechanical dog's back, like a radar, there is some speechless ... It's okay, you can use it, don't be too trouble, don't be removed every day.

After the introduction, Niriya let the mechanical dog enter the standby mode, then the supervisor will see that it has also scratched the brain, put the hair on the heads, and squatting it ... this is subject to What impact is there.

"Okay, supervisor, today's work is also very smooth, or even don't use others to urge anything, you will work hard to complete the maximum value, this is a very powerful ability!"

Yes, but for the supervisor, this is the same as the resource collection management game. In addition to the passion PVPPPP, most of the cases are just sitting here, assign work, and then see the result.

Even if you sit on the chair is Christina, this simple thing, she should be easily handled.

"Hey ~ Of course, not, supervisor, you may have no understanding of your work efficiency, but this is normal, let you see the work of Miss Chris, it is estimated that it will be confused ... Say these, the materials for dinner have to wait a moment, what can I help? "

Of course, please help me work. Thank you.

As a result, Nirphami has a hand with the long gate to flush the document there, and the executive is standing at the desk, and the activity is acting at the same time. What kind of tactics should be used today, let the Kumai be defeated early. And unfortunately, in fact, humans can kill a hydraulic machine to kill a full-deputy armed armor, where is it wrong.

The screen of the screen is flipped from the standby interface to the employee seating area. Due to the very smooth work today, the feedback from the energy excess collection is that the employees are very happy.

It is not the kind of forcing your own happiness, but it is true, because of the smooth spending day, it can go back to the rest, and the time is free.

To be honest, this picture is also a reward for the supervisor, and there is a kind of ". This is the feeling of my work", and vague thinks, I should do better tomorrow.

Then pull the picture, when I arrived at the coffee shop of Zhi Nai, I looked at the window from the window - people still count, but considering that I will be asked to tell a story, I always feel that it seems a bit ...

The store has suddenly opened, an eye-familiar employee ... did not remember the wrong, it should be that Karlov is coming out from the inside. He looked up and saw the first time of the supervisor, and then slowly returned, closed the door.

Then, slammed the door, standing on the door, reaching out to pay tribute, let the supervisor go in ... people do this, don't see it, what kind of face is it? Can the employees can come here with such a clear understanding?

At the place where the supervisor can be seen, Karlov is at low, and a four-axis aircraft and hanging screen, there is a large circle of paper that is stunned and slammed by the wind.

After the competent aircraft entered the coffee shop, he closed the door, went to the position you just left, and then quietly followed other employees, looked at the aircraft to slow down to the store.


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