The supervisor does not die from owing his mouth

The supervisor is not died in the 857 chapter

Shake your head, look at the progress, the executive discovery found that it has been rushing to 30% floating, every half a minute will jump, may fall, may also rise.

After you came back, you will be able to join your eyes: "That, supervisor ... What are you watching? It seems that you haven't moved it in a few minutes, some worry ..."

Take the progress bar. Although many people say that there is no good look, but those who are idle may even stare at a GIF for a long time.

"Ah? Oh, it doesn't matter, I am idle boring, you see that I am still on the mercury hall, you listen to this voice, it is quite crisp."

On the side of '', the head of the already full, the supervisor suddenly realized what was found. Hurry and stop, then hesitated for a while, under the horror of the panic, started to turn it again.

"As the saying goes, since I know that it is poison, why not make a plate and pick it up. I have to sweep more feathers."

Zhi is sighing, I plan to give a warm chocolate milk to give a mercury lamp, then went to wash.

Slightly stopped the transfer bar, the supervisor opened the big notebook, and turned over the turn of a fairly multi-component page. After knocking the glasses, I found that there were some long-haired Guis. Reviewed.

And some of the parties that have some lack of missed, she is very intimate, so the supervisor has added a few more and then looks at the more some part hesitated, and then pick up the mercury lamp again.

At least, let him get a message, as long as the spring is not broken, it doesn't matter ... The words come back. In fact, the key to the end is in the air, there is no excessive amount?

This problem has been wakeing up to Niri, and the supervisor has filled a lot of words to the notebook. She is somewhat hard to walk to the supervisor, and then squat: "Ha ... supervisor, you are If you continue to screw the strip, the parts inside will be worn ... So sleepy. "

Will wear? That still does not continue the mischief.

The supervisor placed the mercury lamp on her chair and sat down, and then clapped, everyone got up, meaning that there was no time left, and ... Chrisa guy will have to appear.

Author message:

PS: ... inexplicable follow-neck pain, uncomfortable - I have a ticket!

1135. Some things must make them understand a truth!

"The new day of work begins, you look at all, even if you choose the project that may make people feel unstable, panic, and easier to cause problems, it also has such calmness."

When the voice of Christina was incorporated into the head of the ear, it was already behind the work. After all, the preparation stage is as always, and the breakfast is still quite delicious grilled fish and Wusong noodles, it is really satisfied, there is nothing to say.

The anomalies exchanged after [loneliness] will be exchanged. It is really nothing to ignore. This is why Christina is open to ask the supervisor what is doing, and even such a calm source.

That is a sitting, no, standing ... nor, anyway is 'where' monsters, there is a lingerie like a baby, and the thick body, overall, showant.

"So ... What is this? What is this? Can you tell me? No, I think you may plan to take the initiative to take the initiative ...?"

Christina paused for a while, then said: "This is your freedom, the company will not actively limit what you do, as long as you can collect energy, other projects ..."

"Well, then seal it today, let's take a look at the problem of the Pink Legion."

Interrupted Christina's words, the supervisor turned to the contaminary department, after the card yesterday, some departments hang a new logo, including the increase in the increase of energy, the increase in energy efficiency, etc., plus now only records Destroy, the management is suddenly dropped to the extent that there is no difficulty.

I am willing to buy me. Since I am willing to collect the unusual energy, it really doesn't matter ... I don't blow it, it will be so simple.

"Hahaha how, Kristina, is this a perfect treatment?!"

"You want to think so, then you are so good, I am only responsible for telling you wrong, correct judgment is not in my reminder, then please advance, collect more energy."

After Christina saw that the eye movement reached 35%, he closed his eyes to continue his work. And the supervisor was re-adjusted, and the mercury lamp that was placed on his legs, the mercury lamp that was temporarily woke up, continued to assign work Go down.

There is still a good news today, that is, the problem of the record department will not be present at the end of today, it doesn't have any strange Flag, but the eight classics, according to the company The situation is noted.

Unless the fun today, you will explode, it is impossible, because it is so magical, the company will not thrown it to the supervisor, let him not stand without alert.

Well ... think about it, this kind of thing seems to have happened. Do you want to find Kristina now?

This thought is just a circle in the head of the supervisor, and it is dissipated. The primary goal is really collecting energy, and then the other problems will be said.

So thinking, the supervisor began to trigger the first round of melting, declared today's work to enter the fast stage, let all people can act, move, do not touch the fish.



In fact, the supervisor has always thought that you will be kind to anomalies, or you will be as good as the concept of abnormalities, thus can't recognize yourself in harming employees.

Just like animals follow instinct action, or in two different populations, there are some problems on some exchanges, and they can be understood and handled.

But some things are not the same, the supervisor is staring at the housing room, in the consistent room of the control department, the new exception is sent today, it is unbearable, and even difficult to control their own emotions. .

At the same time, the employees in the department will continue to jump out of white damage, and the counter in the accommodation is also jumping. It is not to return to zero ... Although it is not called.

[Disciplinary Bird] Everyday, the [Happy Teddy] will not flee, and [Behavioral Correction "is said to be developing new video series, no time to interact with employees, but also let Romance for a long time - this is not a focus.

The focus is, a huge roulette is above the picture, and the name of the staff is familiar with the supervisor.

This roulette is full of unknown light effects, even some people who are fearful, the supervisor stuffed the ears, asked directly: "Chris, this thing stopped, it is a staff member to go in the unusual, not Let it continue to cry? "

The glasses show a very special text, and it is written by Christina, and straightforward answers' indeed this.

So the supervisor thought about it, quietly waiting for the roulette - it finally stopped on the name of 'Sophie'.

Quickly pulled the picture, I saw Sophie parked the work on his hand, and it was very sad, but it was a sad, or painful, followed by a fairly sad expression to the control department, during which the supervisor clicks, I can't get feedback.

"... Chris, I will ask once, this exception, will it directly consume employees directly, right?"

It's already so obvious, how couldn't find it, it is better to say that when the roulette appears, and see that the tag that is written on the above, you can guess it, this is in the way to relatively 'fair', looking for A victim.

'You are right, this employee will sacrifice yourself in order to calm an unusual riot. This process cannot be canceled because it is determined by fair lottery. '

"That is really embarrassed, I have to do this decision ... Bell, you are there."

The harsh scream gradually shielded, the supervisor looked at the display, then the round window appeared, and now wear pajamas, and the hair climbs up and climbed below the picture.

"Hah ... is there, what do you want to do?"

"Take that armed, I have to go to work."

The bell is half-eyed, and the head is a little bit: "This is ... that, please take off the jacket directly, then jump down the new hole mouth, the armed will put on you when you pass ... yawn, Is the time you thought about ... "

Listening to her half-awaiting answer, the head of the head, and didn't hesitate to jump into the newly opened entrance next to it.

After half a minute, the bell sighed, lying back in bed, indented into the quilt and retracted the ball that did not send too much sound.

Author message:

PS: Thank you for touching the fish to touch the 588, Star Fei's 588x2 reward ~

PS4: ...... Friday, want to touch the fish ...

1136. So ... is this?

Through the long tunnel, during the period, the passage of the path of the letter may be written, the supervisor finally fell on the ground, the streamers extended out on the brain helmet suddenly pointed to different directions, and then succumbed.

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