The supervisor does not die from owing his mouth

The supervisor is not died in the 863 chapter

The supervisor is sitting on the shelf, then he is constantly nod, and then asks Yourself can get up, and the result is Yi '': "You trust me, continue to sit above, I will take you. The patrol has been arrived until the part, and it will not encounter someone on the way. It doesn't matter? "

After this guy is so late, is it so skin ...

The supervisor shrugged and hitting the information with the long gates. I have been exchanged. I confirm that she has begun to study the 'black test' related content, and after some progress, she is not too tired, and then let Yisi take the car to go up. .

"Say it back, why didn't I see the exception of the duck, according to the reason, what should they be very visible?"

When the elevator was taken, the supervisor suddenly asked, but Yousi shakes his head: "It is completely not, it is only such a large area, it looks like a picture of playing games ... Probably so big."

The scope of the scope does not even have her arms as wide as it is, it is really not easy to be noted ...

The director wants to think, wait until the elevator door is open, and Yesi suddenly stops, then a plumber, directly put a plastic rubber duck in his hand.

"I am touched!"

The voice just fell, which in theory should be super high-speed rubber duck directly dissipated in the air, transmitting the sound of Christina.

"Your extra work is good, providing additional energy for the company, if you can, I hope you can handle more such anomalies when you act."

The hangs from the subsequent, let the supervisor '', this poisonous tongue Ai is really doing the dripping water, does not give him a chance to do.

However, there is no relationship.

The supervisor patted the clothes and climbed up, walked to Yanyi, and saw it after watching and saw that he was in the discipline - so only used only 0.1 seconds, and rushed to the car on the car, and then patted the bin edge "" Hurry and hurry! "

"Hey? Ok!" You quickly ran, and ran into the lobby hall with supervisors and a bunch of goods, he didn't have to say hello to the spiritual dream, just under the supervisor, head to the promenade of the second area.

So what happened in some breath, what happened, actually so urgent.

The latter looks back and looks at: "How to say it, I just have to be close to [one place], with this non-defense posture, there will be a chance to break through the accommodation, rushing out of crazy to do something what,"

"In order to minimize accidents, I can only ... Yes, I can avoid avoiding it. If I can't avoid it, I will face it with it."

The supervisor is open, jumping from the car, and then discovering ... seems, probably, possibly, the two tools in this promenade do not allow the supervisor.



Through the hall of the second district, 'sister' is still working in the industry, but I don't know where to get rid of the fish now, but unfortunately, the supervisor can only say two words, confirm the safety of this. The degree is high, and it is directly entered whether to constrict two abnormal receiving curd.

[Bulu Xinxing] seems to always pass if there is no prayer, so don't do it, so as to [Mary] ... Love seems to have a good rest, and I don't know where to go. I can't catch her now.

Shot shrugged, the supervisor turned and asked Yinsi, it is directly to the part, or go to the record department to see, the answer is to look at the record department with the supervisor.

"And, there are still a few things that I should send to the record department, just forget it, fortunately, you remind me, supervisor."

Youni pressed a few times like a communication device, back on a big stack of things with the supervisor, and the way, the way to send it to the recording department - it is said to be some large capacity memory cards .

The leader nodded, suddenly helped the glasses, see the choice to establish a connection after Youni, then quickly emerged on his wrist, and at the same time, Yinsi also condensed a circle of golden complex complexity Text.

Subsequently moved to her waist to slowly turn slowly, suddenly, Yini slammed a few times, got a competent supervisor to help her, otherwise, these goods were not directly scattered.

The face is flourishing, Yinsi has a little snoring. After standing, lift your legs and goes forward: "I know you are going to help me comb your abnormal tendency ... But, say it in advance. If you are not careful ... What should I do! "

"Well? Sure enough, is it still uncomfortable, then I am slightly reduced the intensity of the gap, so that you will be some?"

The supervisor chase, the result is that Yini immediately sways his hand and refuses, indicating that there is no relationship, no additional expensiveness - then suddenly pulling out the style looks very science, and it is said to be a gun, it is better to say a mini gun weapon.

Then the air buckle trigger, the light golden beam suddenly illuminated, the air was burned in 'Zi' sound as a sound, the supervisor saw that there was a strange phantom to melt.

"Don't drop your mind, supervisor, recent, the frequent frequency of the very weak, very weak, although it is imperative, but there is a good thing to cause some extreme trouble. Just like just what you have just!"

During the speech, Yini swaps the bombing position, and playing again is a lightning lightning. In the lightning, the supervisor has seen the face of the face, as if to swallow his face.

"That ... Hey, what is these?"

"I don't know, but I am very weak, what is coming, it is probably the death of death? The most convenient way is like this, electricity, then kill!"

The leader has a point of view, so that the clear measurement screen appears: "After you disappear, is it soon? I have a suggestion ... You get a vacuum cleaner, maybe our efficiency will be higher. some."

Although I don't know what he wants to do, Yinsi is placed in the nearby work items, giving a portable vacuum cleaner for the supervisor.

Author message:

Ps: ...... Hall is coming - the temperature in the room is fast to 0 degrees, I have to hang (

PS4: ... Shush seems to have a treasure chest, so there will be ... In short, please ask for a blade.

1144. This is not an equivalent exchange, it is a miracle!

'This is a bit like a thing of ancient literature, appease the death, or more upon school.

The suggestion of the supervisor is very effective, and even Yini can't believe that the tangled things are actually sucking the dust that is unpredictable, and there is no need to suppress myself.

Of course, the cost is done because of the cleaner, and the supervisor is used .... Fortunately, the last unknown exception has disappeared. Don't worry about find a new vacuum cleaner.

Yinsie thoughtfully, I plan to change a adsorption function to my weapons after going back, and then I saw the Dust of the Supervisor: "Okay, I will continue to advance. Say that these weak concepts have appeared so frequent Will it affect what effect? ​​"

"Not clear, but Miss Chris did not warned, probably in addition to collecting some less energy, will not cause too complicated influence?"

Yini hangs the weapon back to the shelf, and the elevator of the two moved the elevator. When left the elevator again, it was already in the hall of the record.

You Ni removing several boxes on the backpack - they extend out the same legs like the spider, after climbing, Yins is satisfied with a counter like a counter.

"The supervisor, you ran to me, you will not see those equipment to disassemble the dress." Victori japched the tuning, let it stop smoke, will refer to the refers The accommodation area: "Although I don't want to trouble you, but the level of the magic girl is somewhat less stable, you can, I hope you go see."

Hey, that is not too stable? ! The supervisor quickly rushed into the housing long gallery, skip the collection room of the [Little Red Hat], directly entered the accommodation room of the God of Magic Girls.

The posture is somewhat indecent, but the stone statue that I don't care will gradually restore the normal state. Subsequently [God of Magic Girl] open his eyes, and greet the color.

"Mr. Director, you seem to have ended, come to me, is there anything to discuss with me?"

Slightly, I think about the words. The supervisor thinks that this is best to be cautious. It is necessary to say about her disturbance rising, it is better to be less intense to ensure that [God of Magic Girl] is stable.

Then, he nodded: "This is the case, you have already rose from the YOD level to the KAPH level, what is the topping?"

[The god of magic girls] If you want to be born, it is found that the hair is also bored, so she blinks: "Not very clear, maybe because, there is no employee at all today, tell me about my own problem Or don't you make me something to do ... What? "

You have bundled this.

The supervisor is loose, and it is estimated that there is no work to her. In short, I will imagine it, depictting something out, let her meet his own wish to say.

So, after five minutes, the supervisor is telled to hold a pink toy hippi station at the door of the shelter.

[The God of Magic Girl] gave a little different plush toy in the competent imagination, and then took his expression expression - slightly a bit long, approximately half an hour.

This seems that additional energy is more than an entity that is abnormal, is it personal by her?

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