The supervisor does not die from owing his mouth

The supervisor is not dying from the 872 chapter

Of course, it may also be the subconscious feel that these things are born from the possibility of 'destruction, however, there will be one or two blue damage to support the scene.

After a little loose, the supervisor continued to calm the heart to adjust the staff of the employees, in any case, at least to ensure that someone was attacked by an abnormal invasion, and could not be attacked by the scope to sweep a large piece ... that is too painful.

Author message:

PS: Thanks to Tatall's reward ~

PS4: It's too cold, I really don't want to get it ... ask for a blade! !

1156. Justice will not escape!

Everyone is carefully focusing on the sudden 'black dusk', and its invasion method has been accused of keen cracks, then it is just to move the employee, and avoid the damage that can avoid.

Then it is hurt by the human head, and the seriously injured person immediately retreats, the newcomer is on top, everyone is active, the competent will not give them the opportunity to leave.

Slightly pressed according to the temple, the supervisor was paused, and after filling a bottle of psychotropic drink, continued to continue to cut an abnormal damage value, allowing them to move towards the future.

But things will not be so smooth, when the supervisor feels that this thing may have arrived at the limit, from the R & D department, the first [resonant] suddenly crashed, turned into the ruins of the rock and the burning flame, additional Two also collapsed successively.

Three [Resonant] Condensed in the central part of the central part, re-enhancing one with three heads, all the heads consisting of a pale finger hand arm, and the body expands a circle again, almost explaining it It's not going to move.

At this point, the name of this abnormality is no longer [resonant], but re-emerged, the level is the "strong existence] of the ALEPH level. It is a thorn scream after the merger, and even the activities of the entire company allocate a few seconds.

The window of the bell quickly launched, she was slightly rushing: "The supervisor! The flow direction of the pressing force field begins to disturb, this exception will threaten the housing room. If possible, I hope you can prevent it from breaking its compression farm ! "

So simple, then that is so big, what is playing!

First, the problem is that the exception sent today. After its counter drops to 0, it starts to enter the breakthrough countdown, and then there is no observation, and it is easy to flee [dead butterfly]. stand up.

From the upper layer to the lower layer, murder in turn ... Now not to think about this, the supervisor directly dispatched a large number of employees to enter the hall, and the action of the "strong existence] to perform suppression.

After this abnormality, the random employee name is directly to the random staff, so that it is summoned, the burning meteorite is projected into the hall, and the roar of the ground is constantly hammering to make the hall seem to suffer from destruction.

It's like it is restricting the action of employees ... but it is clear that the company has learned a lot of lessons that will cause losses to facilities, no matter how small meteorites bomb, will not cause more damage to the ground? .

The supervisor was originally thought to be a new technology. The result was shocked after the eye energy collection trough, because it was slowly declining with the speed of seconds, indicating that this protection is required to pay!

After you hurry to put a layer of 'excitation bomb' and a layer of 'anti-erosion strikes', everyone is more enthusiastic to rush into the hall, remove it needs to be hidden to avoid meteorite, and have an indication of the hit area It is all invested in the suppression.

The supervisor is not a no hopeless air consumption - [Strong existence] is only half of the damage value, perhaps inheriting three [resonant] special effects, or something else, now not clear Reason is inside.

He smashed the table, only in the eyes of these abnormal suppression, dispatched employees, and control the danger control in the acceptable range until the 'dusk test' is completely over.



The flame sprayed from the ground and the meteorite landed from the sky, accompanied by the extension of the suppression time, and began to spread from the part to the second district, the surrounding department, the promenade, etc., and the contained storage room has also gradually Expanded, the first problem is that those that it is easy to be affected.

For example, [Bi blue new star] This extreme is only 1, the supervisor is not very willing to work frequently, its counter fell to 0, then the entire contacnation room is shrouded, and enter the accommodation breakthrough process.

The supervisor clearly remembers how this thing causes problems - it will random to a department's hall, depending on time interval, continuous and fixed to the whole company.

Good, the supervisor has repatriated all the department clerks in order to the company's security issues, and now only employees remain in the work area.

When the counter falls to the last episode, [evil spirits call] also followed, because [Big Bird] has been tube, [Disciplinary bird] is also taken outside, so [Trial bird] also ran out .

The supervisor wrinkles, and carefully adjusts the station of employees in all sectors, allocates their characteristics and armed adaptation to address these things.

Strictly speaking, in fact, with the current employee strength, under the return system of the department, the vast majority of abnormality can be easily suppressed, but the project will always become chaotic, and the A-level abnormal armed is also impossible. Go to everyone.

Only, this time, the supervisor is not impulsive. He is quiet. He is quiet, not sent to the chair, maintaining the staring at the screen, or the employee behavior in the picture is in an orderly, maybe water and silver lamp I have to doubt that he is sleeping.

[Strong existence] The damage slot did not imagine as long, in the chaotic suppression, the central part of the [White Trise] hunted room, the counter fell directly to 0, the remaining department also began to relatively slowly murder- - Director Hawran got up.

"The Word of the Hall of the Hall, I will give you a job that is recovered by the employee of higher injuries. Can you?"

"There is no problem, but the stupid humans, that thing has not been solved, really no problem?"

Of course, but just wait a few seconds, this is no longer a problem - [White tyrant] has disappeared from the contamination room, the place to appear again, is unlike the central part of the center.

The person who didn't hesitate to choose her, then execute the special transformation of 'armed this abnormality', the whole person's consciousness is like a certain unstoppable attraction, and directly immersed into the endless darkness.

Then, when it is up again, it is a place to be a thunder, which is like a thunderstorm, which is a thunderstorm.

'Lanteria! Dare to speak justice? ! '

The supervisor looks at, or the viewing angle is turned onto the top, and a dark 'Naiye' is holding a long gun that exudes a flow of light and falls to his high speed.

Then there is nothing to say, the supervisor quickly spreads his own mental body into one like a bag or a circular thing, and he does not hesitate to swallow her.

Author message:

PS: Although it is also desirable in Monday, the code word is desirable -

PS4: ...... The so-called foreign festival is just a ghost that I am going to go out! I have to sit at home to die! Ask a ticket, blade, um ...

1157. Be sure to recognize the difference between foreign objects and injective!

When you open your eyes again, the supervisor only saw a hook made of spine and skull, and his sensory was completely recovered after the hooks made by the spine and the skull.

But the sound of the surrounding sound is still quiet and low, which means that [Bi blue new star] has not been suppressed, and the supervisor has timely emergence, preventing [white tyrants] to launch a light cannon against the crowd, and it is also forced.

I also saw the treasure, eventually crashing and decomposition. It seems to become a huge plaster image, then quickly crack, crash, a palm and finger roll down to the supervisor, after being disabled, the supervisor quickly rotates the long stick, will Like a spear, towards.

I feel that there is something for a fork, and the supervisor directly uses your strength. I dance the long stick. From the back to the half arc, the things are hidden on the ground, and the other's invisibility is also broken.

"Knocking clock ... [evil spirits call] Did you let you come out? I feel impossible, at least there are 3 derivatives - don't mess, I am very busy now."

In the following sentence, it is a deep place in the [White Trise], because the supervisor is forced to wrap, it is constantly struggling with 'justice'. However, the latter seems to feel that he is very advantageous and wants to continue to struggle.

In desperation, the supervisor can only strengthen the constraints, then guide the preparations that have been familiar with, the preparation of the shells, while the movement is keen to escape the bones that stand up. [Butcher] cut the bone blade.

Next is the relatively boring suppression time, all the abnormal projects of all fleeters must be returned to their own housing rooms, and they cannot continue to trigger the immediate action. The supervisor directly targeting all people in the hall, playing a can automatically identify the enemy's shelling After that, I will post a little, and it will be delivered.

Perhaps Miss Nairy has grown, or 'justice' has gotten, because the sequelae of this shell is obviously better than the past, even just a little exhaustion, and will not be painful.

No, maybe not this ...

The supervisor calm the heart, leaving from the transfer array, and then seeing that the intelligence department is legs, only the center has a blue and black heart-shaped core [blue new star], strengthen the appearance of Miss Nair, claim The oppression of an abnormal thing of 'justice'.

Subsequently, how to use the artillery in the brain, how to use the concept of abnormal ability, become very clear, find that his own idea is not wrong, the spirit of the supervisor has gradually gradually wrapped from a simple package, and the internal start differentiation is small.

The stick is aimed, and that abnormally does not move, imagine the shell, then all the firing, the energy of the energy is not in love, and any exception concept in front.

To be honest, it is very efficient, because there is no level of crimping between the A and A-levels, and the employee has already licking the [Bi blue new star], it is just a gun, this thing is solved.

The supervisor carefully adjusted the state, so that 'justice' is in higher strength compression level, and then discovered that the cognitive efficiency of the shell was higher, and the embarrassment of the feeling of the feeling was completely unable to finish.

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