The supervisor does not die from owing his mouth

The supervisor is not dying from the 874 chapter

There are not many, just 50 points.

Feelings, you really can make it a good brother who can make it? !

Author message:

PS: Today, I have to start the monitoring room of the old grandfather mode, watch a bunch of live broadcast ...

PS4: ...... Seeking a blade! A person is also quite refreshing in the days.

1159. So, this started?

The supervisor touched his nose. It was thought that his luck should be not bad to all the way to come over, and now it is clear that the changes happened before he is preparing to call the clerk. Maybe he is really targeted.

This should be the sides of 'Violet Midnight', which is not a previous item, but a black, no shiny, the sun, the sun, which means ......

"Director! New intelligence, that, the concept of midnight has changed! The things will appear are ..."

If the double leaf, the voice of the long door has passed into the office, she said gentle: "'Black midnight', the company has never recognized the abnormal project, very dangerous."

The head is in the table, pulling the picture to the record department, Dantan is frowning, and the frequency is a bit of dramatic sucking tobacco pipe, even if it is just a binder with water with water, it seems that she can calm down.

"Even if you want to ask what I happened, I am not very clear, there is no such situation in the record, never have an abnormal concept in such a short time, condense to this regular point. Look Just like ... oh, what is it ... "

At this point, Christina is quietly embodied on the display.

"It's like it is, there is a concept that is quiet, becoming the realistic reality. It is like those possible past, now, and future and ending, a exact concept is forming, and destroying the company Strike. "

This poisonous tongue is like this, so that the supervisor can't think of the way to use her two sentences, but only one point, the answer to the public: "Is this? That is, maybe I have to support today, maybe the company is also Do you have to finish? "

"The probability is this, but the supervisor you master the characteristics, as well as the company's backtracking structure to prevent this happen ... perhaps, it is only delayed."

Because energy reserves are limited, this problem has not been resolved after retracting, and use it once again.

The supervisor smashed the face and suddenly grabbed the mercury lamp from the document. In her struggle, she took her smooth silver long hair, and there was a soft cheek.

Then I sent a long sigh: "Forget it, do so much, everyone is prepared, there will be a few more times, I have to move, I will move it, don't be lazy!"

While talking, the supervisor starts a dispatching staff to make work management in the housing room with high work efficiency, and then carefully confiscate, and send an employee to the household room to perform work.

The harsh alarm is incorporated with some kind of sound of sigh, and the screen wall has quickly become black, even the sound is also peeled off, and this darkness, there is a pure white configuration. Text.

[Black midnight: boring, meaningless, not enough to remember.

'There have been such a race, a knife, ambulance, and encouragement. '

'There have been such a race, establishing order, giving the world to civilization. '

'There have been such a race, rapid development, bringing eternal light in the earth, once surpassing the cradle, and going to the unknown sky. '

'The civilization of the past has disappeared, struggle and wisdom is confusing and disorderly, struggling with the desperate star, and the final struggle, I don't know how I don't know how to do. '

'There is nothing here, you are the same. '



In the meantime, the supervisor thought that his senses were blinded, and I saw the illusion that should not go to stand, or said, there is anything to interfere with his cognition.

The screen in the wall wall is constantly twisted, the silhouette in the background space is gradually disappearing, and it has become black, and the employees are still waiting, waiting for some dangerous things.

The things they are waiting are not the monsters of the teeth dance, or unable to resist machinery, or a group of people who are unmolounded, but a group of people.

A group of unconscious, I don't know how to appear, it looks flat, as if the person hanging out on the afternoon street, it is slowly imposing in the departmental corridor, they walk, talk, wear the dress, look like Not undergoing an abnormal crisis.

These people have disappeared for surrounding environments, and there is no judgment of damage to the value. The employee tries to attack it, and there is only one air in the beginning. It is very uncomfortable.

The supervisor is waiting for a while, or the screen waiting for the background is black, turned to a piece of paint, and then it seems to be a very advanced city's internal perspective, choose call Christina.

"Chris, what is this, what is the phantom people?"

Waiting for a few seconds, Christina replied: "Unable to confirm, maybe some past projection, or an illusion, hide things that are true."

Hidden real intentions ... Simply, use this peaceful scene to relax, then in some kind of unresolved situation, don't play people?

It is also possible to put all the difficulties of all the difficulties in front of the red midnight, and finally come out, the new thing that has never seen, goes the test.

Anyway, the employees have found their own attacks that have not been able to communicate with these phantom, and the unexpected discovery, most of 'people' can chat with the employees, but the question once in-depth, its answer It will become very strange.

Simply, similar to things as 'silhouette', only recovering and answering the predetermined content.

The employee's investigation did not have any value content, but 'test' finally had its outbreak, and it won't continue.

A person who looks like a considerable body is inconsistent with a group of various colors, but most of them write inexplicably literary phantom people in the control department's promenade, they shouted to have heard the words. , Neatly, and just just hasslery or standing there, it is very different.

The supervisor quickly pulled the picture: "What happened, what are these people are doing?"

"Ah, supervisor ... that, it seems to be protest, saying that the big people are blinded, let the public are in danger, the person who leads the lead ..." Not clear ... "

I am somewhat nervous looking at the crowd from my eyes, and from the hall, it is condensed by invisible phantom, and the people wearing uniform.

That ear, or except for the supervisor, everyone can understand the words, simple and efficient unveiled past all kinds of contradictions and crazy.

Author message:

PS: I didn't expect it. I updated it - half of the night?

1160. This is not a level of movies!

Humans have never been a piece of iron, even if the language of language has disappeared, the gap between the text is unified, even looks at the sky, but life experience, the degree of cognition, self-inexpension ... These will affect a person.

But this is not important, because it is a matter of past, the phantom just picked some more important projects ... Just like now, the bullets are raining, those who have been in the crowd of cannons are hilarious. , , even in order to live, put the companions when doing a block, confusing and sad.

The most in front of the person, but he still stood up, until the fire stopped, he was squatting, swaying his body, stood up at an incredible angle.

Then after the body, take out a small copper hammer of rust, and a bronze bell, the body is a trace of blooming, that is the most, if there is anything, it is thoroughly thoroughly Outbreak.

If he tapped the copper bell in his hand, then shouted: "The end is coming! No one is still born!"

Only by this sentence, the supervisor is understood, he does not hesitate to send employees to rush, ignoring the phantom that is slowly dissipating, and puts the abnormality in their hands in this thing.

That's right, this is when 'black dawn' is coming, named [Terminal prelude], this time it appears, the supervisor is finally understood - this is directly peeled out from the vicinity of the four weeks. The crowd and then let them attack employees.

It is a stupid and stupid fool who holds a destruction of the mind. It's a fool to follow him.

After the essence of this thing, after the essence of this thing, the suppression efficiency of the employees was also upgraded, and after rapidizing it to half blood, he quickly dissipated, and the place to appear again, it is the hall hall.

Here's 'phantom' is just a rest, or hanging out, after the arrival of [Terminal], people who hear the tumble sound began to become embarrassed, then condensed into a crazy entity, and started to launch a difference in surrounding. Attack.

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