"Master Hou is back!"

"Master Hou is back!"

Suddenly, a shout rang out, and the entire Marquis of Wu'an mansion was boiling up and down, and the real owner of the Marquis of Wu'an mansion was finally about to show up.

Chapter [-] Girl

The entire Marquis of Wu'an occupies a very wide area, with luxurious and elegant buildings row upon row, patchwork, pavilions, pavilions, carved balustrades and paintings, courtyard lotus ponds, and corridors.

At this moment, the entire mansion was shaken, and a maid and servant walked quickly towards the front courtyard, with both apprehension and curiosity on their faces.

The name of Marquis of Wu'an has been a hot topic in Kyoto recently.

He was suddenly born and became a strong man in the Martial Saint Realm at a young age.But soon his tragic life experience was exposed, and then he appeared in other places one after another, each time with big moves.

Even He Bo of the Ghost Immortal Realm was killed by him, causing a huge shock.After killing He Bo, news came this morning. Yesterday, he directly killed two ghost immortals. One of them was a veteran ghost immortal with unfathomable strength.

This is simply too shocking, because one of the veteran ghost immortals once killed the existence of the middle-level Martial Saint, and he has a powerful magic weapon to restrain the blood of the martial arts, but he still can't make a move in Zhou Zhang's hands.

The news spread, and discussions were hot in the city today, and even the current emperor personally awarded the award.All the people under the Hou Mansion are naturally honored, and it is definitely a matter of honor to have such a powerful Patriarch.

But many things were just rumors, and the servants did not know what the temper of this Marquis of Wu'an was, and they were all apprehensive at this time.

"elder brother!"

At this moment, a young girl's voice that was as clear and moving as an oriole sounded, and a slim girl appeared in a red plum robe on a white background, with thick skin and picturesque eyebrows.

Because of her fast running, her delicate face was dyed with blush, and her apricot eyes were full of excitement as she looked at Zhou Zhang's figure.But as she got closer, her body felt like a heavy burden, and her heart was intertwined with anxiety and joy, but it slowed down.

"Miss, slow down."

"Be careful, miss, don't fall!"

At this moment, behind the girl, several beautiful-looking maids trotted over, shouting for the girl to slow down.However, they soon saw Zhou Zhang's figure, their expressions changed, and their footsteps slowed down instantly. They quickly followed behind the girl, bowed their heads, and did not dare to shout.

"Such a big man, you have to keep your focus, you will have to take care of the house in the future!"

Zhou Zhang looked at the excited girl with tears in her apricot eyes coming over, calling out that she was a big brother, and suddenly couldn't help but chuckle gently, and touched the girl's head with a big hand.

Seeing the girl's actions, Zhou Zhang still didn't know that this girl was his cheap sister in this world, Zhou Shi'er.

It's a pity that if Zhou Zhang's expectations are good, this Zhou Shi'er's real brother, I am afraid that he has been dead for a long time.


Seeing Zhou Zhang's intimacy with her, Zhou Shi'er, who was still nervous in her heart, suddenly felt calm, and her heart was filled with a warm feeling. Standing by Zhou Zhang's side, she felt extremely comfortable.

During this period of time, Zhou Shier seemed to be living in a dream. Her brother who disappeared when she was a child actually appeared, and he was also a martial sage admired by the world. Those who harmed them in the first place were all punished.

And she was sent here by the imperial court, and became a noble lady, living a life of luxury, wealth, and prosperity.

This kind of life is like a dream, like a castle in the sky. Until now, Zhou Zhang has returned, and he has become more intimate with her, which has completely let go of her hanging heart and has a sense of reality.

"See Lord Hou! Welcome Lord Hou back to the mansion!!"

More than [-] servants in the entire Hou Mansion, led by an old butler, saluted Zhou Zhang in unison, and their voices were deafening and echoed in the mansion.

"Get up! Do your business!"

Zhou Zhang waved his sleeves, and everyone agreed, and then suddenly got up and dispersed.

"Master, this is the entire account book of the Hou Mansion, which records all the investment income, as well as the gold and silver jewelry given by the emperor, as well as the situation of the property and shops."

At this time, Zhou Zhang was sitting on the seat directly above the front hall, and Zhou Shi'er was standing beside him. On the seat to his right, the Holy Maiden Pingxin was eating dessert leisurely, and there were several maids waiting a little further away.

In front of Zhou Zhang, the old butler bowed and handed Zhou Zhang a thick blue-skinned ledger. Zhou Zhang picked it up, flipped through it quickly, nodded and nodded. rich.

However, these mortal objects are of great use to Zhou Zhang, as long as the number is correct.And forgive me, people don't dare to think about it, after all, the deterrent power of a Martial Saint is still very terrifying.

After the old housekeeper was asked to retreat to prepare dinner, Zhou Shi'er, who was beside Zhou Zhang, began to feel a little unbearable. She hurriedly lowered her head and said in Zhou Zhang's ear, "Brother, is this your child? Where's your sister-in-law?"

Even if Zhou Shi'er spoke in a low voice, with the cultivation of the Holy Maiden of Pingxin, she would naturally hear it clearly.The Holy Maiden of Pingxin, who was eating happily, was stagnant in her movements, and her little face was blue and white.

What is this called! !He was taken advantage of by Zhou Zhang again!

While the Hou Mansion was bustling with excitement, the news about the return of the Marquis of Wu'an Zhouzhang seemed to have grown wings, and it quickly spread to all parts of the capital in an instant, causing an uproar.

Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Fourth Prince's Robe

"The Marquis of Wu'an has returned to Beijing. Wasn't he still thousands of miles away yesterday?"

"I don't know what the Marquis of Wu'an is like. It is rumored that he is a handsome man with a richness and beauty! I'm so looking forward to it!"

"This is big news. Someone in Dongcheng District did see a man in white carrying a little girl approaching the Wuhou Mansion, and then there was the voice of a servant."

"The portrait of the Marquis of Wu'an is no longer a secret in the imperial court. The old man has seen it before. It is indeed handsome and handsome, like an immortal."

The news about Zhou Zhang suddenly flew all over the capital, and even many young women were paying attention to the news of Marquis of Wu'an.Beauties have loved heroes since ancient times, not to mention that the hero's appearance is rumored to satisfy the aesthetics of many people who control the party.

With the increase in the popularity of the topic, Zhou Zhang's portrait did gradually spread. Some bookstores obtained Zhou Zhang's portrait through some means, began to copy it on a large scale, and then began to sell it.

In addition, the news about the Marquis of Wu'an Zhouzhang has been hotly fired. As soon as the portrait came out, it immediately caused a greater shock. After all, it was all based on imagination before. Now that I saw the portrait, the topic suddenly became more lively.

The setting sun gradually slid down the horizon, and night shrouded the world.At this time, the Hou Mansion was brightly lit, and after having dinner, Zhou Zhang, Zhou Shi'er, and Saintess Pingxin were chatting leisurely.

Zhou Shi'er was only one or two years old at the time, and she had already forgotten about the events at that time, not to mention Zhou Zhang, so she tacitly did not mention the previous things, but just talked casually.

I have to admit that even if Zhou Zhang recognized this cheap sister before, it was just a mistake, but seeing her looking at him now, full of admiration and attachment, Zhou Zhang still enjoys this feeling a bit.

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