Not only the legendary founding ancestor Li Di, but also the Tianshouzi who disappeared for decades, plus the old Taoist priests, it can be said to be impregnable.

At this moment, Zhou Zhang's confidence in Kyoto's defense ability has doubled again. As a result, Zhou Zhao is more at ease about the matter of the Holy Maiden of Peace.

This time, Emperor Li used the power of martial arts to attract Zhou Zhang over. It seemed that everyone got to know each other and talked about drinking, but he didn't have any other thoughts.

The four of them were talking, and Zhou Zhang also learned a lot about the secrets of this world, and felt his eyes widened.An hour later, the current emperor, who had finished the morning court, came to meet with you, and there was another discussion. The cups were exchanged, and two hours later, the guests and the host were all happy, and everyone dispersed.

Zhou Zhao got on the carriage inside the palace, turned the carriage around, and headed home.

"How is this son?"

After half an hour after Zhou Zhang left, Emperor Li, who was sitting on the dragon chair above, seemed to be asking himself to the air.

Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Six Fragrant Pastry

"What I said just now was not a joke. His life is innumerable, but his price is indescribable, but it should not be the reincarnation of a ghost. However, the power dormant in his body is like an active volcano, and the power is in a mess. I am afraid that it will break through to the The realm of human beings and immortals is not surprising!"

At the side of Emperor Li at this time, Tian Daozi's face has become a little solemn, no longer a smirk.

Obviously, he was also shocked by the power contained in Zhou Zhang's body. Although this power was dormant in the deepest part of Zhou Zhang's body, it was still vaguely visible to him.

"Since it's not the reincarnation of a ghost, it's really a young talent with a god-given posture.

No wonder that even the blood god Xiao Rui can't do a few tricks under his command. Watching his behavior, he is not afraid that he will have any bad influence on the Dali Dynasty. That's enough. "

Li Didu sighed a little, this talented young man has far surpassed him in strength, which is a bit too terrifying, giving him the illusion that he has lived on a dog all these years.

But as long as Zhou Zhang doesn't have much interest in secular power and won't be detrimental to the royal family, then no matter how much he struggles, it will be within Emperor Li's tolerance.

"Not only will it not, on the contrary, the Dali Dynasty has been born one after another. This is auspicious and auspicious. The national fortune of the Dali Dynasty is far more prosperous than imagined."

Tiandaozi said.Even if Emperor Li has already abdicated, he still can't worry about many things after all, and there are distractions in his heart, which are not good for cultivation.

However, Tian Daozi, who is a good friend, has already reminded him of this kind of thing, and it depends on whether he can realize it or not.

After coming out of the palace, Zhou Zhang had already returned to the Hou residence in a short time.The news about his entry into the palace and the saint today spread in the capital at once, so that the people who had doubts about the previous news finally believed the news of the return of the Marquis of Wu'an.

Even among the officials, there was a master of Danqing, who directly drew the scene of the Marquis of Wu'an entering the palace and disembarking the carriage. After that, the portrait was circulated, which immediately shocked many people.

The portrait was copied and copied in many copies for sale, which was popular with women and girls, and many bookstores made a lot of money.

Not long after Zhou Zhang returned to the mansion, officials came to visit and give gifts, and even inquired about Zhou Zhang's unmarried, and came to come to kiss.

However, under Zhou Zhang's orders, these people were stopped outside the threshold of Zhou Mansion, and finally returned without success.

"I'm afraid the door of the Marquis of Wu'an is lively during this time!"

"No, the Marquis of Wu'an has been in the limelight recently. Not only is he full of saints, but he is also a beautiful man. Hearing that Marquis Wu'an has not yet married, it is really sweet, and everyone wants to come over and take a bite. "

"If you and the Marquis of Wu'an are both in-laws, that family will be able to gain a lot of legacy in the next hundred years, or even hundreds of years, wouldn't it be beautiful."

"Now all the big girls and little girls in the city are going to go crazy, tsk tsk tsk, if you can become the Marquis of Wu'an, the treatment will be no worse than that of the queen."

It is well known in the capital that there is an endless stream of people in front of the Marquis of Wu'an Mansion, which has set off a new round of discussion frenzy.

And compared to murder, this kind of gossip news is obviously more popular with ordinary people, and it has become a topic of conversation after dinner.

Two days passed in the blink of an eye.

In the quaint courtyard of Houfu, there are dwarf bamboos growing, mountains and rocks are piled up, and a pavilion stands.At this time, the Holy Maiden of Pingxin, who was sitting in the pavilion, was wearing a snow-white jacket skirt, carved in pink and jade, with a pair of small hands holding snacks and stuffing it into her mouth, and occasionally glanced at Zhou Zhang.

"So many people visit, Zhou Zhang, did you not see me last time?"

Her voice was crisp, with a little milky sound, and the cute others had blood on their faces.

"Not interested in!"

Zhou Zhang sat in the gazebo, flipping through an ancient book with his hands, without raising his head.For Zhou Zhang, dealing with those people is really a waste of time. If you have time, it is better to read books, drink tea, and enjoy life.

Compared with the life of the last days, the quality of life here has improved a lot, and there are people waiting for you everywhere.This kind of corrupt life makes Zhou Zhang stay for a while longer, and Zhou Zhang is very happy to adjust his life.

Seeing Zhou Zhang's laziness, Saint Lady Pingxin raised her head and snorted softly, as if she was too lazy to pay attention to Zhou Zhang.

The Holy Maiden of Pingxin has already seen that, if it weren't for the fact that she was waiting for her body to enter the realm of foundation building, Zhou Zhang would have left the capital long ago.

Don't look at his sloppy appearance, but he still seems to want to get things done, and he has no intention of staying here.

"Guo'er, come and give me a hug!"

Behind Zhou Zhang, Zhou Shi'er, who helped Zhou Zhang press her shoulders, saw the arrogant and arrogant appearance of the Pingxin Saint, Xingmu's maternal love was almost overflowing, and she hurriedly came over to tease the Pingxin Saint.

"Miss Guo'er, this is the dessert that Li's mother in the kitchen just made."

At this time, a maid came not far away with a plate of delicate desserts. The maid who was serving on the edge of the pavilion hurriedly took it and handed it over to the Holy Maiden Pingxin with a smile on the table.

It can be seen that everyone loves this beautiful little girl!

Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Seven Incense Practicing Golden Body

Now the Holy Maiden Pingxin is familiar with everyone, she patted Zhou Shi'er's hand that wanted to rub her face, rolled her eyes, picked up a dessert from the plate, put it in her mouth, and ate it sweetly.


Just when everyone was chatting, eating, drinking and enjoying the afternoon, Zhou Zhang's face suddenly condensed and he giggled.

It's very strange, just now, Zhou Zhang actually felt a warm breath coming from the void, and drilled into Zhou Zhang's body.

These breaths are getting stronger and stronger, almost wrapping Zhou Zhang's whole body in it, forming a thick cocoon, making Zhou Zhang feel as if he is soaking in hot spring water, and his whole body is warm.

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