During this period of contact, it can be seen that Xu Qingjing's family education is very strict, her emotional intelligence is excellent, and she has the gentleness, tenacity, maturity and generosity of a traditional Chinese woman, and getting along with her really makes Zhou Zhang feel very comfortable.

After Zhou Zhang took a sip of his tea, he was a little surprised to hear Xu Qingjing's words.There are nearly [-] survivors gathered here, which is not a small number.

Since the end of the world, the number of humans has plummeted.Before the end of the world, the total number of human beings has reached billions, or even close to [-] billion.

But now, there are [-] million people in the world, thank goodness.Even in a big country like China, there used to be nearly [-] billion people, but now among the several known large survivor bases, there is not a single one with more than one million people, and the most are only a few hundred thousand people.

In addition to a few large survivor bases, there are also some medium-sized and small survivor bases, and there are still surviving ones, I am afraid it is difficult to gather [-] million people.

The gathering place of tens of thousands of survivors has far exceeded the scale of many small survivor bases.

But so many people, lacking strong backbone management, are just scattered sand after all.

Zhou Zhang didn't need to think about it, the survivors gathering place outside the fence must be chaotic, conflicts and bloodshed are not rare, and even the dead are normal.

But this kind of environment still attracts survivors.Because of the existence of net vines, their protective effect is too important.

In addition, there is no survivor base in Guangnan City, and it is a long journey to join the survivor base.

Since there are so many people, it can't be wasted in vain!

With a flash of light in Zhou Zhang's mind, he immediately took out a confiscated book of evil spirits from the system backpack, and then began to explain the matter to Xu Qingjing and Xiaoyu, listening to the three women's faces full of stunned and strange.

"Create a religion outside the fence? Modify this scripture, and then make the statue look like you, asking people to worship and worship you?"

At this time, Xu Qingjing was well-informed, and when she heard what Zhou Zhang ordered, she was a little stunned that there was such an operation.

In the history of China, there were also living people who were built to worship incense in a shrine, but that was slightly different from Zhou Zhang's present.

Zhou Zhang actually wanted to create a sect of gods, and that god was himself, which was very different from Shengci, which made all the women stunned.

But after thinking about it, Zhou Zhang's appearance just now relying on the virtual control of the wind to kill the dragon and the phoenix, Xu Qingjing's three daughters felt a little relieved. Speaking of which, Zhou Zhang's hand is not worse than some legendary gods, and it seems that there is no need to call a god.

And because Zhou Zhang's performance just now fell into the eyes of many survivors, and this area is under the jurisdiction of Zhou Zhang, it should not be difficult to promote the religion.

In fact, the main Zhou Zhang has benefited from the power of incense in the world of the Qing Dynasty and the ghost world. Now that there are so many sources of incense power delivered to the door, Zhou Zhang naturally does not want to miss it.

The more the power of the incense is, the more it is, so the next time you improve your realm, you will spend less energy points.

Zhou Zhang chatted with the three girls for a long time, and then Xu Qingjing took Da Yu and Xiao Yu to prepare.

After the three girls went down, the green vines that covered the walls of the academy began to tremble, bounced up violently, and spread wildly in all directions outside the wall.

Chapter [-] Taiyi Religion

On the wall of Changlin College, the net vines spread wildly in all directions, and the vines spread out.

If someone can look down in the sky, they can see that the green color centered on Changlin Mountain is spreading, radiating the surrounding area, and the speed is extremely fast.Like a drop of green ink falling into the water, it gradually spreads out.

"what happened?"

"Hey! The guardian vine has grown!"

"Fuck, has something changed?"

At this time, the survivors outside Changlin Academy's walls were all looking at the vines flying over their heads in shock.It can be seen that the guardian vines are multiplying wildly, and almost in a few breaths, the street buildings outside are covered with vines.

A quarter of an hour later, the buildings around the ten-mile radius centered on Changlin Mountain were covered with vines and turned green. The scene in front of them was a bit amazing, but the unknown changes also made all the survivors feel apprehensive. disturbed.

The net vines that spread in all directions began to stand out, and the vines began to clean up the surrounding mutant beasts and zombies with lightning speed.

Chi Chi!

The vines were sharp and clanging, and they pierced through the bodies of zombies and mutant beasts in an instant. Then the bodies of these zombies and mutant beasts were visibly withered to the naked eye, and finally turned into powder with a loud bang, and they fell.

For almost a dozen breaths, all the zombies and mutant beasts in the range covered by the vines were wiped out.

Then there are vines that grow roots, take root in the soil, and grow rapidly, forming a huge network of roots.

"Did the owner of Changlin Mountain let the guardian vines clean up the surrounding area? After that, this area has truly become a safe area."

"Hey, there are guardian vines, and the security of this area of ​​Changlin Mountain can kill all the survivors in seconds, plus a strong man like a god and devil sits in the town, it is unimaginable!"

At this time, all the survivors had expressions of ecstasy, exclaiming, looking at Changlin Mountain not far away in awe.

Now the entire Changlin Mountain is shrouded in sunlight, and compared to the dim environment outside, it looks extraordinarily holy and dusty.For Changlin Mountain, it is now a place that all survivors yearn for.

Sunlight plays a very important role in both living things and plants.Not to mention that the environment of Changlin College itself is first-class in China, and it is rumored that there are very clean water sources and soil, and the three female stars Xu Qingjing and Dayu Xiaoyu have all started to grow crops in it.

In such a short time now, the survivors are frantically collecting water sources around them, and they can still hold on.If it takes a while, I am afraid that I will have to start walking further, and I will take the risk of finding clean and uncontaminated bottled water and bottled water.

I have to say that in Changlin Academy, in the end times, it is really like heaven.

After the vines spread out, the sky gradually darkened in a short time, and many survivors were overwhelmed with admiration, and it was difficult to calm down for a long time.

Only then did he return to his place of residence with a sigh.

The second day, in the morning, outside Changlin Academy!

"Let's go! I heard that three female stars have come out and are recruiting people to work, including food and housing, my God!!"

"No, let's go!"

"This is a great thing, wait for me!"

At this time, outside the walled streets, countless ragged survivors exploded and became excited.In the apocalypse, food and shelter is definitely the most attractive treatment. Even if you give bread, there are many people who can sacrifice their lives.

And being selected, it is very likely that he will live in Changlin College, which is simply unimaginable before.

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