"The problem is that this monk is greedy and has asked for it many times. It's really unreasonable. He gave it today, and he has to give it next time!"

At this time, the passengers outside were talking a lot, and their faces were not very good-looking.

This monk's current behavior is similar to that of those rogues who collect protection fees, but his martial arts are extraordinary, and he is wearing a layer of monk robes, which immediately makes everyone jealous.

"Amitabha, so..."

Seeing the weakness of the crowd, the fat monk gradually showed a mocking smile, and pretended to put his hands together, preparing to say something.

But before the fat monk's words were finished, suddenly his whole body trembled as if he had been hit hard, his voice stopped abruptly, and then his whole body rolled his eyes and fell to the ground.

Chapter [-] The Empress

The scene in front of him made everyone present look shocked. Just when the fat monk was talking, a handsome man with a slender figure and a white shirt walked straight over.

Just when everyone was worried that the man would be beaten and driven away, they saw the man walking around in the courtyard, looking at the fat monk as if he had nothing, and before everyone could react, the fat monk suddenly trembled and fell to the ground. on the ground.

The man in white walked calmly and entered the inn directly.

"Well, what's going on here?"

"This fat monk suddenly fainted?"

At this time, everyone present was a little surprised. Someone stepped forward to probe the fat monk's breath and found that he was still alive. Suddenly, the low voices of everyone sounded at the scene.

"Haha, fainted? I'm afraid I'll offend someone who can't be offended!"

Some businessmen who have been in the arena for many years couldn't help sneering in their hearts, and then looked at the figure in white who walked into the lobby of the inn with some awe and caution.

Although the man in white hadn't touched the fat monk from beginning to end just now, and he was even a foot away from him, the monk suddenly fell to the ground.

But looking at the plain look on the white-robed man's face, he knew that this was not a coincidence.This man in white is clearly a great master, who can hurt people from the air, which is respectable and terrifying.

Zhou Zhang walked into the inn, went through the hall and went up the stairs directly. After passing through the corridor, he came to the door of his guest room. Zhou Zhang frowned, but he still opened the door with a creak.

At this time, what caught Zhou Zhang's eyes was the figure of a woman dressed in a bright red women's robe and wearing a phoenix crown.At this time, the woman stood slim, standing by the window, as if looking at the distant scenery.

"There is no way for this palace to be under the control. I never thought that such a thing would happen, but it made the son laugh!"

Suddenly, a pleasant female voice rang out, and the figure of the woman by the window slowly turned around, and suddenly a beautiful face with thick skin and picturesque eyebrows came into Zhou Zhang's eyes.

This woman was wearing a robe embroidered with nine-colored phoenixes in bright red, with a phoenix crown hanging down from the top of her head, with jade beads hanging down from the phoenix, her long black and crystal hair hanging down from her waist, and her eyebrows had a red lotus print. His eyes were clear, and he looked at Zhou Zhang with an inexplicable brilliance.

In fact, in the eyes of the woman, the moment she turned around, seeing Zhou Zhang's figure also brightened.

What was reflected in her phoenix eyes was a handsome young man with a jade-like face and a clean white shirt. His eyes were lacquered, his sword eyebrows were on his temples, and the afterglow of the setting sun fell on him through the window, and he immediately let him. The whole person seems to emit a faint light, and there is an innumerable and unknown artistic conception that permeates.

Who would have thought that this elegant, handsome, dust-free young man was a human immortal with monstrous power, directly blasting away two fragments of space, and beheading the fierce and powerful old man with bones.

"I don't know if the Empress is here, what's the matter?"

Zhou Zhang stepped into the room, and his voice did not waver.

Even though the woman in front of her has not yet revealed her identity, and she seems to have used some magic weapon to cover up the rich Huanghuang purple energy on her body, but being so close, coupled with the special temperament on her body, her identity is ready to be revealed.

After all, the empress of this world is slightly different from the world history before Zhou Zhang, although she has also experienced the transformation of Cairen, Zhaoyi, Tianhou and even now becoming emperor.But she was only in her thirties and was at the peak of her life.

Seeing Zhou Zhang's indifferent attitude, Wu Zetian's beautiful face did not change, he gently waved his sleeve robe, the door that had been slightly closed clicked softly, the door bolt fell, and it was completely locked.

At this time, Wu Zetian slowly stepped forward, made a solemn gesture, and directly bowed to Zhou Zhangfu: "I hope you can save me, I would like to give you a keel!"

At this moment, Zhou Zhang's face couldn't help being moved a little.

Not only because of the great ceremony Wu Zetian performed, but the emperors in the world are inferior to those of the immortals and the gods of the sun.What moved Zhou Zhang the most was the keel that Wu Zetian said, which is a good thing.

For a powerhouse in Zhou Zhang's realm, if Zhou Zhang had a system to brush energy points, it would be extremely difficult to improve.Zhou Zhang is a dragon bloodline, if he can obtain a keel and extract the dragon energy contained in it, he can also refine and improve his bloodline.

It seems that Wu Zetian really came prepared this time.

But Wu Zetian is willing to pay this price, I am afraid that what he is asking for is not so simple!It can threaten the existence of an emperor, I am afraid that it involves some great powers and forces.

"Let's make things clear first!"

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhang frowned slightly.

Wu Zetian raised his head, his beautiful face showed a hint of joy, and he began to explain clearly to Zhou Zhang.

After a while, the room fell silent again.

"Heavenly Cauldron Sect? Such a great handwriting, such a great spirit!"

After listening to Wu Zetian's words at this moment, Zhou Zhang's complexion changed slightly, and he couldn't help but be slightly surprised.

Chapter [-] The protection fee has been charged

According to Wu Zetian, the enthronement of the Empress Wu was all planned by Tiandingzong.

Because Tiandingzong needs to use the rich national fortune of the Tang Dynasty and Wu Zetian's Tianhuang destiny to breed a Tianhuang Divine Pill.A few years later, when the Heavenly Phoenix Divine Pill was conceived and harvested, it was also the day when the Wu clan's lineage was liquidated.

Wu Zetian was unwilling to be someone else's cauldron and chess piece, so he used the keel as a reward, hoping that Zhou Zhang would help.

The cauldron is made of a heavenly phoenix, the throne of the emperor is made of copper and carbon, and the fortune of the country is the fire, which is used to refine a divine pill.Zhou Zhang couldn't help but marvel when he heard this kind of generosity.

Moreover, while Wu Zetian was speaking, Zhou Zhang's spiritual sense directly scanned Wu Zetian's body, and found that there was indeed a scorching light group in her heart, and even faintly heard the high-pitched voice of the phoenix.

In addition, Wu Zetian's cultivation base is far lower than Zhou Zhang, and she can't lie in front of Zhou Zhang.

That is very obvious, the fact is as Wu Zetian said.However, Wu Zetian only revealed some of the facts. According to Zhou Zhang's knowledge, she may be at the mercy of Tiandingzong.

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