At this time, the tomb of the gods, which was already covered with endless crystal white light, finally changed. There was a loud bang, and then a transparent wave spread out in all directions at an alarming speed.

A huge crisis broke out in the tomb of the gods!

Seeing this scene, Zhou Zhang, who was about to take action, all the hairs on his body exploded instantly, and he felt the breath of death shrouded in him.

Chapter [-]: Breaking ten million energy points


The transparent fluctuations caused the space to wrinkle, and instantly filled the four directions.


"Formation, run away!"

"help, help"

At this time, a terrifying scene appeared. Among the men and women who had just turned into rainbow lights, most of them were caught up by the transparent fluctuations. .

At this time, Zhou Zhang's whole body was bathed in rays of light, and his figure disappeared in place in an instant, and he was able to escape the attack of transparent energy fluctuations. He was a little terrified in his heart, and someone had set up a counterattack formation in the tomb of the gods, which was enough to kill the gods and destroy the immortals. It's a shame that I didn't put the idea of ​​digging a grave into action just now.

When the white light filled the tomb of the gods just now, Zhou Zhang felt something in his heart, so when he made his move, he deliberately stayed away from the tomb of the gods, so that he had time to escape, otherwise he was too close just now, even if Zhou Zhang wanted to escape.

After the transparent energy fluctuations enveloped the entire cemetery for dozens of miles, it finally stopped.

Those immortals who had been bombed with half of their bodies were terrified at this time. They barely survived and escaped, but their bodies suffered such heavy damage, and it was almost impossible to rely on their bodies to survive.

"Quickly run the Yang Refining God Transformation Dafa!"

"Ah! Practice for me!"

At this time, they were all whispering, and the remnant body burst into a blazing light, the Xia Qi was dense, and all the energy in the body was madly poured back, and the rumbling rushed towards the Zifu between the eyebrows, as if they wanted to use the remaining energy to feed the soul, let the The soul survived.

Zhou Zhang also saw that, with their human immortal cultivation, even if they lost a lot of energy in the process of refining yang and transforming yin, it would still be enough for their spirits to be promoted to the state of ghost immortals and then survive.


But at this time, there were a series of dark blue thunderbolts that suddenly burst out, intertwined in the sky, and suddenly penetrated the remnants of these immortals.


The remnants of these immortals were like sifting chaff, they screamed in the sky, and their bodies exploded one after another, turning into a cloud of ashes.

With the death of these immortals, in Zhou Zhang's mind, the sound of the system's prompts continued to sound, and it could be seen that the energy points were growing wildly.

These immortals start with Zhou Zhang, and now that there is a chance, Zhou Zhang will of course not be soft-hearted.


At this moment, those immortals who were lucky not to be injured by the transparent waves, saw other companions being bombarded and killed out of the corner of their eyes, all of them were horrified, and ran wildly in all directions, the rainbow light tore the sky and quickly went away.

"Do you still want to escape?"

Zhou Zhang stepped on the void, his whole body was covered with crystal light rain, holding the silver dragon halberd in his right hand, his voice whispered, but it resounded throughout the universe.

As soon as the voice fell, the light rain on Zhou Zhang's whole body exploded, and his figure disappeared in place in an instant.

A quarter of an hour later, on a mountain that was as steep as a sharp sword rushing into the sky, Zhou Zhang stood on the dry grass, his big hand slowly moved away from the head of a human being, boom!The body of this famous fairy was suddenly smashed by the thunder, and he didn't even have time to hum a word, and his figure instantly turned into ashes flying in the wind.

"Is it Xianyu!"

Through the violent soul search just now, Zhou Zhang finally knew where he was now.

The dim world where Zhou Zhang is now is the fairyland where the legendary fairy fell.This fairyland was discovered dozens of days ago by cultivators from the outside world, and was finally monopolized and explored by dozens of powerful sects.

The sect disciple who had a conflict with Zhou Zhang just now came from two sects.One is called Tongjianzong, and the other is called Juejianzong.

The ancestors of these two sects were loose cultivators at the beginning, and they broke into a sword cultivator's fairyland together and got the inheritance and rise.

Therefore, the majority of the two sects practice sword techniques, and they are one of the top sects in the world. Since the sword techniques of the two sects come from the same source, they can cooperate to form a more terrifying sword formation.

In fact, even if it was one-on-one, ordinary sect disciples would not dare to slap their edge, because the sword cultivator kills and fights very fiercely.

Perhaps it is for this reason that the people of the two sword sects have gradually developed the atmosphere and temperament of being bossy and acting perversely.

Of course, the most important thing is that the practitioners who came in this time are familiar with each other and have never seen Zhou Zhang, so the moment they found Zhou Zhang, they subconsciously replaced Zhou Zhang with the native identity of Xianyu.

For the natives of Xianyu, they are all invaders.After discovering Zhou Zhang, he naturally wanted to get rid of Zhou Zhang first, and then obtained the fairyland treasure that may be guarded by Zhou Zhang. Even if there was no treasure, he killed a threat.

But the ending was difficult for them to accept, except for a few who escaped, all the others were killed by the natives they thought.

"Let those two escape, at least lose more than one million energy points!"

Zhou Zhang said with a bit of heartache, but his face was almost ecstatic.

Tongjianzong escaped just now except for the two of them, and the rest were killed by Zhou Zhang under the halberd. There are fifteen famous immortals. Although the cultivation base is at a low level among the immortals, it can't hold a lot!


Zhou Zhang immediately called out the system, looked at the energy point page, and his heart was shocked.

Holy crap, more than [-] million!

Looking at this string of numbers, Zhou Zhang felt that his heart was beating several times faster, almost dazzled, and the unprecedented burst of energy exploded.

Zhou Zhang glanced at the other pages again, and his eyes suddenly stopped on the Golden Body Indestructible Mysterious Art. At this time, behind the art, a plus sign finally lit up again.

Chapter [-]: Human Immortal Intermediate

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