In fact, the destruction of this scale was due to Zhou Zhang's extremely condensed power. Otherwise, the energy overflowing from the battle between the immortals and the real immortals would be enough to destroy the entire ancient city.

There were many onlookers on the edge of the ruins. Standing on the edge of the giant pit, their scalps went numb. It was hard to imagine the terrifying power of the people who just fought.

At this time, someone finally remembered the identity of the white-clothed man, and his heart was shocked, and he took a deep breath. Isn't the appearance and dress of the white-clothed man the very hot white-clothed devil that has been discussed recently in the cultivation world? ?

There are a few monks and warriors who think of the identity of the devil in white, but they are not quite sure.It wasn't until someone took out the portrait of the white-clothed devil who was jointly wanted by the major sects, and the identity of the white-clothed man was finally revealed.

"Sure enough, it is him, the legendary devil in white, a strong man who walked out of a fairyland!"

"It is rumored that all the major sects have suffered heavy losses in his hands, and the casualties are heavy. I originally thought that the rumors were not credible, but now it seems that the rumors are basically true. The man in white is really fierce!"

"It seems that the cultivation world is about to become lively."

The news about the real identity of the white clothed man just now spread among many monks and warriors, causing an uproar, and many practitioners were dumbfounded.

In the past few days, the news about the devil in white has become very popular in the cultivation world. Except for the cultivators who are often addicted to cultivation, slaying demons and slaying demons, and ignore world affairs, the cultivators all over the world are afraid that they have heard a little.

The news that the devil in white appeared in this ancient city was too exciting, and the news was quickly spread by the practitioners in various ways, causing the practitioners all over the world to shake and make waves.

On the other side, Zhou Zhang had already found a place with beautiful scenery and a beautiful scenery, sitting cross-legged, directly exhaled the system, and began to improve the level of the golden body indestructible mysterious art.

Immediately, Zhou Zhang's body aura rolled and exploded again, forming a terrifying heat wave that washed away in all directions.

After more than half an hour, Weng Ming, a high-ranking man of immortals, was born.

However, at the same time, Zhou Zhang also watched as the more than [-] energy crystals plummeted, leaving more than a dozen energy points.

According to the previous calculation of energy points, Zhou Zhang spent more than [-] million energy points to upgrade from the middle-level human immortal to the high-level human immortal, which is simply terrifying.

Due to Zhou Zhang's special status and the fact that Zhou Zhang has not been promoted for a long time, in the next ten days, Zhou Zhang did not go out for a walk, but indulged in the cultivation of mountains and rivers, and realized his own body in detail.

Finally on this day, Zhou Zhang's eyes suddenly opened, and two splendid beams of divine light rushed out, just like searchlights, tearing the air and directly smashing the distant soil slope, the soil slope disintegrated, and the smoke flew up. , the sand and stones splashed, and it looked very intimidating.

Time is almost up!

Zhou Zhang stood up, the divine light between his eyes converged directly, and his eyes became calm again, with no turbulence.According to the information that Zhou Zhang searched in the demon's mind, the time for the opening of the Dragon Palace is now approaching.

Zhou Zhang didn't hesitate any longer, he jumped up and down, ripped apart the sky, turned into a meteor, and slammed into the downstream direction of the Nu River.

Chapter [-] Dead Sea

The surging Nujiang River is like a giant dragon Chen Heng the earth, nourishing countless creatures.

In addition to the mainstream of the Nu River, there are dense tributaries distributed in all directions along the way, like spider webs, criss-crossed and magnificent.The Dead Sea is a tributary located in the lower reaches of the Nu River.

Zhou Zhang's whole body was covered with golden light, tearing apart the sky, crossing the void, flying along the Nu River non-stop, and in a short while, he was close to the Dead Sea.

What caught Zhou Zhang's eyes was the boundless giant lake. The blue water of the lake looked extremely magnificent.

Zhou Zhang's figure instantly fell in the void, standing lightly in the air at the height of a foot above the lake.Due to the rapid fall, the gust of wind blew down the lake surface, and the calm lake surface around Zhou Zhang suddenly waved gently and sparkled.

At this moment, Zhou Zhang's eyes were dyed with a touch of golden light, and he looked at the surrounding lake, and he could clearly see that there were no traces of fish and shrimp in the entire giant lake.

This giant lake is called the Dead Sea, not only because the lake is vast and huge, but also because there are no living creatures in this giant lake, it is the Jedi of life, and it is dead.Hence the nickname of the Dead Sea.

Unless the water of the entire giant lake is shaken by the outside world, it will always look calm and peaceful.It is like a blue sky, so beautiful that a huge mirror is embedded in the earth, reflecting the sky and connecting with the sky.

"It seems that the reason why this place is what it is now should be because of the overflowing effect of the poison of the corpse dragon."

From the demon's mind, Zhou Zhang knew a lot about the Dead Sea.

In fact, the name of this giant lake was changed a hundred years ago. It used to be a big lake that nourished all things. Many literati and poets left poems here.

However, with the appearance of the Dragon Palace, this big lake began to change, and the people who originally lived nearby moved away one after another. Over time, it was called the Dead Sea.

In these lakes, Zhou Zhang sensed the indistinct aura of corpse dragon poison, which was very thin and diluted countless times by the lake water.However, if ordinary living creatures drink it, serious problems will occur, ranging from physical discomfort to death on the spot.

"Fortunately, it is located in the downstream branch, the terrain is low-lying, and the water of the river is constantly scouring, diluting the toxicity. If this Dragon Palace appeared in the upper reaches of the Nujiang River, then I don't know how many people will die. , unimaginable.

Um?anyone? "

Zhou Zhang's eyes contained golden light, and he couldn't help but sigh while looking at the surrounding environment.But in the next moment, Zhou Zhang's expression changed slightly, and he felt a powerful aura approaching quickly.


Zhou Zhang raised his eyes and could see two rainbow lights swept across the sky, but they didn't stop and instantly disappeared into the other side of the Dead Sea.Then Zhou Zhang began to feel it one after another, and there was a powerful aura coming across the void from time to time, landing in various places in the Dead Sea.

Obviously, as the opening time of the Dragon Palace is approaching, many practitioners are rushing over from all directions.

However, Zhou Zhang was obviously not the first to come. Before that, many practitioners had been waiting while cultivating in various places near the Dead Sea.

For example, the monster that Zhou Zhang killed before, even buried his head and squatted here for more than ten years, cultivating in the depths of the lake, while refining the poison of the corpse dragon.

According to the demon's memories, he was not the only one who squatted and refined poison. There were also many cultivators who liked to refine this domineering poison. It was an excellent weapon for Yin people.Even if it is a true immortal, it has to be treated with caution, and if there is a slight error, it may even lose its life.

"Tianchizi, how dare you attack me? Looking for death!"

"Good and evil will be rewarded in the end. You cut off my arm at the beginning, but now the magic of this seat has been completed, and the retribution should be with you!"


At this time, in the vicinity of the Dead Sea, there is a vast and slaughtering aura colliding, and groups of energy explosions sounded accompanied by scolding and low drinking.

It can be seen that the mountains in the distance are in the tortoise disintegration, the rocks are pierced through the air, and the smoke and dust are flying.But soon, screams sounded, and then the battle sound fell silent.

Zhou Zhang looked at the same side, and then withdrew his gaze.With the increase in the number of cultivators here, the fish and dragons gradually began to mix, and fighting and fighting were inevitable.

After observing the terrain in the four directions, Zhou Zhang's figure floated out in an instant, and at the same time, his whole body was covered with a faint light, and his appearance and figure changed in flight. When Zhou Zhang came to a cliff, his appearance was the same The body has transformed into the appearance of another man.

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