At this moment, the Dragon Ball Jade that was held by everyone around was buzzing and trembling, and then an inexplicable message passed into everyone's mind.

"Dragon Palace is open!"

"Come on!"

After receiving the inexplicable message, the cultivator with the dragon jade pearl in his hand suddenly lit up his eyes and let out a low cry.

Zhou Zhang retracted his gaze, his whole body was splendid, and his figure was also unwilling to lag behind. He crossed a graceful curve in the void and submerged into the Dead Sea.

Even though the entire Dead Sea is filled with the poison of corpse dragons, the essence is still river water.As soon as he entered the water, Zhou Zhang instantly felt that the breath in his blood became active, and he had a natural affinity for the water element.

Even if he didn't use his movements very much, Zhou Zhang's speed in the water was even a few points faster than his speed in the air.

The water of the Dead Sea is blue and looks very clear, like some clean blue seas.The large buildings at the bottom of the lake exude a splendid light, and Zhou Zhang can feel that above these buildings, there are vaguely terrifying and transparent fluctuations shrouded in the air, isolating the outside world.

Obviously, the cultivator who rushed down just now died under such terrifying fluctuations.

Zhou Zhang's figure did not get close to those fluctuations, and instantly landed in front of the building complex, where there was a magnificent ancient white jade gate that was several hundred meters high.

The giant door was closed, and it was carved with the shape of a real dragon, or hovering, or flying, or roaring, or looking down, lifelike, and even exuded a faint breath of dragon power.


The huge white jade door opened with a bang, shaking the whole world. Through the opened giant door, you could see the vast white fog shrouded in the Dragon Palace, and the scene inside could not be seen at all from the outside.

At this moment, many practitioners holding dragon jade beads began to inexplicably emit a faint mysterious energy, and then many practitioners glanced at each other, and instantly rushed into the giant gate, and instantly disappeared into the vast white mist.


There are also some cultivators who don't have dragon jade beads on their bodies, and they began to use the magic tools in their hands to try and try to rush in, but the magic tools they used for testing have just rushed into the giant gate, and all of them were instantly shattered. rushed into the mind.

"What is this breath?"

Zhou Zhang's figure had just submerged into the white mist, and his heart was pounding suddenly. He felt a little whim, and he clearly felt a strange and familiar blood aura in the distance attracting him.

True Dragon Relics?

Zhou Zhang's eyes lit up, and in the vast white mist, his figure suddenly rushed out and rushed in the direction of the breath.

Chapter [-] True Dragon Remains

Inside the building of the Dragon Palace, what caught the eyes of many practitioners was a vast white fog.

This white fog seems to have a certain characteristic, blocking the glance of the divine sense, and even the magic eye is not very effective, and it can see objects at most about a hundred feet.

Entering the Dragon Palace complex, many practitioners have become headless flies, and they can only try their luck everywhere.

At this time, Zhou Zhang's whole body's blood was faintly drawn and attracted by some kind of qi, which made Zhou Zhang's heart move slightly, following the feeling in the dark, and his body was swiftly passing through the buildings and moving towards the distance. Go Benz.

call!A cyan figure rushed through quickly, setting off the white mist that was blown around by the gust of wind and kept rolling.


"So fast, what does he want to dare?"

Around the building, a cultivator saw a figure passing by quickly, and he was startled and shouted suddenly.But the cyan figure disappeared in a flash, and disappeared in front of them in an instant, which made them all startled, and even wanted to follow.

But this figure was too fast, and by the time they reflected it, the figure had already disappeared, let alone trying to keep up.

"Huh? Someone?"

After a short while, after Zhou Zhang passed most of the buildings, his eyes suddenly narrowed, and he faintly felt that there were other monks in the distance.

"Is there an old acquaintance here again? Hey! No, why is that famous fairy!"

"It came so fast. Could it be that whose descendant told him the experience of the last time he came in?"

"Don't worry about it if you don't know it, let's go!"

When Zhou Zhang got closer, he finally saw the existence of other monks. These monks were also quite surprised to see Zhou Zhang's figure.After glancing at each other, they began to whisper to each other.But when he was outside just now, Zhou Zhang shot and killed Ren Tuzi, which naturally made many cultivators have an impression of Zhou Zhang.

However, these cultivators didn't know Zhou Zhang either. It seemed that after a glance, they didn't pay too much attention to them, and their figures continued to rush past.

In fact, the monks who entered the Dragon Palace this time, the powerhouses in the real immortal realm occupy most of them, and there are a few immortals who also follow the elders in the real immortal realm.

There is no monk who came in by himself in Zhou Zhang's realm of immortality.

But in the battle outside just now, Zhou Zhang's fighting power was extremely powerful, even stronger than the average true immortal.If it is not a last resort, no one will entangle with Zhou Zhang to avoid extracurricular branches.

It turned out to be the previous batch of monks, no wonder they walked ahead!

Zhou Zhang's ear power is amazing. Although he is far apart, he still hears what the other monks said, and his heart is suddenly stunned.

After dozens of breaths, everyone has gradually rushed out of the new area, the surrounding fog gradually dissipated, and the scenery has clearly appeared in everyone's eyes.

"Hey! I saw it again, the remains of the real dragon, even if they are separated by a hundred years, are still so shocking!"

"Even the real dragon has perished. What are those magnificent purple rays of light? It's terrifying to look at!"

laugh!At this time, Zhou Zhang also tore through the mist and rushed out. The faint white mist that lingered all over his body was dissipating. Looking at the scene in front of him, his pupils could not help but contract slightly, and his heart tightened.

What caught Zhou Zhang's eyes was a terrifying corpse of a real dragon. It was hundreds of feet long and stretched like a mountain. It was covered in black scales and armor. Even if it had been dead for a long time, the vastness on it was astonishing. The dragon's might permeates all directions, still as deep as a prison, mighty and mighty, like a big mountain, pressing so hard that people can hardly breathe.

The dragon's eyes of the real dragon are tightly closed, and the two dragon horns rise up into the sky, like two steep hills, and the person is too small in front of the dragon's body.

The dragon's body is immortal, but except for the mighty dragon's might, its whole body is overflowing with purple rays of light. These rays of light look magnificent and splendid, but they make the scalps of everyone present numb, and the whole body is full of cold air. .This kind of glow is known as the poison of corpse dragons in the outside world, and the poison contained is too terrifying. Some people speculate that it is not that the real dragon was polluted after its death. It is very likely that this real dragon was poisoned by this poison.

You must know that even if it is a real dragon with mixed blood, the lowest level is the existence of immortals after adulthood.This kind of poison that can poison the gods and powerhouses is extremely frightening. As long as they get a little bit of it, they are all sure to die.

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