In the vast white fog, there is a golden flood dragon flying, occasionally revealing scales and half claws of its huge body, which looks mysterious and powerful.

At this time, in Zhou Zhang's dragon body, with the energy of the dragon balls continuously refining and merging himself, Zhou Zhang's dragon body is rapidly expanding and growing.Click click!The scales became larger, with mysterious textures appearing on them, the rays of light filled the air, and the defense power was climbing wildly.

laugh!The body of the Flood Dragon, which has grown from a few dozen feet long to a length of more than a hundred feet, slashed across the void in an instant, just like a golden edge that cut the world, it was extremely gorgeous, and it fell with a bang.

"Ah! Help!"

"This monster is too powerful, go back!"

The screams came one after another, and then the blood mist exploded directly, the bone slag and blood splashed, and the screams stopped abruptly. Three or four true immortal realm powerhouses fell directly, and one or two true immortals were seriously injured.

This was too unexpected. The Jiaolong slashed from behind, and after a single blow, it instantly disappeared into the white mist.

"Want to run away? Die for me!"

Boom!A terrifying and vast sword light rushed out, like a laser, and went away in an instant, Peng!Then there was an earth-shattering explosion sound, which was also mixed with the sound of dragon roar.

This is a white robe, a young man with sword eyebrows and star eyes.

Although he looks young, his eyes contain the vicissitudes of life, obviously his real age is far beyond his appearance.It was he who shot just now, and the immortal sword rushed out from behind and submerged into the white mist. Listening to the movement, it should have slashed the dragon.

laugh!At this moment, another terrifying sword light suddenly slashed out, and then fell directly into the white mist. The dragon roared suddenly, and there was a huge clanging sound like a metal crash, almost shattering everyone's eardrums. .

This sword light was cut out by a middle-aged Taoist priest wearing a black robe with frosty white temples.At this moment, he looked at the man in white robe who had just shot, and the two of them slammed lightly and slammed towards the direction of Jiaolong's roar.

"Shenzhen Dongguang of Tongjianzong, and the ruthless Taoist priest of Juejianzong!"

"Charge! Keep up with them and encircle the Jiaolong!"

The True Immortals who were sneakily attacked by the Jiaolong just now, were a little scared when they saw that the masters of the two sword sects were chasing the Jiaolong.

At this time, on the other side, Zhou Zhang's dragon claws smashed a terrifying sword light and sword glow. The dragon scales on the dragon claws showed signs of smashing, and every strand of dragon blood overflowed, which surprised Zhou Zhang. .

He is now frantically absorbing the energy of Dragon Ball, and it is increasing every second, and the defense and strength of his body are terrifying.

It wouldn't be surprising if someone shocked Zhou Zhang with one move before he got the Dragon Ball, but now there are still people here who can hurt him alone. It seems that even among the group of true immortals, they are masters.

Zhou Zhang had already seen the two people who rushed over first. They had also shouted angrily just now. Listening to the tone, they should be the elders of the sect disciples who had been killed by him before.

boom!Immediately Zhou Zhang moved, his huge body was glowing, revealing a terrifying edge, the whole person did not retreat but advanced, tearing apart the white mist, and slashing out in an instant.

"How brave!"


The powerhouses of the two sword sects rushed over, and suddenly, they felt a huge crisis looming over, and the hairs all over their bodies exploded in an instant.They roared violently, and the immortal sword in their hands once again waved an earth-shattering edge.

At the moment of splitting out, their pupils suddenly contracted.

Because at this time, a splendid golden light appeared above their heads, and it fell suddenly, which caught them off guard.

It was obvious that Zhou Zhang had the upper hand here. When Zhou Zhang came, he saw them slashing out of the sword, so Zhou Zhang's figure instantly rose to the sky, escaped their attack, and fell from the top of his head.


The two sword sect masters didn't have time to react, the vast golden light in their pupils occupied all the field of vision, and then their bodies exploded in an instant, and they didn't even have time to scream, turning into a blood mist flying in the sky.

"Dongguang real person, ruthless Taoist priest"


The many cultivators who rushed over were one step late again, and when they saw the scene in front of them, their faces changed wildly, and a magic weapon was thrown at Zhou Zhang.this

But at this time, the dragon body had already disappeared into the white fog in an instant and disappeared without a trace.

The dazzling instruments that were blasted out directly fell into the air, and finally slammed into the many buildings in the Dragon Palace. These buildings were instantly shattered, rubble and gravel flew around, and dust filled the air.


Beneath these smashed buildings, an astonishing edge suddenly sprang up and slashed towards the practitioners.

"Ah! Formation backlash!"


Suddenly, the sound of exclamation sounded, and the cutting edge instantly destroyed those instruments, and the sound of the explosion sounded, it was like fireworks rising in the air, which was extremely dazzling.

Many cultivators were hit hard by the sharp edge, their blood was dripping, and they almost died. They looked at the surrounding buildings in horror, and did not dare to attack recklessly.

At this moment, the vast white fog suddenly turned to lavender, and a rustling voice sounded at the same time.Then scoff!A cold light suddenly appeared, and it smashed into the head of a true immortal!However, the real immortal reacted in a timely manner, holding his fist print and blasting directly at Han Guang.The fist print collided with the cold light, and the air exploded into the sky, causing the fog to roll over.

A strange roar sounded, and the cold light disappeared, but many cultivators clearly felt that more danger was gradually coming to their hearts.

"Those ghosts are here again, let's go, we can't stay any longer!"

"Damn, our red jade beads are ruined, otherwise it wouldn't be like this!"

In fact, they knew the existence of these strange things at the beginning, so they distributed dragon jade beads out. Cultivators with ordinary dragon jade beads can come in, and even have permission to enter some palaces.But also have to face these strange existences.

And as long as they and the others hold the red jade beads, not only will they have higher authority, they will also be attracted by other ordinary dragon jade beads cultivators, and these things will not attack them, but now they are all empty!

Boom!Before waiting for these strange things to attack, another huge golden light slashed down, and Zhou Zhang shot again, setting off bloody storms and screams, directly taking the lives of several true immortals.

The remaining true immortals were so frightened that they all screamed and fled, wanting to escape.

Zhou Zhang naturally wouldn't let them go, he kept bombing and killing them, and during this period, he continued to encounter other cultivators. Some cultivators took action against Zhou Zhang and chose to avoid them. Feeling the changes in the Dragon Palace, they wanted to escape from the whirlpool.

After half an hour, bang!In the end, the three true immortals who fought against Zhou Zhang were directly smashed into blood mist by Zhou Zhang. At this time, Zhou Zhang's dragon body had grown to more than two hundred feet long.

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