What caught Zhou Zhang's eyes at this time was a space that was only a few miles in size, surrounded by chaotic air currents that enveloped the entire space.

And this space is full of greenery, the ground is lush with grass, and there is a huge nest standing in the middle, occupying almost half of the entire space. Honorable.

This is?

Zhou Zhang's heart moved slightly.

Chapter [-] Promotion to True Dragon Bloodline

In the dragon's nest space, the colorful rays of light are soaring into the sky, and the faint dragon's prestige pervades.

Zhou Zhang's figure instantly crossed the void and landed in the dragon's nest.The entire dragon's nest is built by an unknown sacred wood. The old skin of the sacred wood is blooming like dragon scales, and there is a gorgeous glow overflowing, which is very sacred.

The dragon's nest was huge, and Zhou Zhang's figure slowly landed in the most central position.

Chi Chi Chi!

Zhou Zhang's figure just stood still, and as expected, just like the perception in his heart, the dragon blood in his body began to boil slightly.

Threads of colorful rays of light penetrated into Zhou Zhang's body, Zhou Zhang was shocked, and he felt that the dragon bloodline in his body was warm, and the activity seemed to increase bit by bit, and the more ancient bloodline imprint was slowly recovering.

In fact, in the world before Zhou Zhang, the entire country was known as the descendant of the dragon. The myth about the dragon has been circulated for thousands of years. Although they are all human races, I am afraid that in the bloodline marks, there are many dragon bloodlines. trace.

However, these bloodlines were too thin. Even if Zhou Zhang was promoted perfectly according to the exercises deduced by the system, he had only activated the bloodlines of the horned dragon level.

However, with the improvement of Zhou Zhang's realm, and the bloodline being activated by the system, it seems that in the bloodline, the more distant imprints are also recovering. With the help of the Dragon Nest, the speed of this recovery seems to be intensifying, revealing the ancient vicissitudes. , noble and sacred meaning.

"No wonder the dragon clan wants to build a dragon's nest. This indeed has a lot of benefits for nourishing and activating the bloodline."

Zhou Zhang stomped lightly under his feet, and the multicolored sacred wood below made a muffled sound, very strong and resilient.Zhou Zhang tried a few more kicks and was quite surprised, but Shenmu remained indifferent.

In the end, Zhou Zhang used all his strength to shake the dragon's nest one after another.It turns out that the Dragon Nest has also branded the formation, so it is no wonder.

Zhou Zhang then explored the dragon's nest space, which is a small space outside the main world, surrounded by chaotic chaotic airflow, which is the place where the true dragons practice.

No matter where he is, as long as Zhou Zhang can activate the Dragon Nest mark in his dantian, he can come here.The mark of the Dragon Nest is no more than the size of a grain of rice, and it hangs in Zhou Zhang's dantian. It is the mark that Zhou Zhang found at the core of the Dragon Ball after absorbing the real Dragon Ball.

After figuring out the situation of the entire space, Zhou Zhang returned to the center of the dragon's nest and sat down, instantly exhaled the system, and began to count the energy crystal harvest.

Host information:

Name: Zhou Zhang

Age: 20

Race: Human Race (Dragon Bloodline) +

Techniques: Golden Body Immortal Mysterious Technique+, Great Sun Fist (Human Fairyland)+, Thunder Halberd Method (Human Fairyland)+, Flying Immortal Body Method (Human Fairyland)+, Shenlong Five Elements Art (Introduction)+.

Level: Human Immortal (Advanced)

Travel through the world: the world of the Qing Dynasty, the world of ghosts, the world of ghosts and gods, the world of true immortals, and the world of earthly immortals.

Energy Crystal: 2140.034

More than [-] energy crystals directly shocked Zhou Zhang's mind.You must know that the ratio of energy crystals to energy points is one hundred thousand to one.

If this is converted into energy points, there are more than [-] million energy points.

Definitely a huge gain this time around.

At the same time, Zhou Zhang noticed that whether it was the golden body indestructible mysterious art, or the plus sign appeared again behind the bloodline, it proved that deduction can be improved.

"Pure-blooded Jiaolong bloodline, if it is further improved, it will reach the real dragon level!"

Zhou Zhang's eyes are bright, the real dragon level is too powerful, even if it is a mixed-blood real dragon, after adulthood, it has the terrifying power of killing angels, which is far more than a pure-blooded dragon.

It is because the blood level of the real dragon is too terrifying, even if Zhou Zhang reached tens of millions of energy points before, he is not qualified to deduce at all.

You must know that this is the power of bloodline level, which can extend to descendants, build a super family, and even forge a dynasty that lasts for thousands of years.

It is conceivable that if there is no Dragon Ball of the real dragon absorbed by Zhou Zhang, even if there are more than [-] energy crystals now, Zhou Zhang does not know whether it can be deduced.

"Let me see how terrifying and powerful the real dragon is! The system will deduce it for me!"

Zhou Zhang's eyes shone brightly, and his mind slammed toward the plus sign behind the Jiaolong bloodline.

hum!Zhou Zhang's thoughts went down a little, and his head suddenly roared, the energy crystal was falling rapidly, and at the same time, the dragon blood in Zhou Zhang's body became extremely hot.


Zhou Zhang let out a low roar, his eyes were about to burst into flames, his whole body was like being boiled in a stove, his whole body was flushed red, and golden dragon blood kept splashing out of the pores all over his body, spreading all around.

Ow!Zhou Zhang's whole body instantly transformed into a dragon's body, and a giant dragon more than two hundred feet long roared, hovering in the dragon's nest.

The dragon's blood was constantly overflowing under the scales of the dragon's body, and the scales became more mysterious and mysterious, gradually turning into a bright golden color, gradually becoming deeper, and turning into a dark golden color.

puff!It can be clearly seen that among the four claws of the giant dragon, on the edge of the sharp four fingers, another finger grows out, forming sharp five-claw toes.At this time, Zhou Zhao's entire dragon body was still growing wildly, three hundred feet, four hundred feet, five hundred feet.

Finally, an hour later, accompanied by the sound of the earth-shattering dragon roar, a dark golden statue with a body of more than [-] feet long, the sacred five-clawed real dragon pressed the dragon's nest, screaming in the sky, and the vast dragon's might overwhelmed the sky and covered the ground. out.

This dragon's nest is very mysterious, perhaps because of the existence of the formation, along with the increase of the dragon's body, but it does not feel crowded at the time. It seems that the entire dragon's nest uses the function of Sumina mustard seeds. The dragon's nest is in Zhou Zhang's eyes. , still huge.

The screen of Zhou Zhang's double-eye system has been refreshed. This bloodline deduction has used up 1200 energy crystals. At this time, Zhou Zhang's energy crystals still have 940.034 left.

And the bloodline has changed from a pure blood dragon to a mixed blood dragon!Even if it is not a pure-blooded dragon, Zhou Zhang's heart is still extremely happy. The dragon's body is too strong now. Even if more real immortals come over, Zhou Zhang can kill them directly, and there is no need to avoid them.

Then Zhou Zhang looked at the Indestructible Mysterious Art of the Golden Body. At this time, the plus sign behind the art had disappeared. Obviously, more than [-] energy crystals were not enough to deduce.

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