The words on this scroll are very polite, and they all put the Ministry of War in a very low-profile, requesting and negotiating tone, even if Zhou Zhang does not go, it is nothing.

In fact, not to mention the Ministry of War, even the emperor would not dare to issue a compulsory order to Zhou Zhang.

Looking at the place where the seal was dropped, in addition to the seal of the Ministry of War, there was also the seal of the jade seal. Obviously this time the emperor also hoped that he could help.

"Just ready to end the matter here, so let's tell the Ministry of War, tomorrow I will take action to solve the Xirong problem!"


With a solemn expression on his face, the guard saluted Zhou Zhang again, bowed and slowly retreated, and when he retreated to a distance, he turned around and walked quickly outside.

Seeing the guards leave, Zhou Zhang casually threw the scroll into the system backpack, and then took Zhou Shi'er and Ping Xin's hands again and walked outside.

"The Marquis of Wu'an agreed to the request, and will go to the western border tomorrow to deal with Xirong's affairs!"

"If it weren't for the fact that Bei Di was maimed by Marquis Wu'an some time ago, maybe he would have been attacked from both sides now. This time Marquis Wu'an made another move, and he would definitely be able to block the menacing barbarians."

"I'm afraid this time will be the biggest test since the establishment of our dynasty. The barbarians have coveted the prosperous land of the Central Plains for a long time, and it is extremely hateful."

"I heard that Xirong dispatched hundreds of thousands of troops this time, and there are two Martial Saints who ran out of nowhere. The situation is critical! I hope that the Marquis of Wu'an can hold the west, and when Dongyi is resolved, the court will relax, and Xirong will also There's nothing to fear!"

The news that Zhou Zhangying had an errand soon spread to the Ministry of War and the Imperial Palace, and spread out, making the capital city, which had been a little dignified recently, relaxed a little.

On this day, accompanied by a daughter, Zhou Zhang lived happily. He chased away the little girl Pingxin at night, and immediately got up with Zhou Shier.

The next morning, the brilliant sunlight hit the window, and through the thin window paper, the bedroom was brightly illuminated.

Zhou Zhang, who was lying on the couch, slowly opened his eyes. At this time, Zhou Shi'er lay lazily in Zhou Zhang's arms and slept soundly. It seemed that he was exhausted last night.

With a smile on the corner of Zhou Zhang's mouth, he kissed Zhou Shi'er's smooth forehead, and then slowly pulled away, then took out clean clothes and put them on.

Squeak!The door opened gently, Zhou Zhang walked out from inside, and closed the door again.

At this time, the little girl, Holy Maiden Pingxin, had already had breakfast in the pavilion in the courtyard. When she saw Zhou Zhang coming out, she blinked with big eyes, and then slapped Zhou Zhang again, without saying hello to Zhou Zhang to eat together.

Seeing her cute and charming appearance, Zhou Zhang couldn't help but walk over with a chuckle, rubbed the little girl's head with his big hand, and started to eat breakfast.

"Master, slaves remember!"

The handsome maid next to her saw Zhou Zhang playing with the little girl, pursed her lips and smiled and bowed to Zhou Zhang.

"It's time to solve Xirong's problem, I'll go back when I go!"

Zhou Zhang used the breakfast, put down the jade chopsticks, and stood up. His voice was still in the ears of everyone, but his figure was gradually fading. Obviously, the real body had already left the place, but because of the speed, it far surpassed everyone. The speed at which the retina captures things is what causes afterimages to appear.

Seeing this situation, the maid next to her suddenly widened her apricot eyes.

Zhou Zhang escaped too quickly, as fast as electricity, tore apart the sky in an instant, and traveled thousands of miles away.Not to mention Zhou Zhang's cultivation, the true dragon bloodline alone has a strong flying ability.

Within a few breaths, Zhou Zhang had reached the western part of the Dali Dynasty and appeared in a majestic city called Xichidu.This heroic city is a military heavy city to resist Xirong's attack. It guards the pass on the west side.

Zhou Zhang just glanced at him, but his figure didn't stop. He rushed out of the ground for several miles in an instant. The tents here stretched endlessly, and batches of soldiers were lined up in formations. It was like a tidal wave. A giant beast with a vague shape, incomparably intimidating.

This army seems to have hundreds of thousands of people, hunting with banners and flags, all over the mountains and fields, all preparing to attack Xichidu.

"Bold, who is watching?"

"Could it be that the masters of the Dali Dynasty have the courage to fight!!"

Zhou Zhang's breath was not hidden at all, and he was instantly sensed by the Xirong master below.Immediately below, two earth-shattering long howls sounded, and then a mighty blood blasted out, forming a wolf smoke that shot straight into the sky.

On the Xirong side, there were actually two Martial Saints dispatched. This is simply unbelievable in the world of ghosts and gods.

"Da Li, Marquis of Wu'an!"

At this moment, above the sky, a low and majestic man's voice resounded for a hundred miles, causing the eardrums of countless people to hum.

"This is?"

"What a terrifying cultivation base!"

At this time, the expressions of the Xirong soldiers and warriors below changed greatly, which was too amazing.

"Marquis of Wu'an is here?"

"What? Did you shoot directly?"

At this time, in the huge city of Xichidu, everyone was shocked, and looked at the distant sky in shock.


Before everyone could react, suddenly everyone was dumbfounded, staring at the distant sky like a ghost.As the Marquis of Wu'an finished speaking, suddenly there was a thunderous roar, and then they saw something.

They actually saw a bright and vast Tianhe pouring down in the sky.The impact of the water flow is like the power of the sky, unstoppable.

The torrent Pengbai, the vast and majestic river hangs down in the sky, the two Martial Saints who were about to rush up bear the brunt, and they didn't even have time to hum.

Hundreds of thousands of Xirong soldiers below, just like ants submerged in water, let out a shrill and tragic cry, and many soldiers were directly smashed by the water flow and melted into blood.

The army that was still majestic just now fell into disarray in the blink of an eye, and hundreds of thousands of people were wiped out.

Boom!Zhou Zhang controlled the water to flow into the territory of Xirong, wrapping countless soldiers' bodies to attack their border capital. In an instant, another natural disaster occurred. Countless Xirong soldiers and horses howled in despair and could not be resisted at all.

Zhou Zhang's bloodline is born with the ability to control water, not to mention that it has now reached the level of the real dragon bloodline, flooded for hundreds of miles, almost like playing.

"Xi Rong must not step into the Dali territory for five hundred years, otherwise the entire clan will be wiped out!"

Zhou Zhangwei's solemn and solemn voice resounded from the sky again, resounding for hundreds of miles around, as if the gods and demons were pronouncing the judgment, making the rules of heaven and earth, and everyone dared not to obey.

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