Chapter [-] Five Emperors


Zhou Zhang's body has transformed into the mana of the real immortal realm, and it exploded again with a bang, and the number is increasing wildly, making Zhou Zhang feel a sense of swelling all over his body.

However, at this time, the pure golden mana began to be quenched and compressed to form a higher-quality mana. At the same time, Zhou Zhang's mind could feel that the mysterious laws and fluctuations of the entire heaven and earth space became clearer, as if a layer had been uncovered. A light veil.

After half an hour, a majestic and vast aura suddenly escaped in all directions, and the clouds collapsed, causing the mountains to shake.

A cheerful and dripping long whistling sounded, Zhou Zhang's eyes shot out fiery divine light, directly tearing apart the space, rushing towards Qing Ming, burning the space to keep twisting.

hum!The divine light dimmed instantly, and was finally restrained by Zhou Zhang.

True fairy intermediate!In one day, Zhou Zhang's cultivation has undergone earth-shaking changes, from being a perfect human being to the middle level of a true immortal. This speed is simply shocking.

Zhou Zhang looked at the system page again. At this time, there were only more than [-] energy crystals left, and the energy crystals obtained during this time had almost been used up.

But all of this is obviously worth it. As long as the cultivation base and combat power are continuously improved, energy crystals will naturally not be difficult to obtain.

Next, Zhou Zhang used more than [-] energy crystals to elevate the Great Sun Fist of Human Wonderland to True Wonderland, and the energy crystals were completely used up.

"Wealth goes to people's happiness, but this feeling of transformation is really great, energy crystals, energy crystals are still far from enough!"

At this time above the void, Zhou Zhang had just practiced a brand-new Great Sun Fist, and then heaved a sigh of relief and sighed.

If it's just a comparison of cultivation, the current Zhou Zhang can completely beat a dozen of himself from a day ago.It's also a shame that I got the Dragon's Five Elements Art before, which reduced the energy consumption of the system's deduction, otherwise I don't know if it can be improved to this level.

"Surround him and take him down quickly!!"

"Sure enough, it was a fish that slipped through the net, the remnant of the world, your fate is counted today!"

"Hurry up and inform the master and the emperor, this time we must let him be captured!"

Just when Zhou Zhang was sighing, suddenly in the sky, dozens of rays of light came over, and the gods were mighty. All of them were at the pinnacle level of true immortals, and there was also a divine court powerhouse at the first level of heavenly immortals.

Zhou Zhang made breakthroughs in these places, and the movement was not small.In this short period of time, Zhou Zhang was killing all the forces one by one, so they shouldn't be too strong.

Therefore, at this time, these powerful people in the divine court came, and they were full of confidence. Even if Zhou Zhang could not be killed on the spot, they could hold him back and wait for the arrival of the Four Imperials and Five Emperors.

"Just a bunch of ants!"

Zhou Zhang's body swayed violently and turned into a real dragon hundreds of feet long. He raised his head to the sky and let out a deafening roar.

"Don't be ashamed, kill!"

"It's just like a livestock, how dare you resist!"

Hearing Zhou Zhang's long howl, the dozens of demons that rushed down with the sacred glow all had their faces icy cold, and the magic weapons in their hands waved out one after another, cutting out a flaming and gorgeous edge.

Roar!At this moment, the dragon's mouth of the real dragon was angry and let out a roar, and a dazzling and hot golden light shot out directly from the dragon's mouth, forming a huge fireball. Rush to the monsters and collide with those gorgeous edges.

Canopy!Suddenly, the fireball collided with the edge, the light was dazzling, and the world shook.


A sonorous and majestic chirping sounded, and then you could see that at the core of the exploding fireball, a huge three-legged golden crow was stretching its wings. The twin pupils shot out a blazing light, and the rainbow instantly rushed towards the demons.

Chi Chi!The golden thread stretched, cut through the void, and slashed through the bodies of demons one after another in a flash.



Then there were screams of terrifying screams, but these screams stopped abruptly, and their bodies exploded one after another, splashing into bloody fireworks, and suddenly there was a bloody storm.

The power of the Great Sun Fist has been further enhanced, coupled with the full infusion of true dragon energy, the power is amazing, and the effect is somewhat unexpected.

"Ah! Run away!"

"The talent of this remnant is terrifying, and he actually killed the enemy across borders. This son cannot be left behind. The four imperial and five emperors will quickly manifest themselves!"

At this moment, the expressions of the remaining demons changed drastically, full of horror and incredible roars.

hum!The real dragon twisted and slashed out, like a celestial sword swept across the sky, with astonishing power and unstoppable power.

Pom Pom!In an instant, the blood mist splattered and the blood light splattered. The original terrified roar turned into a wailing, but the wailing and screaming disappeared in an instant, only the blood rain was floating in the sky, and the sacred and cold bloody atmosphere permeated.


Just after all the demons were slaughtered, the divine light above the sky was shining brightly, and a tall and majestic figure in an emperor's robe appeared, standing nine days high, looking down at everything below.

Their breath is too powerful, faintly revealing immortality and detachment, far surpassing the gods.

"Remainders, behead!"

The five stalwart gods sipped in unison, as if holding the heavenly constitution in their mouths, the heaven and earth shook, and then with a bang, the laws of the divine court faintly evolved into a huge ornate golden sword, the golden sword flowing with Ruixia, and all beings surrendered. The visionary evolution of worship.

Affected by the law, it seems that in an instant, the whole world seems to be turned into a sharp edge against Zhou Zhang, making Zhou Zhang unable to move an inch.

laugh!The golden sword slammed down towards the real dragon, locking Zhou Zhang firmly, unstoppable, and large swaths of space were shattered, as if carrying the energy of destroying the sky and destroying the earth.

Swish!At this moment, Zhou Zhang had already communicated the coordinates of the dragon's nest, and the space around him was rippling, and he was about to leave this place and make a space jump.

"Fuck your head! I have long expected this move of yours!"

Among the rays of light above, a god spoke, his voice was indifferent, and when he raised his big hand, the ripples in the space were blocked in an instant. Zhou Zhang could feel that the mark of the dragon's nest instantly lost the spatial coordinates of the dragon's nest. .

Now, the powerful monster above has used special means or artifacts to block the space, temporarily isolating everything and cutting it apart.

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