

"Quick, run away!"

The Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals below let out shrill screams, and their bodies could not bear the aftermath of this high-level battle.

At this time, after the golden light that Zhou Zhang's dragon body transformed into collided with many rays of light, he was castrated, and suddenly slashed towards the nine stalwart figures above Qingming.

"Dare to fight back? Kill!"

"Fuck your head!"

When the Four Royals and Five Emperors in the void saw the golden light rushing towards them, they were immediately full of anger, and they made a roaring sound, with more radiant light coming from their whole body, and wanted to use the lore method to fight Zhou Zhang again.

But in an instant, the speed of the golden light skyrocketed again, and with the speed of thunder, it swept through the void, and swept over the body of a Siyu in an instant.

The so-called four royals are the four great gods who assist the god emperor, also known as the four assistants.The Siyu leads all gods, and is the maintainer of the order of the divine court. His own cultivation base can be described as ancient and modern, extremely powerful, and can overwhelm the creatures of heaven and earth.

The Great Emperor Dongzi, one of the four imperial emperors who was swept by the golden light, his stature is majestic, aloof, noble and majestic, but at this moment his pupils shrank, his face full of disbelief and horror: "How, how is it possible?"

Canopy!Before the Great Emperor Dongzi finished speaking, his body exploded with a bang, as if the sun had exploded.

"Emperor Dongzi!!!"

"Sacred Court Daoyin, suppress me!"


Seeing that the Great Emperor Dongzi was slaughtered on the spot, the expressions of the remaining three imperial and five emperors suddenly changed, and they exclaimed.But at this time, Emperor Bai, who was vaguely taking the lead, reacted the fastest, and immediately drove the Daoyin above the sky to continue rolling down, wanting to kill the real dragon.

Except for the white emperor, who is surrounded by light and has a white emperor robe.Not far from the white emperor, a black emperor wearing a black emperor's robe and a crown on his head, and the mighty black emperor also shot again, above the sky spirit cover, a black light suddenly rushed out, beheading Zhou Zhang with great speed and incomparable speed. go.

The White Emperor and the Black Emperor had gained a lot of benefits from the blood crystals of the gods and demons.

The immortality and immortality on their bodies are more intense than other gods, and they are already infinitely close to the level of golden immortals, and they can almost be called characters at the half-step golden immortal level.

At this moment, the White Emperor and the Black Emperor shot together, the momentum was shocking, the sky was cracking, and the entire space was like glass china, constantly shattering, revealing large chunks, pitch-black space cracks with terrifying suction.

As the Daoyin pressed down, the space outside the Daoyin continued to explode, but inside, Zhou Zhang could feel that the space was further thickened, almost like amber, to solidify into a ball and completely suppress him.

At the same time, the black light that Hei Di Tianling Gai rushed out also came in, and came straight towards Zhou Zhang's eyebrows, revealing a sinister murderous intent.

"Too weak, die!"

Zhou Zhang's golden dragon eyes were indifferent, and he screamed in the sky, and his huge dragon body like a mountain swung violently.

Clang!The rushing black light collided with the dragon's tail, and immediately made a sonorous and crisp metal collision sound, sparks flew, and the black light was bounced back directly, which could not break Zhou Zhang's defense at all.

After bouncing back to the black light, Zhou Zhang's figure jumped out abruptly and directly hit the Dao Seal of the Divine Court.

Suddenly there was a loud bang, and the huge divine court road seal disintegrated directly like a mountain. The splendid rays of sunshine splashed everywhere. The heaven and earth in a radius of hundreds of kilometers were shaken. Once again perceive the existence of the dragon's nest space.

Obviously, with the explosion of the Daoyin, the space that was blocked and cut just now returned again, but the aftermath was enough to shatter a radius of hundreds of miles.

Zhou Zhang's movements did not stop at all. After smashing the Daoyin, the huge mountain-like dragon claws shattered the void, and directly grabbed the white emperor who was glowing and full of horror.

"no, you can not"

Bai Di made an earth-shattering scream of anger, but the next moment, his body banged and turned into a fuzzy lump of flesh, the blood of the gods splattered, and the shape of the god that was directly squeezed was destroyed.

Then Zhou Zhang's dragon tail continued to flick, blasting out a terrifying space crack like an abyss, and the dragon tail struck the black emperor between the lightning and flint. Bone dregs flying around, no bones left.

"too crazy!"

"Flee! This remnant, he, he seems to have reached the level of Jinxian!!!"

"No, I am the Great Emperor of the North Pole, how could I die here?"

At this time, the remaining three emperors and two emperors had already been frightened to the core, and they turned around and fled, and had no plans to fight any more.

But how could they run faster than Zhou Zhang? After a while, the remaining three emperors and two emperors screamed and wailed, and their bodies were all bombed.

Then Zhou Zhang was Long Yin clank again, and Long Yin Yinbo directly swept away the remaining Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals.

Zhou Zhang glanced at the system page. Originally, Zhou Zhang was promoted to the pure-blood real dragon realm, and he had squandered nearly ten thousand energy crystals. Three thousand levels.

"Not enough, not enough!"

Zhou Zhang's dragon eyes moved away from the system energy crystal page and looked at Jiutian Qingming in the distance, which is where the court of God is. Now, it's time for a bigger harvest.

Chapter [-] Broken Nantianmen

In the Divine Court World, in the center of the endless sea, there is only one and only incomparably vast land standing, nourishing countless creatures, and human kingdoms are prospering.

For ordinary people who don't know the truth of this world, the life of oil, salt, sauce and vinegar tea is undoubtedly interesting.

But for the few monks who survived the human race, the world is actually gloomy and gloomy, and there is an aura of despair everywhere.

On this piece of land, there are monks looking up at the sky all the time. Above the sky, there used to be the heavenly space created by the monks of the human race in their heyday.

For thousands of years, Heavenly Court has been the biggest holy place in the eyes of countless human race monks, where the strongest people in the world have gathered.

But hundreds of years ago, the nightmare of the human race appeared, and everything was turned upside down.

The Heavenly Court built by the powerful human cultivators was smashed by the demons. The demons put on sacred clothes and shepherded all the human races in the world like livestock, harvesting batch after batch of human races, and the kingdoms perished.

Then some ignorant ordinary human races were sprinkled as seeds, and more people continued to multiply, so that the Demon God Court could harvest again.

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