"If it's gone, it's gone, but at this time, compared to his own cultivation, light is at least dozens of times stronger than before. The feeling of this crazy improvement is really relaxing and pleasant!"

Zhou Zhang's fingertips moved slightly, and a crackling deep purple thunder appeared. In the faint, the sky seemed to have the sound of the galloping tide of the sea, and the thunder sea seemed to break through the constraints of space and evolve.

Zhou Zhang tried these newly improved exercises one after another, and was very satisfied in his heart.

In fact, these martial arts methods used to fight and kill can be collectively referred to as fighting methods.The golden body is immortal, and the profound art is the foundation, and the fighting method is the means of protecting the Tao.

However, compared to ordinary cultivators, Zhou Zhang has the huge advantage of bloodline.

With a systematic Zhou Zhang, you can constantly cross the barriers of blood, migrate and evolve, and reach a higher level of life.

"Big Brother Zhou!"

"Brother Zhou is so amazing, my God, the thick clouds in the sky are gone!"

"It's so clear to the blue sky, I miss it so much, it's very touching to see it!!"

At this time, Zhou Zhang's figure had slowly descended above the sky, and Xu Qingjing, Da Yu and Xiao Yu were already waiting for Zhou Zhang below.

When they saw that Zhou Zhang was about to land on the mountain, they all shouted with joy.

At this time, with Changlin Mountain as the center, the thick clouds and fog in a radius of hundreds of miles were cursed and swept away, and the splendid sunlight shone on the sky, illuminating the earth brightly.

"One God bless!"

"Taiyishen appeared holy, and finally saw the sun again, woo woo woo"

"This feeling is like a dream. It's like a lifetime. In our lifetime, we can still touch the sun."

For dozens of miles near Changlin Mountain, a dense number of Taiyishen believers fell to the ground, kneeling and worshiping non-stop, and many people even wept bitterly.

With Zhou Zhang dispelling the insect mist, the splendid sunlight shone for hundreds of miles in a radius, making the place see the sun again. This is an unimaginable miracle in the eyes of everyone.

But soon, Zhou Zhang felt that above the sky in the distance, a billowing insect mist came again, filling the vacancy frantically, and the thick dark clouds filled the air again.

But this time, it can be seen that although the rushing insect mist fills the sky for hundreds of miles, the world is once again plunged into darkness.

However, in a radius of dozens of miles with Changlin Mountain as the center, those crazy surging insect mists stopped their aggression and dared not occupy it again, so that the survivor bases outside Changlin Mountain can also bathe in the brilliance of the sun. .

"What happened?"

"My grandma, it's getting dark again."

"Look, in the direction of Changlin Mountain, the sun is still shining, and the changes just now seem to have started there."

Outside the Survivor Base, the other survivors in a radius of hundreds of miles were only enjoying a dozen breaths of sunlight. At this time, the sun was once again blocked by thick clouds, and the sky and the earth were dark.

They looked into the distance, and if they were a little closer, they could see that the Changlin Mountain Surviving Base was still illuminated by the gorgeous sunlight. From a distance, it looked like a pillar of heaven.

Suddenly, these survivors who did not intend to join any base couldn't help exclaiming, and there were waves in their hearts, and thoughts that they had never had before.

On the other side, on Changlin Mountain, Zhou Zhang's figure fell, and Xu Qingjing and Xiaoyu, as well as Jingteng and Howling Moon Wolf all came over.

Seeing the changes in the sky, Da Xiaoyu and Xu Qingjing couldn't help but be amazed.

It wasn't long since Zhou Zhang left the last time, except for the increase in the concentration of energy and mysterious factors, nothing special happened.

Zhou Zhang and the three girls had another conversation before they entered the real fairy world.

In the real fairy world, in the gorgeous palace of the Tang Dynasty, Wu Meiniang and Zhou Shi'er were taken aback by the sudden appearance of Zhou Zhang.

Before the two women could come back to their senses, Zhou Zhang smiled, put his arms around a woman, and walked directly into the side hall next door.

This side hall has sleeping couches for rest, luxurious and quaint decoration, and the pink curtain hangs down, full of feminine atmosphere.

"Sir, there is someone!"

"elder brother!!!"

Wu Meiniang and Zhou Shi'er's snow-white cheeks were directly dyed with red, and they let out a coquettish anger, and their small crystal hands gently patted Zhou Zhang.Wu Meiniang was whispering, her phoenix eyes were watery, but Zhou Shier pouted, very charming.

"They can't hear!"

The corner of Zhou Zhang's mouth was smiling, his thoughts moved, bang!The door of the palace slammed shut, isolating all the maids from the outside, the Holy Maiden of Pingxin rolled her eyes outside the door, her face bulged, and she hummed a dead thief, and then walked away with small steps.

Chapter [-] The Throne of Heavenly Emperor

The bustling capital, the streets full of traffic, crowds of people, a man dressed in white and snow walking on the street.

It has been more than ten days since the last time he was excluded from the Divine Court World. During this time, Zhou Zhang spent most of the time in the True Immortal World with Zhou Shi'er and Wu Meiniang.

After a lapse of more than ten days, Zhou Zhang once again traveled through the system to the divine court world.

Zhou Zhang entered the Divine Court World again, and the first stop was above the original Divine Court Heavenly Palace, where the buildings and demons had already been shattered by the aftermath of the Jinxian-level battle, and there were bloodstains everywhere and a mess.

However, these ten days have long been enough for the monks of all dynasties in the entire continent to react.At this time, a lot of monks were already stationed in the Divine Court Space, and Zhou Zhang was hidden by the side, and heard many things that happened during this time.

The news of Zhou Zhang's action to destroy the divine court, beheading the four emperors and five emperors and the god emperor had already spread, and the monks all over the world were shocked and responded in various places, setting off a movement to destroy the gods.

Right now, in the entire dynasties of the mainland, there are some demons who have slipped through the net and are constantly being strangled by monks.At the same time, some participating demons began to raise their butcher knives against the human race in advance, wanting to harvest the lives of the human race to enhance their own strength.

Now the whole world is fighting in full swing, but the demons who have already lost their high-end combat capabilities are losing ground, and some weak demons who have participated have begun to flee for their lives in the deserted and dangerous wilderness and endless sea.

And the new world order is being rebuilt. At the beginning, the major monks were suppressed and could only survive. The dormant forces began to emerge in front of the world, and the whole world was undergoing dramatic changes.

After Zhou Zhang understood what had happened recently, he came to the mortal world to take a look.

The location where Zhou Zhang is now is the capital of the Great Xuan Dynasty.Daxuan's capital is still prosperous and full of people.

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