"Yeah! He seems to be really looking at us."

"He can't really hear us!"

"Probably not! Shall we run?"

"Why are you running? Let's go and see! He's definitely not going to touch us anyway!"

While speaking, those still lights drifted towards Zhou Zhang little by little. Zhou Zhang's eyes were cold and his thoughts turned. He was guessing what these things were, ghosts?Soul?Yang or fairy?

However, just a spin, Zhou Zhang put the idea behind it, it is impossible, this is not just a place for cultivating immortals, but more importantly, this is the Taoist place of Patriarch Bodhi, a stable and dangerous place, Patriarch Bodhi How could his eyes be covered by ghost spirits.

However, after wandering around for so long, they were able to gather confidence that no one could see, then it proved that, at the very least, Patriarch Bodhi did not show the strength to see these things. So, why?

Either these things are too powerful, or there is something special about them.

While thinking, those spots of light had already arrived in front of Zhou Zhang, and he was a little cautious at first, but as soon as he awakened the energy overflowing from the greedy absorber Zhou Zhang, Zhou Zhang instantly felt that the power in his body was a little less. Although it is difficult to detect without careful perception, this speed is constant and continues to decrease.

Originally, Zhou Zhang was really too lazy to pay attention to this kind of weird mobs, but now, Zhou Zhang's eyes were colder, and he shouted: "Looking for death!"

"Da Ri Yan Hua Yin, Golden Cicada Flower."

With a low voice, the profound art in Zhou Zhang's body turned wildly, and light blue rays of light appeared around him. The rays of light gathered together to form some seductive flowers. These flowers were covered with a light blue mist. Mysterious, and then slowly blooming, the stamens inside turned out to be golden, and when the golden color came out, the entire space was illuminated.

It's just that this golden light is obviously not an ordinary light, and it is not even the bloom of the flower, but is composed of some fine to extreme pollen. Because the pollen is too dense, it is difficult to distinguish with the naked eye.

"Ah! It really is a treasure trove. This energy is tailor-made for me."

"Yes! Yes! I don't even want to leave, let's raise him!"

"Raise it? It's easy to handle. Why is it so bright here? What is this?"

Along with the exclamation, the light spots of various colors were covered with pollen. However, after the initial panic, the light spots danced up and down in the pollen, like a fish entering the ocean, without the slightest discomfort.

"Wow, this is pollen! I love it."

"The pollen is so beautiful, it's golden, and it's made up of energy, it should be immortal energy. Boss, come and absorb it."

"I love this treasure trove so much, it's literally made for us."

Zhou Zhang's brows were slightly wrinkled, his eyes were colder, these things were a bit beyond his imagination, and he didn't put away the attack of Jin Chanhua at the moment. As soon as his consciousness moved, the back of his head burst into dazzling brilliance, and a wheel of gods appeared, and suddenly a kind of complete A power different from normal attacks and spiritual attacks surged.

The radiance of the divine wheel contains the power of the deepest faith and merit, and instantly wraps those light spots in the middle, and then it is obvious that those light spots are like a quagmire, and they can no longer be turned up and down happily and freely. Flying away, the corner of Zhou Zhang's mouth moved, and he raised a smile, his own power is all-encompassing, I can't believe that I can't find a way to attack you.

"My god! What is this, why can't I absorb it, and it seems to be under control."

"This is the power of faith and merit, my God, how can there be the power of faith and merit in this era, it's impossible!"

"I don't believe that with such a majestic power of faith and merit, how many worlds this guy has to save!"


With the first scream, some tiny light spots have been completely ignited by the power of merit and turned into a small flame burning. Suddenly, the sound of those light spots stopped, and the movements completely stopped, and then it was A series of screams sounded: "If he can touch us, run!"

"Natural enemy, this is a natural enemy, don't do it because of it, everyone runs away."

"My God! It melts, it melts."

"I don't believe it, it's impossible!" With a loud roar, a group of red light spots the size of a fist slammed into Zhou Zhang, but before it could move far, the power of merit was completely wrapped. After him, the power of merit and belief that is warm and soft to others, and makes people feel good thoughts, at this time, it turned into a golden crow-like Chicheng flame, burning raging, and the light group instantly turned into a nameless mass flame.

"Little monsters, dare to be fierce in front of me, watch me kill you!"

As Zhou Zhang shouted, the wheel of God in the back of his head suddenly became clearer, like a finely crafted object, blooming with distant brilliance, Zhou Zhang also had some guesses, whether the suppression that the master said would be to suppress these things. ?It just gradually felt that it didn't seem to be the case.

Chapter [-] The real house spirit debuts

"Forgive your life, spare your life! Daxian!"

"We don't dare anymore, Daxian, let us go!"

"Impossible I absolutely don't believe that we"

Another voice filled the air, but just waiting for it to finish, the power of merit has already turned into a raging flame, completely wrapped it, turned it into nothingness, and disappeared in an instant. Zhou Zhang is not a ruthless person, but also He is by no means a soft-hearted, rotten good person, although these little blips seem a little cute.

However, these small light spots are life-threatening things. I just ignored them for a while, and was absorbed by them for a moment. With my own strength, I could feel a slight drop in the feeling. It is almost possible to be sucked dry, and then, if this is replaced by an ordinary person, I am afraid that it will become a mummified corpse in an instant.

Some things cannot be treated by their appearance. The danger is not necessarily the ugly monsters with hideous faces, but more likely the cute and delicate little things like elves flying next to them. Moreover, there is still a certain probability. This world is really weak The only thing that evolves a terrifying and horrifying appearance, hoping to scare off the enemy, but the real predator turns into a beautiful, delicate appearance to confuse and attract the enemy.

Therefore, since Zhou Zhang started, he would definitely not show any mercy. With a move of consciousness, the power of merit and virtue gathered from several worlds became more intense, and there was a faint trend of becoming real.

The wheel of the gods shines brightly. The power of merit and virtue that was originally used to guide people towards goodness seems to have turned into the knife in the hands of the Buddha. Blindly being kind to others, and being compassionate, he often carries a knife used to execute kindness in his hand.

Therefore, any power, even if it is the ultimate kindness, will have a glorious side.

This also makes Zhou Zhang seem to have discovered another effect, but it is a little pity that he does not know what these small light spots are, so he cannot judge what the power of merit is so restrained. However, after thinking of this, Zhou Zhang's eyes lit up, and he controlled the power of merit and belief with his consciousness little by little.

Let these forces condense into thin ropes, and then entangle each other into a big net, wrapping all the light spots in the middle, and said coldly: "Since you use me as a treasure house, I will also use you to do it. Once a test item, I will raise you too."

While speaking, Zhou Zhang had a vague plan on how to use these gadgets in his mind. Not only was he unknowingly troublesome, but he was also somewhat joyful. However, for those small light spots, it was like a natural disaster, and it was lost in an instant. Just got talent.

It's like an ant nest discovered by humans. If you step on it with one foot, no matter how many you die, these ants will scatter and flee. The dense feeling is very similar to now, but they dare not touch that one. The big net formed by the power of merit and virtue can only flee in a rush and become more and more impatient in the shrinking and shrinking space.

"Daxian, Daxian, spare us!"

"We were wrong, we don't dare anymore!"

"Everyone, don't mess around, look for gaps, even if it is broken, as long as there is a trace of escape, we can recover little by little."

With a loud roar, countless fist-sized light spots split apart and turned into even smaller light spots, some of which were even the size of pinpoints. Then, while the big net had not shrunk, they instantly turned into those tiny gaps and drilled. Go out, and immediately cheer.

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