
Hearing the sigh, Zhou Zhang looked up at his master, and saw that there were faint tears on the face of Patriarch Bodhi, as if there were grief and anger hidden in it, and suddenly asked with some concern: "Master, what's wrong with you?"

Patriarch Bodhi froze for a moment, and he couldn't hold back for a while. He felt a little self-pity. He thought he was a genius. Although he never showed it, he was always complacent. With a flick of the dust, he bluntly changed the subject and said: "This quasi-sage thirty-third order, which coincides with the meaning of the thirty-third heaven, is to take a step further, and the gap between each order can be regarded as heaven and earth. , of course, this only refers to the Holy One."

"There was a saying that has been widely circulated, only quasi-sages can be said to be holy, and they are not inferior to quasi-sages. Even if they are the first-level quasi-sages, quasi-sages are no longer afraid of group battles. As long as there are no magic weapons or transcendental geniuses to participate, Millions of Golden Immortals can't hurt half the hair of a quasi-sage."

"Moreover, in the thirty-three layers of heaven, there will be an immortal tablet in each layer of heaven. This tablet is made of Tianshi, and no matter what kind of magic weapon is attacked, it can't be carved. It is a glorious thing to connect the heavens and the earth. When someone breaks through the quasi-sage, the name will appear on it, and it will last forever for everyone to admire."

"Is your name on it, master?"

"Of course!" Patriarch Bodhi was quite arrogant, but the moment he saw the apprentice in front of him, his heart shrank, and he couldn't be proud anymore. This apprentice is strong!

"Where is the master ranked?"

"Of course it's in the forefront, but I want to know the number." Patriarch Bodhi looked at Zhou Zhang with confidence: "In the future, you will see for yourself, and you will be the first!" Patriarch Bodhi smiled, he said yes. This disciple's confidence is exceptionally sufficient.

The master and apprentice chatted for a while, and the relationship became much closer. It was not until the sky was getting brighter that Patriarch Bodhi stopped talking and said, "Teacher, I will explain here today, go back and rest well, Come back here at three in the evening and take you to a good place for the teacher."

Zhou Zhang's mind was already stuffed into a lot of things, and it took a little time to digest it. He got up and saluted, "Okay! That disciple will go back first." After that, he turned around and walked towards his house, but he didn't see it at all, Bodhi The patriarch's figure swayed, as if a little dimmed.

Just like the formation of light shining, it returned to its original appearance after a flash.

Chapter three hundred and ninety-three

Going back all the way, Zhou Zhang is in a very good mood. It feels really good to have someone leading the way and someone who cares about him. Although he is walking alone in the world most of the time due to systemic reasons, he still yearns for this. This kind of care, so I feel very good, and walking seems to be a little lighter.

I have to say that fate is really wonderful. I didn’t expect that I was just going to ask a few questions and became a closed disciple. Moreover, the temperament of this Bodhi Patriarch has many similarities with Zhou Zhang, and the two of them get along very well. At ease, most of the points of view are in agreement, and there is basically no disagreement.

Therefore, Zhou Zhang was even more joyful. He walked all the way back to his house and covered the bed, regardless of the rising sun outside. The rose-colored light shone through the window and fell on the bed. He bent down and got in. Close your eyes and get ready for a good night's sleep.

In fact, when he reaches his level of strength, let alone sleep, he does not need to eat. However, when he rarely cultivates, most of them rely on the system. Therefore, he still has many ordinary habits. , and, Zhou Zhang is not ready to change.

Cultivation of immortals is good, but so is the mortal world!There are three joys in life, eating and drinking are the same, sleeping is the same, and what is between the beds is the same. If you abandon these three things, there will be no fun in life. Zhou Zhang will naturally not give it up, and because the training time is short after all Pitiful.

Although it doesn't matter if you don't sleep, eat or drink, the instinct in your bones is still there.

As soon as his eyes were closed, Zhou Zhang fell asleep beautifully, not knowing what was going on outside.

Above the Fangcun Mountain of Lingtai, about ten thousand feet high, the clouds are deep and foggy, and the two generals, Clairvoyant and Shunfenger, are pressing on the cloud, one is listening, and the other is emitting two golden lights from both eyes, looking down, they are a little puzzled: "I don't know, Your Majesty, What does this mean? The war is going on over there, but the two of us are sent here to monitor."

"I don't know. His Majesty naturally has his intentions. Although Bi Ma Wen is extremely tyrannical, he can still turn the sky over when he is caught in a few days' time."

"It's true, but this is also a good opportunity to earn merit! Our brothers were sent here, and we really missed a great opportunity!"

While the two were talking, there was a burst of donkey barking from the clouds behind them. The two hurriedly shut up and looked back.

The cloud layer was like a door, it was pulled open from the two sides, and then a donkey stepped on the cloud and came over. There was an old man on the donkey, with his back to the two people, riding the donkey upside down. This unique shape can be regarded as famous all over the world. , Zhang Guolao, one of the Eight Immortals, rode upside down on a donkey.

The two will look at each other, put away their supernatural powers, and bow their hands and say: "Daoist friend, why are you here?" Although Zhang Guolao is indeed much stronger than them, but they have innate supernatural powers and their status in Xianting In fact, it is not much different, so it is not too respectful.

The donkey moved forward until it passed the two of them. Zhang Guolao was facing the two of them, raised his hand and arched his way: "The Jade Emperor ordered, it is said that a spirit will be suppressed in Fangcun Mountain, Lingtai, so let me come and see. , I happened to meet two fellow Daoists, you are talented and powerful, can you help me find out what happened?"

The visitors looked at each other and said a little ashamedly: "Actually, the two of us can't survey the Xieyue Sanxing Cave, at most we can only look at the mountain stream and the bottom of the mountain."

"Indeed, whoever is there, I wouldn't dare to go if you two have the guts, but how can I go to investigate! Even if I have eighty guts, I don't dare to enter the mountain gate so rashly." Zhang Guolao The sadness on his face, but the face is not awe but pure fear, without the slightest respect.

When the two generals heard the words, Qi Qi was also a little worried, but they still said: "We once saw a person and the Yufeng disciple go up the mountain together, but they have not come down the mountain until now, and we vaguely see that he seems to have entered the mountain. Thirty-three climb the ladder."

Zhang Guolao originally thought it was an opportunity, and his eyes were full of light, but when he heard this, he smiled and said: "It should be accepted as an apprentice, it is not a big deal!"

"It is indeed an ordinary thing, but I can't see his past life reincarnation, and I can't see any cause and effect."

"Well, and I can't hear any fortune in his body, the future seems to be non-existent."

The two will look at each other with surprise in their eyes, and then said in unison: "He seems to have appeared out of thin air. He is not affected by cause and effect.

Zhang Guolao's color changed abruptly. Although he was not much higher than those two generals, he was one of the Eight Immortals after all, and Lu Dongbin's position was extremely high, so he still knew some secret things, and immediately exclaimed: "Never let that person be a teacher, I will go to the realm quickly."

"Fellow Daoist, be careful! If you provoke that person's anger, we won't be able to bear it!"

"It's okay!" Zhang Guolao sneered: "Let's not mess with him, just talk to his disciples, what can he do? Besides, some people are eager for him to escape from the world, the Patriarch of the Demon Dao Bodhi, if not He is tyrannical in strength, standing in the righteousness of heaven, and nearly [-]% of them would like to let him be wiped out."

The two will look at each other, and after a long time, they also nodded and said: "It is true, but, after all, it is the Bodhi of the Yaodao, so fellow Daoists should be more careful."

"Of course!" Zhang Guolao nodded lightly, he didn't care much, there was indeed something terrifying, but there were a lot of restrictions on him. Can't do it?Besides, it would be a good thing if he really emerged, there are many people waiting for him to emerge!

According to Buddhism, there are no less than [-] million people who want to see him die.

The sky was getting dark, Zhou Zhang slept for a whole day, and then slowly opened his eyes, stretched his waist very comfortably, and got out of bed in random clothes, scratching his hair with regret, and then Entering the world tree space, after a meal with Wu Meiniang, Zhou Shi'er and other daughters, she returned to this world.

Although this immortal mansion is good, it does not seem to have the habit of eating. It is a pity that Zhou Zhang shook his head and walked to the hall, sat down with his legs crossed, holding the Chaos Jade, and entered a state of cultivation. This Chaos Jade is indeed a fusion The weapon is very suitable for the power in Zhou Zhang's body. After only two days and less than four hours of practice, the power in the body has a tendency to merge and evolve into a new energy.

After some practice, it was only when the sky was dark and a crescent moon hung high that Zhou Zhang opened his eyes, got up and walked towards the place he went yesterday.

Chapter [-] You are saying something, try

Patriarch Bodhi was still the same, holding a whisk in hand, looking up at the sky, without bowing his head, and said softly, "Come on, let's go with the teacher!"

Zhou Zhang didn't ask any more questions, he lowered his head and said, "Okay!" For some reason, he always felt that Patriarch Bodhi today seemed a little nervous, and he always gave off a feeling of absent-mindedness.

The stone table under Bodhi Patriarch changed and turned into a lotus flower. The golden light of the lotus was not extraordinary, but it did not bloom with too terrifying momentum. It was just an ordinary means of transportation. Patriarch Bodhi passed through the moon gate and took advantage of it. Moonlight marches on.

Zhou Zhang followed, also strolling, and asked curiously, "Master, have you ever accepted a stone monkey as your apprentice?"

"Well, that is your senior brother, named Sun Wukong. He is a natural stone monkey. Although his talent is not as good as yours, he is still top-notch, but now he has fallen into a catastrophe, and if he is not careful, he will be wiped out."

Zhou Zhang can be considered to understand a little bit, not surprised, just curiously asked: "With the strength of the master, since you know that the brother is suffering from life and death, why don't you help him?"

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