Gengjin Spiritual Qi cannot be easily touched. Without some refining means, this thing will only look good, it is difficult to obtain, and try not to get close to it, although Zhou Zhang does not feel that this thing can hurt Oneself, however, there is no need to touch it deliberately to show the air how powerful you are.

After moving a stone from the side, Zhou Zhang sat down facing the stone tablet face-to-face across the Gengjin aura, quietly waiting for the fusion to erupt.


What followed was not the surging power in the body, but the changes in the surrounding environment. The air vibrated slightly, and large swathes of air began to shatter. Countless traces of dense cracks appeared, and the entire cave space seemed to burst. .

Zhou Zhang's eyes narrowed and he was a little surprised, but he didn't panic too much, because he saw that there were countless fine white silk threads on the opposite side of the crack, and only the details were silk threads. Just a whisk, and then a concerned old face.

Zhou Zhang suddenly felt how important it was for him to forcibly control his ecstasy before. If it was because one person jumped up and down to express his joy, and then was seen by the master, it would be a shame.

"Finally found you, come out with the teacher quickly, this mountain has changed!"


Zhou Zhang was slightly stunned, a little puzzled, but he also understood that if something hadn't happened, he might have hurt himself, and Patriarch Bodhi would not rashly use such great magical powers to summon Zhou Zhang.

Moreover, obviously afraid that Zhou Zhang might have a memory, Patriarch Bodhi explained very quickly: "This mountain is originally the broken part of the Buzhou Mountain, but it is the real first mountain in the prehistoric wilderness, which communicates with the world and the first thing. It was originally in a state of silence. , but, for some unknown reason, a terrifying power suddenly erupted, and there is a faint sign of tearing the world apart, come out quickly, you won't be able to last long for the teacher."

Zhou Zhang's eyes flashed, he probably understood what was going on, and what made him pouted even more was the broken Buzhou Mountain!The master is still hiding and hiding, and he has only told him now that it is not a big deal. He also knows that this thing was broken by the Water God Gonggong.

However, since Patriarch Bodhi was so anxious and opened up a channel for himself using the great supernatural power, it seems that there is indeed a danger. However, Zhou Zhang can't move rashly now, and the power in his body has begun to roar, and this fusion will soon be It's time to start, if I had known this earlier, it would be okay to move faster or slower.

However, now that he is stuck at this critical juncture, Zhou Zhang is a little entangled.

"Teacher, there are all kinds of opportunities and all kinds of luck, and you have to save your life to enjoy the benefits. Now get out of the passage, I can't hold it anymore." At the same time as he spoke, there were already a lot of dust whisk filaments. After floating in, Zhou Zhang felt the identity of the Bodhi Patriarch on the opposite side, and after confirming that it must be his own master, he controlled his own strength and did not prevent it, letting the filaments of the whisk entangle Zhou Zhang.

Zhou Zhang did not speak, and Patriarch Bodhi also understood something. The filaments of the whisk were gently entangled, completely wrapping Zhou Zhang in it, and he carefully pulled into the passage.

Zhou Zhang calmed down a little. It seems that the master was indeed prepared. This whisk exudes power and completely protected himself. It seems that there should be no problem. Zhou Zhang also closed his eyes and controlled the power in his body. However, just when Zhou Zhang's fusion was half completed, he suddenly heard a startled roar.

"Dare you dare?"

Immediately, Zhou Zhang felt the whisk that wrapped around him tremble. Although the filaments did not spread out, the pulling force was gone, and then another extremely strong thrust ruthlessly pushed Zhou Zhang towards the other side. In one direction, Zhou Zhang's eyes narrowed slightly, he knew that something must have happened.

Fortunately, at this moment, Patriarch Bodhi's voice sounded again: "Teacher, don't panic, no matter where you fall, come back quickly." Before the voice fell, Zhou Zhang could no longer hear it, but Zhou Zhang still let out a long breath. , Judging from the master's tone, it seems that there should be no major danger.

And it only takes a moment for him to integrate the eight and nine profound arts. At that time, the world is huge, and as long as he doesn't fight like his senior brother Sun Wukong, he won't be able to go anywhere.

Zhou Zhang sat cross-legged in the silk cocoon, only felt that the flight speed was extremely fast, and it seemed that he had penetrated a lot of space, and then he slammed into something and stopped. The whole process did not take much time, but, It's probably not that close.

Zhou Zhang made some judgments, but he didn't panic. He sat firmly in the silk cocoon. At this moment, the fusion in his body had reached the end, and the fusion was very smooth when there was a system. Zhou Zhang hardly had any dangerous and fragile stages during cultivation, so , Zhou Zhang is not in a hurry at this time.

Then I heard a slightly immature and noisy voice coming.

"That monster monkey, is it really that powerful?"

"More than that, but what's even more terrifying is that it is said that there is still a man standing behind the demon monkey, and that man can manipulate the cause and effect. According to Lao Jun, if the man hadn't let go, the demon monkey might not be able to catch it! "


"Of course it's true, anyway, the demon monkey will come over after a while, and you can see it for yourself, but unfortunately, you can't see the man behind him. It is said that even the Tathagata Buddha of the Western Heaven was alarmed, and he heard it. Said that the Buddha was beaten to death at first, and he didn't believe it, and then, when he took out the effect recorded on the mirror of the demon, he almost fell under the lotus pedestal."

In fact, Buddhism and Taoism really don’t fit well. This boy’s laughter is clear and full of sarcasm. However, Zhou Zhang didn’t care much about this at this time, but he narrowed his eyes and laughed dumbly. This fate is really wonderful, obviously he There is no desire to participate in the matter of Sun Wukong's havoc in the Tiangong.

However, he encountered several important nodes, and he didn't know whether to call it lucky or unlucky. When he thought of this, Zhou Zhang was suddenly stunned, and an electric light cut through his mind, and his eyes brightened. This is of course lucky!

I was still thinking about where I could speed up the fusion of the powers in my body, so that they can be integrated into one, not like it is now, it does not affect each other, but it is difficult to help each other, not to mention that the realm evolves or does not evolve, at least fusion. After that, the strength of one body will definitely increase the attack power by three or five times.

And this alchemy furnace can be tried. The alchemy furnace is to fuse messy things into a pill, and it must be used to fuse its own power.

Of course, all of this is just speculation, and there is no real basis for it, but as long as Zhou Zhang thinks he can, he will try his best.

Chapter four hundred and sixth happy mood

Although some people say that Sun Wukong's flaming eyes are smoked, there are also many people who have flaming eyes, and there is a great possibility that the flame of the alchemy furnace, as long as it is carried over, will only have advantages and no disadvantages.

Zhou Zhang's mind moved, this is a good opportunity!As the saying goes, seeking wealth and wealth at risk, although it seems to be a bit risky, but if you go in with Sun Wukong, he will definitely not be burned to death. With his own strength and the help of Sun Wukong, the possibility of carrying it is too great.

As for whether Sun Wukong will help him, Zhou Zhang is full of confidence. Although Sun Wukong has not eliminated the temperament of the demon king, he is arrogant and strong, but he is a person with a pure heart. If you say that being an official is fun, I will play as an official. It's not fun for you to lie to me, and I will definitely beat you up. Now Sun Wukong lacks a great wisdom, but he is more pure.

Moreover, the most important point of Sun Wukong is to attach great importance to friendship, which is much stronger than that of Zhu Bajie. Patriarch Bodhi said that he should not go out and say his name. Sun Wukong never mentioned a word from beginning to end, and Tang Seng treated him like that. , He also sent the crying old monk to the West Sky. Zhu Bajie spoke bad words behind his back all day long, saying that he bought the senior brother, but Sun Wukong should save him as well.

Therefore, Zhou Zhang is very confident. As an authentic junior brother, even if Sun Wukong doesn't try his best to help, at least he has to help one or two. Besides, he and Sun Wukong have already concluded a causal relationship. Although he is not infected, Sun Wukong is infected. , fate is like that.

"Hey, brother, why is there a silk cocoon here?"

"Yeah! What a big white cocoon! Could it be a gift from someone?"

There was a conversation between the two boys outside. Obviously, accidents rarely happen in this Tusita Palace. The two boys were only curious and doubtful, without the slightest panic. They even looked around for a while. Said: "It must be the careless Shangxian, who brought the gift and left."

"Well, then let's move it to the treasure house! Wait for the master to come back and deal with it."

At this moment, Zhou Zhang in the cocoon opened his eyes, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. The fusion was completed, and he hurriedly opened his character page to look.

Name: Zhou Zhang

Age: 20

Race: Human race (pure blood dragon bloodline), World Tree host

Exercises: Xuan Feng Lei Tian Jue, Eight Nine Xuan Gong, Da Ri Yan Hua Yin, Tianshen Catalogue

Level: Daluo Jinxian (Great Perfection)

Travel through the world: the world of the Qing Dynasty, the world of ghosts, the world of ghosts and gods, the world of true immortals, the world of earthly immortals, the world of gods, the world of incomplete gods and demons, the world of rules and gods, and the world of Journey to the West at the end of the prehistoric period.

Energy Crystal: 4876

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