It's just that Sun Wukong didn't rush over to do violence at the first time. Instead, he lowered his head and said very intimately: "Little junior brother, hurry up, why are you so slow?"

With these words, the whole house was in a state of absolute silence. Even the old gentleman had a stunned expression on his face. It was unbelievable. Could it be that there are other people in the furnace?Then, they were stunned to see a young man with only a few strands of cloth wrapped around his vitals and all over his body crawling out.

Zhou Zhang wrapped some of the collected flames into his personal space, and then threw some residues to Sun Wukong, who was disgusted by Sun Wukong and threw them aside. If there were no other people present, Zhou Zhang would definitely grab Sun Wukong's fur and savagely. A meal of education, that is the dregs that have accumulated for many years!Absolute treasure!You prodigal son.

However, there were others present. Zhou Zhang went to the gossip stove, turned his head, looked at Taishang Laojun with some gratitude, and said with a slight smile, "Thank you, old bastard."


Taishang Laojun only felt that the anger in his heart was like a volcanic eruption, and he almost ignited himself. His eyes were about to pop out of their sockets. In applause.

The eight boys next to him were completely sluggish, especially the two gold and silver ones. You must know that they stayed by the stove all the time!However, no sound was heard at all.

"how can that be?"

"Did he fall from the sky? How did he get in the furnace?"

"Impossible! How can you still be alive in the furnace?"

With exclamations, Zhou Zhang was about to say two more sentences, but before he could speak, Sun Wukong had already reached out and lifted him up: "Junior brother, stay out of the way, be careful of accidental injury?"

Zhou Zhang suddenly had an ominous premonition, and his eyes stared at the avenue: "Senior brother, what are you doing? You are not preparing!"

"Of course!" Sun Wukong's eyes lit up, he pulled Zhou Zhang and jumped up, his movements were extraordinarily unrestrained, and then he stretched his legs and kicked the side of the gossip furnace with a fierce kick, shouting: "This rotten furnace, my old Sun Zao It’s not pleasing to the eye.”

"Prodigal son!"

Following Zhou Zhang's loud roar, the Bagua stove wobbled and trembled a few times, then fell to the ground, and the flames poured out. In an instant, the whole house began to merge, just like the sun approaching dust.

However, Taishang Laojun's heart twitched and he almost fainted in pain, but the few boys next to him screamed in unison and were annihilated by the flames.

Chapter [-]: Taijinxing

"Looking for death, looking for death, you are looking for death!"

Accompanied by the roar of Taishang Laojun, Sun Wukong pulled Zhou Zhang a somersault and turned over [-] miles, and appeared on a mountain, surrounded by clouds and mist, and the cold wind was biting, but these two almost naked people However, there was no cold feeling at all. The two of them used Xuan Gong respectively to transform into a suit of clothes.

Zhou Zhang was still wearing the white shirt he was used to, as if he had melted into the surrounding snow, with a golden body of jade and extraordinary handsomeness.

The Monkey King next to him was dressed in golden armor with red borders, holding two monkey hairs in his hand and a golden hoop stick in the other hand, pointing to the sky in the distance, and said with concern: "Junior brother, you should leave quickly. , wait for my brother to fight with them for three hundred rounds."

Although Sun Wukong's technique of soaring through the clouds and driving the fog is extraordinary, the chasing speed and reaction speed of the Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals are not fast, and the gap between changing clothes, he has already chased a hundred miles away, faintly occupying half of the sky, overwhelming the sky, and immortal energy. The murderous aura came together in a mighty one.

Zhou Zhang raised his eyebrows, his heart was angry, he only felt a kind of blood boiling, the power in his body seemed to be jubilant, he could faintly feel that the immortal energy in his body was about to break through, and now looked at the sky coldly and said: "Senior brother, you think I am like that The one who ran away?"

The strength of everyone in the heavenly court is very different. Although there are also real powerhouses of the quasi-sage level, most of the immortal families who can be named are only the strength of the Daluo Jinxian level. Zhou Zhang is confident that it will not be difficult to kill them.

However, Sun Wukong looked back at Zhou Zhang seriously, his eyes seemed to be shining brightly, he suddenly laughed and said, "Then our senior brothers have completely overturned it today."

Before he finished speaking, Sun Wukong had already rushed towards the crowd that looked like a cloud cover. Zhou Zhang paused slightly, his black and white wings spread out behind him, and he also rushed towards the crowd, shouting and killing the sky. There is no fear at all, and even the momentum is even higher.

Although there are only two people, they are like thousands of troops.


The sky exploded, deterring all directions, a mountain disappeared out of thin air, and countless heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals were knocked into powder by a stick, and then a huge stone statue appeared on top of the heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals.

"Da Ri Yan Hua Yin·Zun Tian Statue!"

Along with Zhou Zhang's roar, the lifelike stone statue up to a hundred feet slammed down, the ground trembled, the sky trembled, countless debris and rocks flew across, and countless heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals were crushed to fly ashes, but it seemed that there were no heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals. The limit is average, and countless people are added from the rear.

Then many rays of sunshine appeared, auspicious clouds scattered, golden flowers and lotus leaves rose into the sky and gathered from a distance.


A beast howl resounded through the sky, and a huge black dog came floating in the air. On the back of the black dog stood Erlang Shen Yang Jian. He was also very depressed and angry at the moment. He didn't look at the center of the battle, but first glanced back to catch up. The many immortals who came here asked coldly: "The thief Sun Wukong, Xiaosheng has already arrested twice, every time you say that he can subdue the law, why is he coming out now, still so alive?"

"Who can tell me, is his life too big, or is there really something wrong with you?"

It's no wonder that Yang Jian is angry. It's too much. When he first captured Sun Wukong, although he was only a little weaker than Sun Wukong in strength, with the help of the roaring dog, he still said He was able to complete it with his own strength, but the second time, he had already been reduced to a fight, and then waited for most of the immortals to take action at the same time before capturing Sun Wukong.

The second time was obviously stronger than the first, so what about this time?

Yang Jian glanced at it from a distance, and saw that Sun Wu's air was like a rainbow, his eyes were shining brightly, and he was extremely powerful. Endure it, but this guy is getting stronger every time, which is a bit too much!

If it weren't for Yang Jian's embarrassment, he really wanted to ask at this moment, "Do you take the people caught by Lao Tzu back for execution or did he cultivate them?"

However, even though Yang Jian did not question the exit, the previous sentence still made many immortals who heard it bow their heads in shame, especially the [-] stars who came in a hurry. They were the main force in the first execution. Fortunately, fortunately There is also a gag fairy.

Taibaijinxing was a little embarrassed when he saw the scene, and he immediately approached the Erlang God Yang Jian with a gentle smile, and said in a low voice: "Xiansheng Erlang Zhenjun, the first time it was to catch a thief, the second time it was to save the driver. If it succeeds once, at least it will turn the tide, and it will be the work of countless lives, so why should the true monarch be angry?"

Erlang Shen heard the words, his eyes trembled, and he thought about it carefully. It seemed that this was the case. Although it was a bit troublesome to get the credit once, it would be a lot of credit in the future. He has the guts to listen to the tune, but he is actually helpless, because of his mother, although he is the nephew of the Jade Emperor, it is difficult for him to rank in the fairy class, almost the same as the wild monster in the forest and the wandering ghost. Tune in.

If he made these three major contributions, he would not believe that he could not stand in front of that Li Jing.

And Taibaijinxing saw Erlangshen's moving expression, hehe smiled, and then said: "Congratulations to the true monarch for being in the class of immortals, we are all immortal ministers, in the past, when you look up and see you, you must never say that teasing people again. To put it bluntly, it is really difficult to deal with the fact that this monkey head is transformed from the multi-colored god stone, and at the same time, it has practiced a variety of methods!"

Hearing this, Erlang Shen also revealed a few traces of sadness between his brows, and said in a low voice, "Indeed, the strength of this demon monkey should not be underestimated! Moreover, the talent is extremely high, although I have been practicing longer than him, but the same method of change. He seems to be a bit stronger than me when he uses it, it is really difficult to handle!"

Taibaijinxing's smile was also a little more gloomy, and he sighed: "The heaven has this disaster, but it can be regarded as a blessing in disguise. In the future, if there is a true monarch, this heaven will definitely be as stable as Mount Tai, and besides, the monkey is strong, but, We have gathered all our strength this time, let me talk about it and let them all obey the dispatch of the true monarch."

"The real monarch has captured this demon monkey twice with a single shot. This time he is in command of the overall situation, is it possible that he will not be able to capture him for the third time?"

"Moreover, the old man also thought of an idea. This demon monkey is difficult to kill. We will seal him up this time. What do you think?"

In three words, Erlang Shen felt that this Taibaijinxing was really a good person, a genius!His eyes lit up and said: "Good plan, good plan!"

Chapter Four Hundred and Twelve

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