At this moment, Zhou Zhang thought about it a lot. The first thing that came to his mind was that these two are shameless people. No wonder they are clearly the top beings among the gods. A play, however, also shows how important it is to them.

At this moment, Zhou Zhang thought about it a lot. He didn't think that Taishang Laojun, the Jade Emperor, and these people were always so out of tune, so he could only prove that he was really important to them, so he was also a little curious, what is this? Why, no matter how detailed, his master seems to have such an attitude.

It is as if a person who has been in a cage for many years has seen the key to open the door, or a patient on the verge of death has seen a special medicine to cure the disease. This is a kind of madness to see hope.

Zhou Zhang nodded, no matter what these people do, they treat him well, and he doesn't need to reject the kindness of others, he said, "Okay! Let my senior brother come with me!"

Judging from their attitude towards Zhou Zhang, this is not an unacceptable condition. However, whether it is the Jade Emperor or Taishang Laojun, the two of them even showed embarrassed expressions. Taishang Laojun stood up and took pictures. He patted Zhou Zhang on the shoulder and said in a low voice, "I can't go into details, I can only say that your brother has to suffer again."

"If you believe this old man, just faint!"

After Taishang Laojun finished saying these words, Zhou Zhang felt a force wrapped around him, his brain shook, and he slowly fainted, and finally only heard Sun Wukong roar: "Old, what are you doing? Got my junior brother? Come back to me quickly."

Then came the majestic voice of the Jade Emperor: "Why are you still standing there? Catch this demon monkey for me."

Then, Zhou Zhang felt that someone was carrying him on his shoulders and put him on a comfortable bed. He was not too panicked. After all, Taishang Laojun had already reminded him in advance. At this time, he was more concerned. Just curious, what does it mean to have to suffer again?

When Zhou Zhang woke up again, he could no longer hear the sound of fighting, nor could he smell the intense scent of spells. Instead, he could smell a faint fragrance that was very pleasant. The cushions under him were also soft and comfortable, and the sunlight was very comfortable. It sprinkled on the body neither lightly nor lightly, and it was warm and comfortable, making people not want to open their eyes, but just want to have a good night's sleep.

"Since you're awake, open your eyes! Remember not to enjoy the red dust while practicing."

Zhou Zhang frowned slightly, this voice is very familiar!It's just that he shouldn't be here. He slowly opened his eyes and saw the person who was speaking, and he was very familiar with it. Then he sat up slowly, and suddenly became a little more puzzled.

This should be a bedroom, about two hundred square meters. I slept on the most central bed, and two fairies knelt on the bedside. When they saw that they were awake, they bowed and put away their fans and slowly retreated. Go out, there are people sitting next to the bed.

On the left and right side of the bed is the Jade Emperor, and his attack is Taishang Laojun. The two of them have already changed their clothes, and the pretentious scars on their bodies have disappeared without a trace. Luxurious, noble and beautiful, but his face was slightly cold, seeing Zhou Zhang's eyes moving over, he showed a slight smile and nodded slightly.

Then on the other side of Zhou Zhang was the familiar voice, also the master of Zhou Zhang, Patriarch Bodhi. He held a whisk and sat firmly on the side. His starter was a middle-aged man with a wide sleeve robe and a thin face. He was full of temperament. It is extraordinarily condensed, with immortal energy lingering in it, and the eyes are full of light.

Zhou Zhang frowned slightly, but he didn't panic. He could feel that no matter whether the people here knew him or not, for fear that he would resent him, he did not hesitate to show the most kind eyes. This was a kind of concern, as if he was a treasure.

After calming down, Zhou Zhang sat up against the head of the bed, and while waiting for him to speak, the Jade Emperor said, "You already know the rest, so I won't say more, this is the Queen Mother of the West, and the one over there is the earth. The ancestor of immortals, Zhenyuanzi of Wuzhuangguan."

Zhou Zhang raised his eyebrows, these people are not ordinary people, why are these people here?Thinking of this, Zhou Zhang's eyes moved to his master. Although this group of people exuded kindness, Zhou Zhang still trusted his master more.

Patriarch Bodhi swung the dust away, but did not open his mouth to answer, but looked at Zhou Zhang with burning eyes and asked, "Teacher, do you believe in Buddhism or believe?"

"Dao" Zhou Zhang did not hesitate, not to mention that he almost followed the traces of the Tao along the way. Even if he did not cultivate, he still believed in Taoism more than Buddhism. Of course, there is no such thing as the good one. Bad, but Zhou Zhang himself prefers Dao.

In disaster years, he joins the WTO to save people, and in auspicious years, he escapes and cultivates himself, so Taoism is low-key.

Therefore, without hesitation, Zhou Zhang chose to say, of course, this is just Zhou Zhang's own thoughts, and does not represent the thoughts of others.

Chapter [-]: The Age of the End of the Law

However, this word and Zhou Zhang's unhesitating attitude caused everyone present to smile involuntarily, and the Jade Emperor couldn't help but say, "Good!" Several others nodded with a smile.

Taishang Laojun stretched out his hand and stroked his beard. He also did not explain, but said in a low voice: "Your talent is indeed extraordinary, it can be said that it is unprecedented, even in the prehistoric and middle stages, when the saint was alive, your talent was the first. people."

"However, the reason why we value you so much, although talent has its reasons, is not the most important reason."

"That is?"

"Change!" Taishang Laojun's eyes glowed with light, burning and pressing: "You are the variable, the number one variable in thousands of years, the ruthless is the chaotic world, and the good-hearted is the savior."

"Uh!" Zhou Zhang was slightly attentive, the tone sounded a little familiar!In the last century, I was the savior of the world, so is it possible that I am also the savior here?In fact, it is not difficult to understand, because he is a variable, can break the established rules, and the established balance is only a variable, but he also said that there is a variable whose talent is the first person from ancient times to the present.

"In the ancient years, at the beginning of the Great Desolation, after the great god Pangu opened the sky, there was a battle between the dragon, phoenix and unicorn, and then there was the battle between the two lich clans, and then there was the dispute over the teaching and interception. Now it has come to the end, you say"

Before Taishang Laojun had finished speaking, Zhou Zhang's eyes changed, he understood something, and said in a low voice, "Buddha?"

No one in the room heard the words, they all paused, and then nodded and said: "It is just right for a life and death calamity, with five people in the lead, important figures in Buddhism and Taoism will respond to the calamity, the winners will prosper for a hundred years, and the losers will become illusory and high in the sky. I will no longer be able to participate in human affairs.”

This sentence is not difficult to understand, Zhou Zhang understands it with a little concentration, but, what does this have to do with himself?

Fortunately, Patriarch Bodhi didn't let Zhou Zhang doubt for too long, he brushed the dust, took a deep breath and said, "We can be regarded as the only powerhouses in the Taoist sect. Logically speaking, since it is the calamity of life and death in the heaven and earth, the calamity is the answer to the calamity. However, we can vaguely feel that this is a kind of doomsday, no matter what the outcome of Buddhism and Taoism, no matter what the outcome of this catastrophe, this flood will definitely end."

"So, we don't want to respond to the robbery, or we don't care about the robbery, but, we want"

"Broken robbery?"

Zhou Zhang interrupted, and completely understood why these people were so fond of him, and he also understood that these people's perceptions were not wrong. This is indeed the end of the prehistoric era. It exists, but it has completely gone to the end.

In this way, I really hope, no wonder these people value me so much, while Zhou Zhang is thinking, Taishang Laojun is not astonishing, and said lightly: "Forgot to say, your master should also be considered. one of the enemies."


Bodhi Patriarch's demeanor was very serene, looking at Zhou Zhang and sincerely said: "It's true, I cultivate both Buddhism and Taoism, but, looking at its roots, the master actually comes from Buddhism, and you can understand something from the word "Bodhi" as a teacher. Therefore, it is okay to call a teacher an evil Arhat, even a demon."

"Furthermore, Wei Shi is indeed your enemy. There are two Bodhi Patriarchs, who originated from one body, but split into two. Therefore, Wei Shi is now a prisoner!"

Zhou Zhang felt a little foggy in his head for a while, but he was always thinking very fast, and he figured it out almost instantly. He turned to look at the Jade Emperor, who also understood what he was thinking, nodded slightly and said, "You are indeed talented. You are right, there are three paths you can take."

"Everyone is very happy, you broke out of the robbery, suppressed the spiritual mountain, and the Taoist sect was extremely prosperous. You rescued the master, named the first person, and became a saint and proud of the world. However, this road is also the most difficult to walk, even if it is a few of us. I can't give you any help, and Buddhism and Taoism are all your enemies, and even this world."

"The second way is to follow the calamity of life and death. You stand on our side, and the few of us can provide you with the greatest help. You may still be sanctified and win. However, your master must make sacrifices, and, Unable to break the robbery, the world will still go to the end."

"The third way is that you are alone and free from the world. You are at ease. You can help if you want, and you can watch a movie if you don't want to help. This is the easiest."

"Before you choose, we have to make it clear that our love for you is real, and it is not a moral kidnapping based on this. Let you choose by yourself. No matter which path you choose, we will support it. There is no to persecute you."

Zhou Zhang understood that they were telling the truth, and that the kind of concern was indeed real. He closed his eyes slightly, and Zhou Zhang fell into deep thought. That way can make his strength improve the fastest.

These people still don't know themselves very well. They are only living in this era. However, Zhou Zhang is sure that in the future or even the next world, it is possible to go to the middle or even early stage of the prehistoric era. Therefore, no matter which way it is, Zhou Zhang What I think about is how to improve my strength as soon as possible and ensure my own safety.

Sure enough, these few were not forcing Zhou Zhang to do anything. Seeing that he was lost in thought, they all stood up and walked out. It was a recognition for Zhou Zhang, and they knew that some of them had those people.

Zhou Zhang didn't make any decisions rashly. To be selfish, he wanted to know which way would be more beneficial. To be selfless, this is not a trivial matter after all. Life and death in heaven and earth will never be a small number. Life and death calamities, even saints will be involved, which is naturally extremely terrifying.

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