In the light of the Buddha's light, the Tathagata Buddha sat cross-legged on a golden lotus with his hands folded, and the lotus leaves were floating in the rays of the sun. The Tathagata Buddha was also tall and about ten feet tall, but it was not an illusory Dharma body. , standing high, and then two monks came out from behind him, one of them also put his hands together, and said loudly: "Pass the order of the Tathagata, everyone will stop the sword, and the great sage will come out. he."

Immediately, the sound of fighting in Lingxiao Palace stopped. After a while, Thirty-Six Zhenggang Lei respectfully stepped aside, and then Sun Wukong jumped out, his stick dancing, that was full of anger, pointing at the Tathagata and scolding: "Where is the fake benevolent person, who is not chanting sutras and eating fast in your dharma hall, and coming here to make a big deal of nonsense?"

As soon as these words came out, all the Buddhas in the sky showed anger. Although the Tathagata Buddha seemed indifferent, the golden light surrounding him suddenly became a little sharper, but his expression was still calm and peaceful, and he said condescendingly: " I am the Venerable Sakyamuni of the Western Paradise, Namo Amitabha, and I came here today to prevent a disaster, if you just take this, you can convert to Buddhism and have thousands of flowers.”

"Convert to Buddhism?" Sun Wukong seemed to have seen something big and funny, took a few steps forward and said loudly: "I was originally a mixed immortal from heaven and earth, an old ape in Huaguo Mountain, and the water curtain cave is enough. However, since the Jade Emperor is not the emperor, I also want to try this position, which is too difficult to sit in, as the so-called feng shui turns, it is time for him to abdicate and let the strong man, my old grandson, sit for a few years."

The sound was like thunder, and there was no fear at all, even if the golden light of the Buddha was oppressing the sky like the real thing, his face did not change.

Tathagata Buddha heard the words, but he sneered: "You are just a monkey turned into an elite, how do you know the origin of this Jade Emperor, he has been practicing since childhood, and he has experienced a total of [-] kalpas, and each kalpa should be [-]. Nine thousand six hundred years, how old do you think he should be in order to enjoy this infinite Tao?"

"This beast of this world, you dare to make such wild words, thinking that you are rough and well-informed, the spiritual platform will be opened soon, and your life will be cut off, convert as soon as possible, and don't dare to talk nonsense, otherwise, you may be poisoned, and your life will be in an instant. Stop, it’s a pity you are the essence of the sun and the moon.”

It seemed that there was no problem in listening to the words of the Tathagata Buddha at the beginning, and the Jade Emperor spoke up everywhere, but his words were full of a kind of superiority, as if if the Jade Emperor was the emperor, then he was the Supreme Emperor. I get used to it, but there are always some people who are uncomfortable.

Especially Sun Wukong, although he is a natural stone monkey, and he has not been engraved with Taoism or Buddhism, but the most annoying thing in life is this kind of high-level, pointing at others everywhere, a stick stirs the situation, slants. Pointing at the Tathagata Buddha, his voice was like thunder.

"You old bald donkey, you have to say everything, why are you good and I'm bad?"

Tathagata Buddha suddenly smiled peacefully, and the whole space trembled slightly. It seemed that he didn't care, and his moral character was extremely noble. Even, there was some sneer just now, but Sensen had already disappeared, and he was quite a bit messing around with the younger generation. The kind elder looked like, and said with a smile: "If that's the case, why not make a bet between the two of us?"

As he spoke, he stretched out his palm: "I heard that you can turn over [-] miles with one somersault. If you can turn out my right palm, I will let the Jade Emperor abdicate and let you ascend the throne and enjoy peace. , how about you go down to the realm as a demon, go through a few more calamities, and then quarrel with me, how about that?"

Zhou Zhang concentrates, what a familiar and classic scene!

Chapter [-] The catastrophe begins

At this moment, the entire Tianque is as quiet as a cemetery. Countless people hold their breaths and dare not breathe. Except for a few people, even the vast majority of people who did not like Buddhism in the past are watching at this moment. Tathagata Buddha's action and demeanor also felt the real great compassion from it, and his heart was filled with admiration.

However, Sun Wukong was afraid that the Tathagata would return and asked impatiently, "Can you be the master?"

"Do it, do it!"

"That's good, my grandson is here too!"

When Zhou Zhang saw this, he lost interest in watching it, stood up slowly, glanced at the Tathagata Buddha from a distance, turned around and disappeared in place, and when he reappeared, he was already standing by himself for the past few days. The door of the yard where he lived was slightly stunned.

Next to the courtyard gate, it was as if the brilliance of the world had been intercepted for a period of time. All the bright colors were gathered on one person. The Queen Mother of the West seemed to have merged into nature and looked at him quietly. He wrote: "Your senior brother is indeed a stubborn and irritable temperament."

"The Tathagata is also a play, but he was teased to make it really hot!" Zhou Zhang also smiled, pushed the door into the courtyard, and said in a low voice, "Come in and sit! If someone sees me shutting out the Queen Mother, I'm afraid The spittle has to gather into the sea." Zhou Zhang used to feel cold, cold and arrogant, but in fact, his emotional intelligence is not low, and after some words, it also made the Queen Mother of the West smile a little wider.

The two walked into the house one after the other, and the Queen Mother of the West said: "It seems that you have indeed penetrated the essence."

"It's still a long way off!" Zhou Zhang shook his head slowly, and said sincerely: "In my opinion, this Buddhism is probably going to flourish."

"Yes, although there are many casualties in this life and death calamity, the purpose of the catastrophe is not to kill, but to transfer the line of Taoism. This time, it is said to be the study of scriptures from the West, but in fact, it is to give Buddhism too much the dominance of Taoism. , this is the natural outpouring of everything between heaven and earth, and no one can resist it."

Zhou Zhang took a sip from the teacup, then raised his hand and handed it to the Queen Mother of the West. He raised his eyebrows and said, "Except me!"

The Queen Mother of the West was startled, but she also took the tea cup generously, but she didn't drink it. She held it in her hand and spun it slightly, and said calmly, "Except for you, in fact, this world has always had the protagonist of heaven and earth. Back then, the lich dominated, Between heaven and earth, there is a lot of hostility, and the human race is dominated by aura. People say that because the protagonists are different, the world has changed."

"However, how can heaven and earth change according to these changes, on the contrary, heaven and earth have begun to change, then the protagonist of heaven and earth must be the protagonist of heaven and earth that is more in line with the existence of this world, and no one can change this. Intercepting the teaching, and even pushing it forward, Qilin, Dragon and Phoenix, all these did not stop them, and they were excluded from the big stage of heaven and earth without any accident."

Although Zhou Zhang had some thoughts, after hearing the words of the Queen Mother of the West, he was still a little nervous. The word heaven and earth are too big, which makes people dizzy, but it also proves that Zhou Zhang's level can already be checked. On to such a topic.

Zhou Zhang didn't ask any more questions, he turned his head and looked out the window, his expression was very calm.


As if the heaven had been overturned, the huge fluctuation shook Jiuxiao, so far away, you could still see a huge palm that covered the sky, suddenly rolled back, and then flicked a finger, and a small black The dot popped out of Beitianmen, and with a flip of his palm, he pressed the little black dot underneath.


The sky seemed to have opened a hole, and the terrifying coercion shocked all directions, and the palace of the sky trembled.

Zhou Zhang glanced at it lightly, but withdrew his gaze, but also understood that Wuzhishan had become.

The Queen Mother of the West also trembled slightly: "The catastrophe has begun."

"here we go?"

Zhou Zhang was slightly stunned, but he also understood that the world is unpredictable, but after all, there are traces to follow, but these traces are nothing for ordinary cultivators, except for a few top-level existences, they are not worthy to experience such profound things, and Zhou Zhang also vaguely understood something at this time.

Huo Ran stood up and said, "I'll go around the world. As for what will happen and how it should be, I will take it slow."

The Queen Mother of the West was not surprised, but her slender fingers were trembling slightly, she subconsciously took a small sip from the teacup, her expression was startled again, she took a deep look at the teacup in her hand, and returned to normal, slightly Nodding: "The journey is smooth."

Zhou Zhang nodded lightly, the wings of light flickered behind him, the whole person turned into a streamer, and disappeared without a word.

The room suddenly became quiet, but the Queen Mother of the West did not leave in a hurry. She stared at the teacup with dazed eyes, not knowing what to think, and said in a low voice, "We only have this light."

"Of course!" The ripples flashed, and the Jade Emperor, who had no prospects at first, and the Taishang Laojun, who were called Lao Za Mao, followed the ripples and stepped out of the void. The Jade Emperor didn't look good, as if he was still With a bit of anger, he said, "Unless you can be sanctified."

Taishang Laojun's demeanor was much more serene, but he couldn't help but look in the direction where Zhou Zhang disappeared, and for a long time did not want to look back: "Actually, he is two beams of light, one is an opportunity for sanctification, with his talent There is great hope that as long as you are sanctified, you will be able to change the world, or at least preserve something during the change."

"The second light is himself. He is a variable. He is no longer involved in the changes of heaven and earth, and is truly detached."

"As long as he has one of them, it is our light, and they have both, and the two beams of light together are hope!"

Taishang Laojun's words are too heavy, Zhou Zhang seems to have become the only hope, this sentence is said by him, it is a mess, but he never mentions it in front of Zhou Zhang, and the two people next to him obviously do not Any expressions of disapproval, even the Queen Mother of the West took another sip from the teacup, her eyes glowing.

"Actually, we are all chess pieces!" The Queen Mother of the West had her skin radiant, her extremely beautiful face blooming with supreme brilliance, and her voice was soft and faint: "If you treat all of this as a chessboard, only heaven and earth were once considered as a chessboard. A chess player, we cannot resist, but now, he is also a chess player."

"We are still chess pieces!" Suddenly a disheartened voice came in, Zhen Yuanzi walked in from the door, his expression was even darker than the Jade Emperor, and his voice was slightly hoarse: "I don't want to do this, I want to fight for one. Instead of putting hope on some genius variable!"

Four hundred and twenty first chapter five hundred time

Time is fleeting and fleeting, like a white horse passing through a gap. In an old forest deep in the mountains, Zhou Zhang rode the grandson of the grandson of the white horse and walked on the edge of the cliff. The psychic rubbed his head against Zhou Zhang, as if begging him not to let himself take such a dangerous path.

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