"Haha!" They were answered by two sneers. Zhou Zhang moved casually and freely. With a flick of his hand, he threw thousands of other flowers at subduing dragons and tigers. Although his movements were unpleasant, there was a strange feeling that enveloped the space, giving people a sense of avoidance. avoidable feeling.

Subduing the dragon and subduing the tiger, Arhat shouted at the same time, "Zha!"


The thunder exploded, and the bodies of the two suddenly increased by more than ten times. The original height was more than two meters and nearly three meters. In an instant, it expanded to about ten feet. , King Kong is not bad.


It seemed to be knocked on the hollow vessel, the sound spread, and then it continued, one after another, the other side of the flower hit it, and then all shattered, the light blue smoke drifted away, but there was no right to those two. Why cause too much damage.

Fuhu Arhat is relatively more irritable. Seeing that the other side of the flower can't even hurt his fur, he suddenly felt that using this golden body was a bit of a fuss. Our brother is the sixth-order quasi-sage, and God has the virtue of good life, give you three days..."

In the quasi-sacred realm, each level is a sky, and the gap between them cannot be calculated, let alone two levels between them. Moreover, it is still two people against one person, but Jin Chanzi has not been rescued. And I was frightened for a while, but after I reacted at this moment, the feeling of shame in my heart became stronger and stronger.

Therefore, even if the Dragon Subduing Arhat is indeed more shrewd than the Tiger Fu Arhat, it is still difficult for him to erase that sense of shame. The man in the hideous mask is still holding a bloody big knife in his hand.

Then, I discovered that the figure turned out to be an eight or nine-year-old child, and there were people watching. The humiliation at that moment is definitely unforgettable, and it is definitely more profound than walking on the road and falling. .

"Give you three days, you can use it to think about repentance, you can use it to escape, you can even use it to..."

Chapter [-] The taste of conspiracy

"Even if you are waving the flag and calling for someone to cheer you on, our brothers will wait for you here without moving a single step. After three days, if you are still so obsessed with understanding, don't blame our brothers for disregarding the idea of ​​mercy, eliminating evil is promoting goodness! "

This set of words is called a crisp, righteous and awe-inspiring, showing the demeanor of a strong man to the fullest. Of course, he just wants to make up for his lost face and dignity, but Zhou Zhang will give you this opportunity.

With a sneer, I looked at Subduing Dragons and Fuhus, who were advancing and retreating, and secretly felt a little joy. God helped me!

This other side flower is not really powerful, it is strong in a sudden and hidden. If someone understands the reason for the other side flower's move, then this move will have no effect. The original chapter is just trying to test the other side. Strength, but I didn't expect that the inexplicable anger of the two people on the opposite side, blinding their eyes, lost their square inch, it was a perfect opportunity.

Pointing his fingers, the flowers of the other side appeared incessantly, Zhou Zhang's expression seemed to be a little more panicked. This was already the most extreme performance of his lacking acting skills. In order to win, Zhou Zhang had already tried his best. There are still two powerhouses in the rank, and Zhou Zhang is still somewhat uncomfortable.

When the two people on the other side saw the panic on Zhou Zhang's face, they immediately relaxed a little, and then they felt that the feeling of shame seemed to be even stronger, and even looked at the opposite Zhou Zhang with gnashing teeth, Fu Hu Luohan became more aggressive , hugging his arms, the giant figure more than ten feet tall has shrunk to a normal shape.

Although the skin on his body was still golden and had a metallic texture, the feeling of majesty and vastness was much weaker, and he looked at Zhou Zhang with disdain: "I told you to give you three days, I will give you three days, whether you use it to escape, to ask for help, or to attack me, I will take every move."

Having said that, after all, Zhou Zhang is also a quasi-sage fourth-order existence. Although there is a gap, it is not too big. He still secretly mobilized his strength, condensed it on the surface of his body, and resisted the seemingly inhuman beings. Harmful other shore flowers.

Dragon Subduing Arhat has a vague feeling that something is not right. After all, Zhou Zhang is a strong fourth-order quasi-sage. Moreover, his talent is superb. He is almost the first person in the prehistoric times, and he is the most special person. He is not as good as himself. The two of them, however, shouldn't be so weak in attack!

He thought so, but when he saw the faint trace of panic on Zhou Zhang's face, he felt slightly relieved, perhaps because he thought too much, after all, there was nothing he could do. He is a person with a head and face. If he doesn't show his strength, even if he subdues Zhou Zhang, the previous scene has to spread.

Zhou Zhang has tried his best. As a genius in the face paralysis world, his acting skills at this level are already at their peak. Although it is not that he is afraid of the two of them in a real fight, after all, he is also a quasi-sacred sixth-order, so he can deal with it more easily. It's better to be easier.

Using embarrassing acting skills, Zhou Zhang's subordinates were dissatisfied with their actions. The other shore flowers bloomed one after another in the space, and then, like moths, they rushed towards the subduing dragons and tigers, and then crashed and shattered, just like ordinary flowers fell on the car. Under the grinding, there is no tyrannical effect except for the fragrance that is crushed into one place.

For a full ten minutes, Zhou Zhang did not do any other action, just evolved the other shore flowers one by one, and then burst into cracks. The light blue smoke evaporated, and gradually formed a dense fog. The fairy energy in Zhou Zhang's body was also lost. about a third.

"What is this doing? Is it possible that there is such a huge gap between the quasi-sacred fourth-order and the quasi-sacred sixth-order?"

"Yeah! Why do I think it's a little unlikely, after all, they are both quasi-sages, even if it's the first-level and the twenty-seventh-level, there shouldn't be such a huge gap!"

"Why do I vaguely seem to smell a conspiracy?"

The shrimp soldiers and crabs will look up at the battle scene intently. Although it is a bit boring and a little scary, this is definitely a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, but gradually they also have some guesses of their own, and the Dragon King is quite nervous. Fist, he is a bystander after all. Although he doesn't know the specific situation, he can feel that Zhou Zhang is planning.

I have to say that this is not a high-IQ layout, it is completely stupid on the opposite side.

However, after all, they are also Arhats who have been walking in the world all the year round. The two of them gradually came to their senses. The Dragon Subduing Arhats are already dark like the bottom of a pot. When every other flower hits him, he will subconsciously avoid it. It's not that he said too much before, he has already avoided it.


Fu Hu Luohan suddenly took a breath, his brows wrinkled, he felt a tinge of pain, panic flashed in his eyes, he turned his head to look at Dragon Subduing Luohan, this is exactly how easy it is to get on stage and it's hard to get off!The words have already been said, and it is not so easy to take them back.

Ruthless words are easy to talk about, but these harsh words are not easy to talk about. If you are not careful, you have to hit yourself.


Zhou Zhang stood in a bundle, and there was no other flower beside him. He exhaled a breath, the whole space was silent, everyone was nervous, and the heart beat a little while subduing the dragon and the tiger, and now no one doubts Zhou Zhang anymore. With strength, it can be seen that this person is definitely planning a situation.

But, how will this bureau break out?What kind of means will appear, but they don't know anything, and this kind of unknown makes people nervous.

After regaining his high coldness, Zhou Zhang wiped the sweat from his forehead. He was really tired from acting. Then, Zhou Zhang sat down in front of the public. Looking at the two people opposite: "You two, I will wait for you here for a year. If you can touch a hair of me, I will follow you to Lingshan, and you will still be at your disposal."

What is ruthless remarks? This is called ruthless remarks. You have the bottom line in your heart, and you are the master of your own pockets. Otherwise, it is not called ruthless remarks.

Then, a smile appeared on the corner of Zhou Zhang's mouth, mocking, absolutely mocking.

Fuhu Arhat only felt that the shame he had managed to suppress suddenly burst, making his eyes red, his fists clenched, his blue veins bursting, and he took a step forward.


The space opened in an instant, and the figure of Fuhu Arhat instantly retreated more than ten miles, further and further away from Zhou Zhang.

However, at this moment, Zhou Zhang's eyes lit up, and he gently touched his left arm, thumb and middle finger, and snapped his fingers.

"Dariyan Huayin·Water·Banhua!"

What is pretending to be forced, this is called pretending to be forced!

Chapter [-]: The Great Sun Evolution Seal · Water · The Flower of the Other Side

The other side of the flower, the dawn of the ghost.

According to legend, on the Huangquan Road, along the Sansheng River, there is nothing but barren black rocks everywhere, without the slightest color. The other side flowers voluntarily threw themselves into the underworld, wanting to embellish a touch of beauty. The ghost's heart to return to the sun has dispelled the other side flowers several times, but the other side flowers are wandering on the Huangquan Road, and they are unwilling to disperse no matter what.

Many palace lords couldn't bear to disperse it, so they could only let it run freely all over the Huangquan Road at the end of the Sansheng River. It was red at first, and then, the red was too bright, making the ghosts and spirits coming and going would feel a murderous impulse.

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