There was a violent explosion, and then the light blue mist of the big canopy drifted out. The Dragon Subduing Arhat had a sturdy body, and his hands were wrapped in two groups of golden lights. The rays of light were dazzling, like a small sun. His energy reached its peak, looking at Zhou Zhang and said, "I knew you couldn't be so stupid to explain the exercises to me face to face."

"The evolution of the five elements is pure nonsense. You are clearly a mutation of the innate ability of the pure-blooded Yinglong bloodline!"

"Such a pure Yinglong bloodline has never been seen before, but I am the Venerable Dragon Subduing, and countless dragons have died in my hands."

"Clap clap clap"

The crisp applause sounded, Zhou Zhang tilted his head and walked towards the Dragon Subduing Arhat without the slightest fear, palms clapped and chirped, quite sighed: "It is worthy of the name of Dragon Subduing, it is really powerful!"

"You don't have to act anymore!" Dragon Subduing Luohan's eyes glowed with confidence, and he looked at Zhou Zhang aggressively and said, "You shouldn't be very skilled with this move! We are careless and neglectful, and you also need to have some small actions to drive the momentum, it should be not long after it was founded!"

Dragon Subduing Arhat's body suddenly grew a little taller, his whole body exuded a sharp light, pointed at Zhou Zhang and said: "If you guessed correctly, each of your ten fingers is a different technique! You need to use The thumb touches different fingers to trigger different effects."

"The five fingers of the right hand are pulling, tearing, colliding, and retreating!"

"And your applause now is a trick, and you want to continue to confuse me, but I have seen through your means, pretending to be mysterious, but I don't dare to confront us head-on, if you're willing to just grab it now and come back to us. Lingshan pleads guilty, and I can spare your life!"

Speaking of this, Arhat Subduing Dragon squeezed his fingers, the golden light skyrocketed, and his eyes looked at Zhou Zhang threateningly: "I have torn apart no less than a hundred dragons!"

The battle is never going forward. Even if it is going forward, it is necessary to think about which direction to rush in. Those who do not turn their minds during the battle may not live long. Of course, once said, Zhou Zhang is actually a mindless person, but that is Because it is not necessary, it is enough to crush almost all the enemies.

However, after arriving in Honghuang, Zhou Zhang, a person who had planned for a rainy day, instantly understood the situation. Sometimes strength may not be able to crush the enemy, so at this time, only wisdom can be used.

At first glance, the fight from fist to flesh seems to be a battle of strength, but in places that cannot be seen, the speed of their brain rotation is definitely beyond the normal limit, which is called combat wisdom.

However, Zhou Zhang inexplicably likes this feeling, and sometimes the crushing of IQ is more comfortable than the crushing of strength.

"Clap!" Finally, clapping his palms, Zhou Zhang spread his hands and shrugged his shoulders slightly, his expression very calm: "How can you be sure that these things you see are not what I told you to see, so you can see them?"

The Dragon Subduing Arhat froze. He is a confident person. If he changed to the usual way, he would definitely not have the slightest wandering. However, the feeling of Zhou Zhang was too mysterious before, which made him almost subconsciously shake. After a moment, he woke up suddenly, but it was too late.


The sound of wind tearing close at hand was already heard in his ears, and then a face had already occupied his pupils, the wings behind him were rapidly fanned, Zhou Zhang had appeared in front of him, and then he was a little worried that the blowing face was not enough, Zhou Zhang quickly He turned his body upside down, his legs stretched straight, like a javelin.

The side-by-side soles stepped heavily on the huge face.


The air wailed, and Dragon Subduing Arhat stomped heavily and flew out, and then a disdainful snort resounded throughout the world!

"Hehe, Venerable Dragon Subduing? Idiot!"

Chapter [-]: Rage

How powerful is Zhou Zhang's physical strength, this is a more difficult question, because for the time being, when he has not yet reached the limit, with his somewhat cautious personality, it is unlikely that he will reach the true limit of life and death.

Therefore, we can only say that it is terrifying, extremely terrifying!


As if a meteor hit, the dragon subduing Arhat, more than ten feet high like a small hill, was heavily trampled and flew, as if a stream of light pierced the sky, faintly visible, his face, door, nose seemed to have been stepped inside, and the blood was like a note. , sprinkled the whole sky, making people stunned.

"My, my God!"

"A lot of people, not people!"

"I doubt he could kill us all with one foot!"

All the shrimp soldiers and crab generals were sluggish, and then the fear spread. Even if Zhou Zhang didn't even look at them for a half, they didn't dare to stand and watch the battle.

"Scared a dragon to death!" The Dragon King touched his beating heart, and felt that his mind was shaking and he couldn't bear to faint.


It was as if the sky had collapsed into a hole, and the Arhat was smashed heavily on a hill a hundred miles away. The hill shattered in an instant, and then he slammed downwards with unabated speed, eventually destroying a forest. A huge pothole was smashed to slow down the speed, and then a roar spread across the sky: "You scheming villain!"

Zhou Zhang's expression was indifferent, only a fool whose IQ was crushed would make such a roar, it was almost the same concept as being beaten up and shouting to wait and see.

"I kill you!"

Fuhu Luohan was stunned for a moment, his eyes were congested, the blood vessels on his arms burst, and the whole person rushed towards Zhou Zhang like a vengeful king, Zhou Zhang looked at him with cold eyes: "You heard, one wrong move... Step by step wrong?" Then he stretched out his right hand and pointed at him, pressing his index finger down lightly.


The space suddenly tightened, and Fu Hu Luohan lowered his head. When he looked up again, Zhou Zhang had already flown in front of him. The black and white wings behind his back were spinning, and they turned hundreds of times in an instant like a spinning top, and even faintly rolled up. He pulled a tornado, and then stretched his legs like a whip and slapped Fuhu Luohan's side face.


It was as if the thunder was resounding, and Fuhu Arhat was kicked out like a tattered ball, and smashed into the mountain on the other side, and suddenly there was another earth-shattering sound.

The Dragon King and the others below subconsciously tilted their heads and pulled the corners of their mouths: "Hey, this is so painful!"


A huge stone flew towards Zhou Zhang, like a meteorite, with extremely fast speed. It was also faintly wrapped with golden light. The light was dazzling, and there was no mercy. Only anger and murderous intent emerged. If you look closely, you can still see the stone. A figure looming behind him, he estimated to be more than ten feet tall.

Zhou Zhang's expression remained unchanged, his palm pressed down, the stone suddenly lost all power and fell down, without any root cause, but of course, revealing the almost confused face hidden behind, his nose almost Being stepped on close to the face, the anger has burned out of reason.

"Do you know why you are an idiot? Because you not only guessed wrong, but also, my applause is really for a reason, not just to attract your attention, just to step on that foot!"

Following the words, Zhou Zhang turned into a stream of light, his speed broke through the limit, and he rubbed the cheek of the Dragon Subduing Arhat and flew straight over without any movement. Going to Zhou Zhang, he saw that he had disappeared three miles away.

"Are you trying to run away?"

No one answered his words, Zhou Zhang just turned his back to him and stretched out a finger to tick, the Dragon Subduing Arhat was completely angry, he was already super tired of this person's small actions, each one was so irritating, then It tickled his teeth and made him feel more and more like an idiot.

Just when he was desperate to catch up and beat him, he suddenly heard the sound of the air being squeezed, and an ominous premonition arose in his heart, he hurriedly turned his head, and saw a piece that was only slightly smaller than him. The boulder has been stuck to his face, and the speed is extremely fast.

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