During the conversation, two big men came out from behind. They didn't look ferocious, but their expressions were extremely ruthless. They should not be good people. They looked up at Zhou Zhang and shouted: "Where's the kid, get out of here, don't disturb the uncle. Let's do things!" At the same time as he spoke, he had already grabbed the woman, and he was trying to pull him into the house.

The woman's scream became even more intense, and her temperament was quite strong. When she was being pulled, she happened to touch a pole by the door, and then she picked up the pole and smashed it. Suddenly, she smashed the two strong men into one. The people turned on their backs, and then ran towards the courtyard gate with both hands and feet.

The two big men had some wounds on their faces, and immediately became even more embarrassed and angry, and looked up with a grinning: "What a strong woman, I like it, sir, since you don't want to enter the house, let's do errands in the yard. , after all, to let you know the strength of the uncle."

"Hey, your second uncle is stronger than your uncle!"

At the same time as he spoke, he rushed up, grabbed the woman in front of the courtyard gate, and dragged him back to the center of the courtyard. And I am afraid that there are not a few people who hear voices around, and no one shows up, let alone help.

Zhou Zhang had no intention of taking care of mortal affairs, but since he encountered it and others didn't care, there was nothing he could do, and said lightly, "Stop it!"

"How old are you?"

One of the big men was busy tossing with the woman, while the other big man was breathing and resting while looking up at Zhou Zhang, with a strong jealousy flashing in his eyes, this man is too tall!He shouted: "Get out of my way, little white face, do you still want to see if grandpa can't do anything? You know grandpa is..."

"It's boring!" Zhou Zhang shook his head slightly, his eyes were a bit cold, and suddenly, the whole small yard seemed to be frozen, and in an instant, from Xia Futian to the cold winter and twelfth lunar month, Zhou Zhang's voice seemed to carry some kind of magic: "You don't need to Tell me who you are, it really doesn't matter, you are the Jade Emperor, I want to shut it down, but he can't stop it."

This is a fact, but when I said it to someone who didn't understand it, I felt it was too much. The man shuddered, looked around in confusion, and then shouted: "You pretend..."


Half of the yard was gone, and Zhou Zhang didn't have the energy to pull with him. With a flick of his finger, a deep pit like a cliff appeared.


The three of them swallowed saliva at the same time. The strong man and the woman who were still pulling and fighting just now remained in that position and froze. I am afraid they don't even know what they are doing now, my God!This movement is also a little too big.

Looking at their reactions, Zhou Zhang shook his head very boringly. With his current strength, he is really too lazy to deal with mortal affairs. However, since he has encountered it, he can save him if he can!He waved his hand and said in a sullen mood, "Get out of here!" Now Zhou Zhang's mood is like that of an ordinary person who sees three ants fighting. He may be in the mood to pull away, but most of the time he feels that it doesn't matter.


The three people, whether they were being helped or punished, fell to the ground, and then used their hands and feet to climb to the other corner of the wall. They looked at Zhou Zhang in fear, but no one dared to speak.

Zhou Zhang shook his head slightly, feeling very bored. He slapped the horse's stomach and made the white horse move forward. At the same time, he waved his hand backwards, preparing to kill those two people with absolute power, which was considered a good deed.

However, at this moment, one after another colorful rays of light descended, blocking Zhou Zhang's attack, and then the clouds appeared, and a handsome young man appeared in the cloud. On the lotus platform, looking at Zhou Zhang peacefully: "God has the virtue of good life, benefactor, why are you so cruel?"

Zhou Zhang frowned slightly. Is this group of people really so idle?Or, have you made yourself your main enemy?

"Although their actions deserve death, isn't the benefactor's actions cruel enough? If you leave them alive, they will have hope of repentance, and if they die, they will have nothing."

Zhou Zhang was really too lazy to argue with him, so he asked coldly, "You set up a game?" How could there be such a coincidence, it was impossible for someone to stop him as soon as he made a move.

The young man who was posing for a debate, about to talk about mercy or not, was stunned. Why did this person speak out of the way?Immediately, he looked at Zhou Zhang and said: "Donor, your temper is too selfish and indifferent! It's enough to kill people at will, can't you go down on other people's topics?"

"No!" Zhou Zhang knocked the horse's belly, and the white horse walked forward leisurely: "I am selfish, I have no idea of ​​purifying all sentient beings, I just punish those who I think are bad people, who cares whether there are bad people or not. hope of repentance."


A wind sounded, and the young man stood in front of Zhou Zhang again, with a very peaceful temperament, shrouded in Buddha light, and his eyes were aggressive: "Your temper is easy to fall into the devil, the more powerful you are, the more you should become the umbrella of the weak, no matter how good or bad, Otherwise, how is it different from that devil?"

Zhou Zhang laughed, this is the argument he hates the most, not according to their formal standards, it is a devil!

"I count three times, if you don't get out, I will kill you!"

Chapter [-] See if you can save it?

"I'm Namo Three Thousand Jieti Bodhisattva, you..."

"What's with me?"

Zhou Zhang has never been a gentle and good-tempered person. Although he is not a pure bad person, he is definitely not a good person. It is right to say that he is selfish, and it is more right to say that he is domineering, but he has a clear conscience.

Namo Sanqianjiedi Bodhisattva is a little confused. As a number of Bodhisattvas, second only to the existence of Buddhas, he has never encountered such a situation. There are gods and demons everywhere, and no one should give him some face, even if he does not. For face, we can always chat a few words when we meet!

There is no such thing. The person who scolded you as soon as he came up has nothing to say. He is not the kind of refutation you have nothing to say. He simply uses his own rhythm. No matter what you say, he will slap you anyway. It makes your teeth itch.

Looking coldly at Nanwu Sanqianjiedi Bodhisattva, Zhou Zhang was very willing to beat him up, but after all, it was not an enemy's face, and they still maintained a friendly atmosphere. Zhou Zhang didn't care about him and twisted. Ma Tou, walked past him, and said from a distance, "Whether it's a situation or not, you protect that girl, you can deal with the wicked according to your mercy, but if the wicked continues to do evil, then you will wait for me to suffer. rage!"

From this sentence, it can be seen that Zhou Zhang is indeed a little angry, but the sluggish Nanwu Sanqianjiedi Bodhisattva regained his energy instantly, turned his hands together and asked: "Since the donor feels poor The monk's handling is inappropriate, if not, you will handle this matter! The poor monk should not interfere!"

Zhou Zhang turned his head slightly, his expression became even colder, this person did it on purpose, he wanted to argue with him, as long as he handled it himself, he would definitely kill a wicked person, and kidnapping a girl is definitely not worthy of forgiveness, and then, this guy It will argue out loud, and then go back to the beginning and start a debate.

Zhou Zhang is indeed not good at such debating language confrontation, but, his mind is turning too fast now, and he waved his hand lightly: "I think that girl and those two people are locked in a room. It's best to keep it for a year and a half, no hatred can be reduced."

Say it!Zhou Zhang rode his horse straight forward without even the slightest desire to turn back. This is not anger, but forcing the palace. I would like to see how you, a bodhisattva, saves the suffering. Although it is an enemy, although these people Zhou Zhang hates, it is not allowed. I don't admit it, they are indeed quite merciful, no matter what they pretend to be or what, at least among mortals, they are indeed kind.

Therefore, Zhou Zhang is not worried about the safety of the girl at all, this guy will be saved no matter what, otherwise he will be hard to believe.

However, Namo Sanqianjiedi Bodhisattva was stunned in place, and the whole person had a feeling of being shattered by others. It should not be like this!How should I say the big set of rhetoric I prepared?In order to find such a thing that happened just when Zhou Zhang passed by, he had been planning for more than ten days.

No way, he is really unlikely to use his own mana to deceive Zhou Zhang, he can only use real cases.

"No, no!"

At this moment, the girl's screams sounded again. It turned out that the two villains were really daring, so many things had already happened, and such terrifying people were clearly from heaven. When they dared to escape, Trying to pull this girl away is simply daring.

Zhou Zhang, who had walked some distance away, froze his fingers. He really didn't care about doing general things, but he couldn't ignore the matter of kidnapping the girl, and his murderous intentions arose again. Fortunately, that Bodhisattva is not a villain. Helplessly glanced at Zhou Zhang's back, turned around and waved his hand, two Buddha lights poured out, imprisoning the two strong men in place.

Then a long string of Buddhist scriptures blurted out and turned into symbols that appeared one by one to cover the three people. A trace of anger flashed across the handsome cheeks of the Three Thousand Jieti Bodhisattva Namo, looking at the two villains aggressively and asked, "Suppose, it's not her that you want to take away, but the relatives, sister, mother of one of you. , even wives, how are you feeling?"

As soon as these words came out, the two villains didn't react, but they heard a faint voice beside them.

"Well, there's something!" Zhou Zhang rode a horse and stood beside the Bodhisattva, touching his chin and asking, "What if their evil intentions don't change?"

Namo Sanqianjieti Bodhisattva trembled, he really didn't expect Zhou Zhang to go and return, and he didn't want to answer any questions, but he couldn't be like Zhou Zhang, and said peacefully: "No one is born evil. , as long as he keeps educating him, he will surely have an epiphany one day, and I would like to keep them by my side and influence them with pure kindness until they understand the meaning of compassion."

"Aspirational!" Zhou Zhang gave a thumbs up again, and I have to say that in terms of these few words alone, he is indeed a Bodhisattva, and Zhou Zhang is really too lazy to fight with him. Going to Wuzhi Mountain, I just said from a distance: "I hope you don't change your original intention."

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