The words are divided into two parts, and the two brothers Zhou Zhang are even more fearless. The two of them are daring masters. In addition, they have no good feelings for Zhen Yuanzi, and they don't save any face. Halfway through, Sun Wukong goes out. After walking around, I walked back with a few peaches.

Zhou Zhang reached out and took a peach and took a bite. He had to admit that the taste was no less than that of a fairy peach, but it contained less fairy energy. He looked at Sun Wukong and said with a smile: "Senior brother, you are here to steal someone's ginseng fruit. Go!"

"That's right, the old man is respectful before and after. I don't look very pleasing to the eye. I'm going to steal a few fruits to try it out."

"Didn't steal it!"

"Well, I didn't steal it. The fruit is fine. It's a thief. I'll pick one and run the other."

"Haha!" Zhou Zhang smiled softly and said in a low voice, "You can't pick the fruit with your hands. If there is a way to go inside, let's not hurry, take your time!"

As he spoke, Zhou Zhang saw a row of pavilions and pavilions appeared in front of him. He pulled Sun Wukong into the most luxurious room. He unpacked and threw it on the table. He found a seat and sat down. He also jumped onto the table and squatted, tugged at the package a few times, and then shouted, "Is there anyone here? That's how you entertain guests? Hurry up and get my grandson some clean clothes."

Guanyin Bodhisattva entered and ignored the two of them. He glanced at the package that was thrown to the side, but he didn't reach out to take it back. Instead, he also found a seat and sat down. I don't know what she thought about it now. something.

Sun Wukong roared, but no one responded, as if they didn't exist, Sun Wukong was so violent, he took out a golden hoop from his ear, and roared: "If you don't come out again, my old grandson will smash your broken Taoist temple into rubble. ."

Before he finished speaking, four or five boys rushed in from outside the door. The first one pointed at Sun Wukong and scolded: "You hozen, do we really think we are afraid of you? Be careful and throw you in a frying pan and fry it."

The two boys at the front were obviously of higher rank, and their faces were full of anger, but they didn't have much fear, and waited fiercely for Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong jumped up suddenly, the golden hoop in his hand trembled with light, and he was about to smash his tendons and fractures. Fortunately, Guanyin Bodhisattva slammed his eyes and said with a holy and majestic aura: "What are you doing?"

For some reason, Sun Wuqi was a little weaker and stopped talking with a stick. Then, the three boys behind the two boys came up with a plate and placed it tremblingly on the table of Guanyin Bodhisattva, and said carefully. : "Bodhisattva, this is a ginseng fruit. Our master asked us to send it. The reception was not good. I hope you understand."

There is a layer of cloth on the tray, and a ginseng fruit is placed on the cloth, like a child who has not reached the age of three, with all the five senses and limbs.

The Bodhisattva frowned. For some reason, he first looked back at Zhou Zhang, then waved his hand and said, "This fruit is already in human form, and it is not easy to eat. You can take it back!"

Of course, the boy wished he could take the fruit and disappear immediately, but the person in front of him was Guanyin Bodhisattva, so naturally he did not dare to neglect. Besides, he was afraid of being crushed to death by a stick. Before he came, he finally asked for the names of Qingfeng and Mingyue. The boy accompanied him, and if they saw that they didn't make it clear, they would definitely suffer a little.

However, before he could explain it clearly, he saw Guanyin Bodhisattva suddenly turned his head to look at Zhou Zhang and said, "Do you want to eat?"

These three words are simply powerful, shaking everyone inside and outside the house, in the light and dark, to their place.

Chapter [-]: Do you dare to shake your face?

Vaguely, almost everyone knew why Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva followed Zhou Zhang and Sun Wukong to the Wuzhuang Temple. That was because Zhou Zhang, a bastard, had robbed the Bodhisattva of his belongings. The Bodhisattva was chasing after him, but at the gate of the courtyard. It has already caught up, but the Bodhisattva did not make a move. It can also be said to be compassionate.

Then, the bastard Zhou Zhang disrespectfully called and walked away, which made the brains of countless people not enough, and only thought that it was the great compassion of the Buddhist family, which was to influence the mind of this demon.

But now what?

How can there be such gangsters and victims, just... Thinking of this, everyone feels that their minds are a little dead, and they don't dare to think about it any more.

But the bastard waved his hand and said indifferently: "I don't eat, you don't have to worry about me, if you want to eat, just eat it yourself, if you don't eat it, don't eat it for nothing!"

Have you forgotten who you are?This victim is weird, this gangster is even weirder, do you know that the one who is talking to you is the Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva who saves the suffering, not your family...

All of a sudden, everyone in the courtyard and outside the courtyard was completely dead, and their brains completely turned into hard stones, and they would not turn around.

Guanyin Bodhisattva also paused subconsciously. She didn't know why she blurted out her words. Maybe it was because this bastard didn't think of himself as the Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva who rescued the suffering and suffering, so he subconsciously regarded himself as himself. made ordinary people.

However, she is the Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva after all, she doesn't care if she turns her eyes, she can swear not to become a Buddha in order to save the suffering, how could such a mind change because she cares about other people's eyes, she smiled peacefully and said, "I don't want to eat it. "Then he turned his head to look at the stunned boy in front of him, waved his hand and said, "You better take it back! Thank you for your hospitality."

The boy had a face, his facial features were distorted, his expression became extremely complicated for a while, he subconsciously picked up the tray and wanted to go out, but his gaze stopped, the ginseng fruit on the tray disappeared, and then Then I heard the gnawing sound: "You don't eat, my grandson eats."

The boy was stunned, turned his head to look, and couldn't care less, and hurriedly shouted: "I can't eat, I can't eat!" Qingfeng Mingyue behind him also reacted, and he stepped forward to grab it.

At this moment, Zhen Yuanzi walked in from outside the yard, saw this scene and shouted: "What are you doing? No big or small!"

Suddenly, Qingfeng Mingyue froze, then retreated tremblingly, watching Sun Wukong swallow the individual ginseng fruit in three groups, they didn't know, this time, it was saved their lives, The murderer Sun Wukong, when he was unhappy and said that he smashed people into meat patties, he also smashed them into meat patties.

Zhen Yuanzi waved his hand and drove all the boys out of the door, as if he couldn't see the two brothers Zhou Zhang, he cupped his hands towards Guanyin Bodhisattva and said: "Bodhisattva does not know, this ginseng fruit was opened in the beginning of chaos. He was born in this world at the age of [-] years, blooms every three thousand years, bears fruit every three thousand years, matures every three thousand years, and can be eaten after ten thousand years. Moreover, such a huge branch can only bear thirty fruits in ten thousand years. "

"As long as you become an immortal, if you eat one piece from a true immortal, you can directly cross a big realm, and you can use it infinitely. Above a true immortal, even if you eat one piece of Da Luo Jinxian, you can completely improve your physique, and directly cross a small realm, even if a saint eats one. It can also consolidate strength, not to mention ordinary people, if a mortal is lucky enough to smell it, they can live to three hundred and sixty years old, and if they can eat one bite, they can live for more than [-] years.”

After some explanation, even Guanyin Bodhisattva couldn't help showing slight traces of surprise. If what he said was true, this fruit is simply the first-class treasure in the world.

But Zhen Yuanzi took the time to say: "You guys go and pick two more ginseng fruits. I want to share one with the Bodhisattva. Bodhisattva, you must not refuse this time, this..."


Before he could finish speaking, Zhen Yuanzi hurriedly ducked to the side, and then saw a azure blue flower on the other side of his seat, he sneered: "What do you mean? Go to someone else's house to be wild. ? It's just too deceiving."

Say it!Looking at Guanyin Bodhisattva, I was ready to say a few scenes.


However, how could Zhou Zhang give him time to react? He spread his wings behind his back and disappeared into the room in an instant, and a voice resounded in the distance: "Senior brother, please temporarily block this old ox-nosed Taoist, I will go and take that Pull the tree back, let's hug the tree and eat!"

The golden hoop rod rose in the wind, and Sun Wukong pointed at Zhen Yuanzi with the stick upright, hehe smiled grimly: "Senior brother, I have been waiting for a long time, and today I have to smash your broken Taoist temple!"

Zhen Yuanzi sneered, although the outburst of the other party was somewhat unexpected, but it didn't exceed too much, and he wanted to do it for a long time: "Two madmen, I will let you know today that this Wuzhuang Temple is not something you can do. In the wild place, look today, the old man blew you up alive!"

Then he glanced vaguely at the Guanyin Bodhisattva who stood up. He was standing and bowing. Moreover, he had always had a good relationship with Daling Mountain, and his hospitality was considered considerate. It was not enough for this Guanyin Bodhisattva, who saved the suffering, to stand by and watch by himself. It can destroy these two madmen, plus a Guanyin Bodhisattva, it is absolutely foolproof.

However, just when Guanyin Bodhisattva wanted to open his mouth to say something, another sentence came from outside: "Little Guanyin, remember our gambling, and come back later to share half of the plants with you."

Zhen Yuanzi's heart sank in an instant, he felt as if he had an ominous premonition shrouded around him, and Zhou Zhang's short burst speed was definitely unparalleled in the world. Outside the yard of the tree, two golden lights were thrown with a flick of the hand.


With a loud shout, the two boys guarding the door were locked in place, and then looked up at the yard. The yard wall doesn't seem to be high, but there is a barrier on it. Although it can be smashed, However, Zhou Zhang didn't bother to bother, Zhou Zhang turned into a mist, and got in through the crack of the door.

As soon as I entered the courtyard, I felt the aura coming towards my face, completely wrapping Zhou Zhang. There was even a stream formed by the condensed spiritual energy flowing slowly at the foot. The space here is simply an excellent place to practice the exercises. Ten years of work in the outside world is simply irresistible!

It can also be seen that the strength of this Zhen Yuanzi must be extremely terrifying, otherwise, he would never be able to keep such a treasure, even the most valuable planting treasure in the sky and the earth, more than the so-called fairy peach. Much stronger.

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