
Zhou Zhang himself took a deep breath, this sentence... It was too unexpected, that is Guanyin Bodhisattva!Although I can't talk about how much respect I have, I don't believe in Buddhism after all, but I have to say that I still have a lot of admiration in my heart, but now, but... This provocation of myself will not be a provocation. Shocking events!

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva moves the hearts of ordinary people. If this is spread out, the Tathagata Buddha will fall from the lotus platform in fright.

Zhou Zhang is still like this, not to mention Zhen Yuanzi, he only feels cold hands and feet, and his heart keeps sinking, but even so, he still can't suppress the shock in his heart, it is unbelievable to the extreme ,how can that be?This is absolutely impossible!The Bodhisattva may be just a lover, and he wants to return to Buddhism. After all, the talent of this kid is indeed a little scary.

The golden hoop stick in Sun Wukong's hand fell to the ground with a clatter, and his eyeballs almost bulged out of his sockets. Looking at Zhou Zhang and Guanyin Bodhisattva, he felt that it was too unreal. Although there were some small guesses before, but killing him would also be unreal. I can't believe it will develop like this.

Is there really such a thing as love at first sight?

The performance of the three people is simply too much. If they were ordinary women, they would have hidden their faces and avoided them. However, Guanyin Bodhisattva is Guanyin Bodhisattva. Hom is general, hands clasped together: "The enemy should be tied but not solved! It's best if you can each take a step back, if not, then I can report you not to die!"

As soon as this sentence came out, it seemed fair, but Zhen Yuanzi almost broke his back molars, and now he is the strongest, but in a few days?It has only been so long, this kid has already crossed three realms and has already formed a grudge, how dare he let him leave alive.

Even if it is the price of being chased and killed, this time, they must be killed. Zhen Yuanzi's eyes are even more gloomy, but there are not many surprises in his heart. Well, there is this sooner or later.

If you can't avoid it, then do your best!

The moment Zhen Yuanzi settled down, Zhou Zhang felt his heart tighten. From his point of view, it was not actually a deadly vengeance, but he had the idea of ​​digging ginseng fruit trees, so he was not ready to get along with Zhen Yuanzi, and he would definitely Impossible, this battle is unavoidable, in this case, Zhou Zhang picked up the ginseng fruit in his hand and took a bite.

Chapter [-] The war will start

"Whoa, whoa!"

A gust of wind surged, the branches and leaves of the ginseng fruit tree swayed, and even the trunk swayed slightly, Zhou Zhang was enveloped in a strong and extremely rich fairy energy, and then, like a whale drinking a cow, the fairy energy was fast. It poured into Zhou Zhang's body, and Zhou Zhang's aura became much stronger.


Indistinctly, as if he could hear the sound of nephew Hao breaking in his body, Zhou Zhang's whole body was full of light, and everything in the mountains and rivers faintly appeared in his eyes, and then disappeared, but it became a little brighter.

"Quasi-Saint Eighth-Order?"

Sun Wukong was the closest, and was the first to react. He took a step back uncontrollably and slammed his head into the tree trunk. He was in a state of sluggishness. He was the only genius in the world, but, At this moment, there was a wry smile on the corner of his mouth: "Junior brother! Your talent scares me."

"Don't you... have no bottlenecks?"

Sun Wukong is still like this, not to mention Zhenyuanzi, his eyes are about to bulge out of his sockets, and the whole person is in a state of ignorance, so he made a breakthrough?Such a simple breakthrough?You must know that I was in this realm hundreds of thousands of years ago. Although it is indeed much higher than Zhou Zhang, I remember that when I stepped from the seventh rank to the eighth rank, I practiced under this ginseng fruit tree. Three thousand years!

However, Guanyin Bodhisattva's eyes were glowing. She seemed to have found a perfect reason for herself, that is, she must bring Zhou Zhang back to Daling Mountain, so that he naturally couldn't let him die here.

For about three minutes, the three people didn't have any response, and then gradually recovered, Sun Wukong was still surprised, the eyes of Guanyin Bodhisattva shone brightly, but Zhenyuanzi's killing intention was even more serious. If you can't make a good relationship, then you can only kill, kill!

"All the boys obey orders!"

Zhen Yuanzi waved his long sleeves and said in a voice like thunder: "Close the mountain gate, take a weapon, form a magic formation, and kill anyone other than this gate!"

At this moment, why the revenge is no longer important, what plan, what relief is not important, if you don't die, you must fight to the death.

"Haha!" Sun Wukong looked up at the sky and laughed, his voice spread out in a mighty voice, and his fighting spirit burst into flames: "Battle will fight, my old grandson is not afraid, it's just that the name of this riot at Wuzhuangguan is not loud enough! "

Zhou Zhang also bent down slightly to maintain an attacking posture. Affected by Sun Wukong's fighting spirit, his blood was also boiling, and he said loudly: "Don't worry, this is just an appetizer. When there is a chance in the future, let's have a big havoc on Lingshan." He warmed up slightly. , completely forgot that there is another Guanyin Bodhisattva.

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of the Bodhisattva were sharp, but there was only anger and no murderous intention. Zhou Zhang caught it, and then...how to punish it, I haven't thought about it yet.


"Dump Dump"

After the fierce closing of the door, countless footsteps swept in from all directions, the floating clouds above the sky were torn into countless tiny pieces, and countless disciples occupied the sky, connecting each other into lines, forming a A mysterious magic formation descended from the sky, covering the escape route.

Zhou Zhang raised his head and glanced at it. There was also the atmosphere of the spirit formation outside the courtyard wall. It seems that this ginseng fruit tree can stay in the courtyard of the Wuzhuang Temple safely and securely because it is definitely the most reliable defense. Place, it seems that this is also a self-inflicted trap.

"Senior brother, it seems that it is not easy for us to escape this time."

"What? Are you afraid?" Sun Wukong turned his head slightly, the battle ahead, his whole temperament changed, usually he is a bit naughty and motivated monkey, but when the war is about to start, he is the one who lifts The Great Sage Monkey King who turned the heavens and made a havoc in the Heavenly Palace.

"Afraid?" Zhou Zhang's eyes shone brightly, and his whole body was as sharp as an unsheathed sword: "Since I dared to come, and since I was ready to dig this ginseng fruit tree, how could I have never thought of encountering such a situation? , Zhen Yuanzi is not an invincible fairy, killing him... is just a flash of thought!"

Before he finished speaking, Sun Wukong saw Zhou Zhang slamming his fist at the void in front of him, as if going crazy.

Zhen Yuanzi was also stunned. Although this kid is a genius, he didn't expect that his mental quality was so poor. Could it be that he was scared stupid?Guanyin Bodhisattva also stared blankly, puzzled.

However, at this moment, Zhou Zhang gently hooked his fingers with his other hand, and a sneer sneered at the corner of his mouth!

"Dariyan Huayin·Water·Banhua!"


Heaven and earth have changed, the whole Wuzhuang Temple, even Wanshou Mountain, every road that Zhou Zhang walked, every step he fell, a blue flower rose up, and in that moment, between heaven and earth, it was like being dyed There was a light blue haze.

With Zhou Zhang's character, when Zhen Yuanzi didn't treat him kindly at first, he would definitely beat people in a rage. He rarely waited until the other person said the second disrespectful words when he beat people, but this time, he was so stable. For a long time, how could there be no preparation at all!


The enchantment above the sky shattered instantly, and countless disciples opened their mouths like lightning strikes and spat out a mouthful of blood. The formation could no longer be condensed, and exploded into light spots all over the sky, as gorgeous as fireworks.


Then, Zhen Yuanzi screamed, and the whole person was like a meteor, and flew towards Zhou Zhang uncontrollably. When he finally controlled his body, a waving fist had already smashed down, smashing hard. It hit him on the side of the face, and in an instant, his head hummed, and the whole world turned upside down.

Rather than saying that he was punched, it would be better to say that he slammed into the other's waving fist.


With a loud bang, Zhou Zhang looked at the place where Zhen Yuanzi fell, and shook his hand regretfully. Even if he was prepared, it was just a punch. Moreover, Zhen Yuanzi was obviously able to resist that kind of space. There is a sense of tearing, and sure enough, the gap between the realms is insurmountable.

However, this scene was enough to shock everyone, including Zhen Yuanzi himself who was smashed into the air.

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