It is about to be picked now, Tathagata Buddha, come quickly!

If it weren't for Zhou Zhang being his own younger brother, Sun Wukong would have the heart to tip off the news. If this matter were to spread out, it would definitely be turned upside down. No matter how you look at it, it would be so unreal.

Of course, this only seems to be a little bit of a sign. If this is really a fact, Sun Wukong will doubt his life.

Of course, it is precisely because of this that although the two of them are a little intimate, he doesn't notice anything. Zhou Zhang just feels that this Bodhisattva should not be a bad person. Although Daling Mountain is destined to be an enemy, she can be saved. It would be better if it could be pulled over. Buddhism can make people change their faces, why can’t Taoism?

Guanyin Bodhisattva just felt that he was a little unstable in the Buddha's mind, but he couldn't grasp the key points. He was in a state of half daze and half indifference. This is a person with firm will. Buddha, if he thinks it is not suitable to practice Buddhism, he will definitely give up without hesitation.

"But..." Guanyin Bodhisattva squinted at Zhou Zhang next to him, got closer, and said in a lower voice, "That Lingtai Mountain, did you really find anything unusual?"

Zhou Zhang's eyes flickered with thought, but he slowly shook his head, but immediately, his eyes lit up and exclaimed: "The top of the mountain? My master lives on the mountainside, but the top of the mountain is, and, the highest point of Lingtai Mountain. It's not the top of the mountain, but the top of that half of the mountain!"

When Guanyin Bodhisattva heard the words, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he was a little shocked. It seems that the Bodhi Patriarch was really kind to this little thief. He even told this kind of thing. He doesn't know more than himself, right?What a shame.

"Well, yes, I heard that Buzhou Mountain is the pillar that supports the heaven and the earth. It is unattainable and indestructible. Moreover, there is a natural forbidden area on the top of the mountain, and there is an area on the mountainside that was once shackled by witchcraft. The clan used to set up a cage, and after the Buzhou Mountain was broken, the cage remained on this half, and it is said that it was at the top of this half."

"Furthermore, it should be locked up, and it should be considered a secret. I have not inquired about it. The specific situation is really unclear. However, I know that Lingtai Fangcun Mountain is not a real mountain."

Although there was an accident, it was not too unexpected. In fact, he could feel something from the [-]rd step climbing the ladder. However, he did not agree with the words of Guanyin Bodhisattva. Lingtai Mountain should be a combination of reality and reality, and there is illusion. There are some parts, but there are also real parts. The question is, which ones are unreal and which ones are real?

Also, Lingtai Fangcun Mountain, Xieyue Sanxingdong, these words are names, but if you think about them carefully, they contain special meanings!

However, other than that, there are almost no clues, so the reasoning to this step is already a limit, and going deeper can only be guesswork.

Zhou Zhang did not continue to hold on to this question and thought about it, but temporarily put it behind his head. A ray of consciousness entered the world tree space, and he was going to take out the ginseng fruit tree and give half of it to Guanyin Bodhisattva. After all, he said that he would bet this. It's a matter of fact, it can't be unbelievable!

However, as soon as a wisp of consciousness entered the world tree space, Zhou Zhang felt the difference. The ginseng fruit tree had shrunk by more than ten times, and it was still shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Moreover, the whole environment seems to have undergone earth-shaking changes!

Chapter [-] Changes in the World Tree

"The details will be discussed later. I have some cultivation problems that need to be dealt with!"

Zhou Zhang pulled out a wisp of consciousness, looked at Sun Wukong and Guanyin Bodhisattva and said, "Trouble, help me look around, I'll be right back!" Say it!Zhou Zhang didn't wait for Sun Wukong and Guanyin Bodhisattva to say more, turned around and ran to sit down on a large rock, closed his eyes and concentrated, and took back all his consciousness.

This time, I couldn't enter the World Tree space completely, I could only use my consciousness to see it.


When the conscious body was unsheathed, he heard a low-pitched sound in the surrounding space, like a tattered bell, and there was a dying mosquito inside. I saw a hazy light shrouded in the vicinity of Lingtai Mountain.

Looking a bit peculiar, but not too provocative, Zhou Zhang glanced at it, but he couldn't care less, and his consciousness hurriedly got into the World Tree space, where his wife was there.

Originally, the World Tree was actually very boring. Except for the palace built by Zhou Zhang, it could be said to be nothing and chaos.

However, at this moment, there is a kind of gorgeous color emerging. The ginseng fruit tree is shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye. It is not shrinking or withering, but shrinking as a whole, as if it was compressed by something.

Such a huge movement also alarmed the girls who were practicing, and they got up and rushed over. Liu Ruyu, who was at the front, was not too surprised to see Zhou Zhang. After all, Zhou Zhang would come to the World Tree space for a few days if he had nothing to do. Coupled with the difference in the flow of time, it seems that she only saw Zhou Zhang yesterday.

Therefore, her eyes more often fell on the ginseng fruit tree, and then she exclaimed and asked, "Husband, did you come back with something?"

Then, Wu Meiniang, Zhou Shi'er and other daughters also rushed over one after another. After all, the space is not large, but their eyes were more on Zhou Zhang. Wu Meiniang's eyes were bright: "Husband, your temperament seems to be different, There is a taste of wisdom!"

Zhou Zhang looked at the movements around him for a while, and said this as if he was not wise before, and smiled lightly: "Well, I have been successful in my practice during this time, and my mind is clear."

Hearing Zhou Zhang's answer, the wives immediately gathered around, and then no one paid attention to the changes around, even Liu Ruyu asked in a loss: "Is the flood really so scary? How long has it been? The temperament has changed so dramatically.”

"Furthermore, the strength is also terrifyingly strong. I actually felt goosebumps standing beside me, and my skin was aching from being stabbed."

Zhou Zhang heard the words, and hurriedly restrained his mind. Fortunately, these were his wives. The relationship was close, and the feeling of coercion would have weakened a lot. Otherwise, if they were replaced by beings with similar strength to them, it is possible to rely on unconscious coercion alone. crush people to death.

The prestige of the quasi-sage is evident.

"Well, it's much more comfortable!"

Wu Meiniang let out a long sigh of relief, she always felt uncomfortable before, as if she was facing a big mountain, clearly standing in front of her, but Zhou Zhang's face always gave people a vague feeling.

Zhou Zhang didn't explain too much. He minimized his own pressure and said, "You all gather by my side, and this space may change drastically."

As soon as the voice fell, Zhou Zhang heard the voice of the system: "The world is born, chaos is coming, please leave the host quickly."

Zhou Zhang frowned fiercely, and he didn't know if this was a good thing or a bad thing, but in the end, there was definitely danger coming, it didn't matter if he left, but what about his wives?Not to mention that they can't enter the prehistoric world, even if they can enter, I don't want to bring them in.

The one with the highest cultivation level among them is the nine-tailed celestial fox Liu Ruyu, but it is only in the realm of real immortals. This kind of strength is no different from an ordinary heavenly soldier, and it is too dangerous.

However, Zhou Zhang's current thinking speed is simply beyond imagination, but in the next second, he moved consciously and opened his character panel to see that the light of the world of rules and serenity was still there, and there was a feeling of being connected to his own blood. , Without too much hesitation, Zhou Zhang clicked the button and disappeared into the World Tree space with his many wives.

The time flow of the ruled world of serenity was originally more than ten times faster than that of the prehistoric world. However, since Zhou Zhang took over, with a little change in the environment, the flow of time has slowed down, and the flow of time is now faster than that of the prehistoric heaven. It's half a day later, and it's only half a day here.

Zhou Zhang's five hundred years are only two hundred and fifty days here. Although the numbers are not so beautiful, it is almost a year.

Of course, Zhou Zhang has been here many times during this period of time. After all, he is his own wife. It is not good for him to favor one over the other. All have affection, naturally I have to be fortunate to myself.

However, in the past, Zhou Zhang went back and forth alone, but this time he brought a lot of people, and Zhou Zhang was not sure. Fortunately, there was no accident, and Wu Meiniang and the other women were not panicked. The first time, the second time was not so surprising.

As soon as she landed, she heard Wu Meiniang frown and sigh, "Why is this world so chaotic?"

This garbled word is used very well. Today's rules of serenity can only be described with garbled words. Of course, it's not that people are confused, but the world is chaotic, and people's hearts are extremely united. Zhou Zhang's new emperor ascended the throne, plus the name of the savior Head, everyone in this world admires from the bottom of their hearts.

Among the people, more than seven layers are the fanatical believers of Zhou Zhang, and the remaining [-]% are die-hards, but they are not so fanatical. This is the base camp of Zhou Zhang, which is truly foolproof.

However, chaos is the chaos in the environment. After almost a year, the various layers separated from the upper and lower parts have begun to collapse, merged by one-third, and are in the most drastic change. Therefore, the environment gives the impression that Messy, the color intersection is also extremely incredible, mottled chaos.

Zhou Zhang smiled with satisfaction. This is a good phenomenon. It is estimated that in a year or two, the world will completely change and become his own back garden. Moreover, after this experiment, he will be able to bring others with him. Come on, the wives in your apocalyptic world should be fine!

The separation of so many wives was a hassle for Zhou Zhang. How could they gather together and sleep in a big quilt to save trouble and effort. Anyway, his fighting power should be more than enough to deal with them.

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